Friday, July 10, 2009

What Are The Short Term Effects Of Cystic Fibro

What hides Influenza A (H1N1)

certainly Influenza A (H1N1) has become a very serious problem in our country and should be treated as such, especially because of its rapid spread and its fatal consequences. There are 2677 cases and 82 confirmed deaths. We must be precabidos and try to mitigate as much rehash cases ...

Having said this, and without taking any kind of gravity to this flu, which really surprised me this disease is the high media attention that is given and certain irregularities of it because one thing is to inform and to prevent another scare and sell more ...

But beyond the media, there are some devastating injustices caused by other diseases that tend not to mention against the advent of Influenza A:

Today two million people die annually from malaria and could be prevented with a vaccine. However, most media do not publish any articles about it.

Worldwide, two million die each year of children with diarrhea, which could be cured with oral rehydration salts for 25 cents. But this does not get the media attention that has gained influenza A.

killed about 10 million people annually because of diseases like Sarapion, nuemonías, diseases can be prevented by vaccination early and cheap. But this is not heard much.

Not to mention the many millions of people who die from the scourges of AIDS and malnutrition. That can be prevented with strong prevention campaigns. However, neither these stripes get the press of Influenza A.

Without going too far, 10 people die of flu each year in our country. These numbers would give around 3700 deaths per year from seasonal flu. Ie 42 times the death toll that has caused the so-called swine flu.

But most amazing is that this swine flu Roche and Glaxo, two laboratories have the patent for Tamiflu (drug used to treat influenza A), have been saved from near bankruptcy due to massive demand Governments and people of all the world ... Strange?

I really do not know ... What I am convinced of is that if governments pay attention and allocate the amount of money being allocated to all preventable diseases, starting with malnutrition, could save millions of lives annually ... Because behind the numbers are hiding human faces, the same as ours, that have been neglected and plagued by diseases that can be prevented. Again

write: influenza is serious and it is good to act quickly and with funding (about 1000 million spent so far) to combat it. But it is also necessary to pay attention to all diseases alike. What is missing is a good system of comprehensive and equitable health for all, with which we can prevent and tackle these scourges that befall us.