Monday, August 10, 2009

Easy Guide To Make A Sausage Dog Draught Excluder

To ensure only one poor ...

Hola a todos,

Lamento este downtime, but I was with some final exams. But back to writing:

From the recent statements of Pope Benedict XVI, in which it expressed its deep concern about "the scandal of poverty" in Argentina, claiming 40% of the population mired in poverty, there arose a great discussion about the number of poor. Clearly this issue with INDEC indices speaking 15% of the poor and also those of Nestor Kirchner said that poverty is at 20, 21, 22% ... Figures

usual, but behind those figures are human faces, faces that do not have access to their most basic needs at that make us human. Lack of hygiene, confinement, disease, starvation and denial of human rights are commonplace behind those enigmatic figures ...

And beyond the figures themselves outrageous, there should be no poor person, no human being should be subjected to poverty and where there is only poor, there will be violated human rights and a state debt.

is unfortunate that we have to discuss figures and no state policies that address poverty reduction and more in a country as wealthy as ours

already said several experts as the Secretary General of the United Nations: We are the first generation with the capacity to eradicate poverty once and for all, no need for resources but the ability to coordinate and agree on policies to reduce ...

Like what?

The truth I am not a specialist subject, but from what I understand I think we should start from the basis of a universal income per child for children and avoid political patronage, which brings with it some social policies.

There are also very successful programs that have been implemented in Mexico (Oportunidades) and Brazil (Bolsa de Familia) that are called CCT (Conditional Cash Transfers) in which the state subsidizes families if they can demonstrate that they send their children to school and assure basic health conditions ...

Any policy must be supported by major infrastructure investments in education, health, employment generation and development of the slums (another scourge housing) ...

Finally, there are many discussions about the number of poor, but few about how to solve poverty.