Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lcd Keeps On Turning Off


Hope you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a VERY GOOD start
that we all deserve.

a big hug, JUAN

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Free Brazillion Wax Vifeod

The Paradox of War and Peace

Is not waging war to achieve peace one of the great paradoxes of human history?

This was the paradox posed by the President of the United States of America to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. It is true that sometimes no choice but to embartirse in a war fighting, but the war never creates peace because the war itself means destruction, death and pain. Peace building is generated daily diplomacy, economic aid, solidarity, democracy. Not war.

How paradoxical that the Nobel Peace Prize defend the war and prolonged occupation of Afghanistan. With this in no way am I endorsing the group Earthists Taliban, however, the U.S. occupation has led to an expansion of Taliban violence and not only this, but has allowed it to expand and cut his teeth in the territories of Pakistan.

Not only that, but in 1979 when Afghanistan was under Soviet rule, the U.S. put millions of dollars to arm the Afghan people so that he could drive the Soviets. However, when they had achieved their objective, the U.S. government did not allocate a single dollar to rebuild the country and a country afflicted with misery, is fertile place for dictators and extremists.

Unfortunately, Obama continues to represent the establishment of the "military industrial complex" that want to continue a war to secure peace, but can not think of ensuring stability, legal security, social justice and democracy to build a lasting peace. Pity

President Obama! Yet the world at his feet, gigantic expectations and a great political capital to really transform the United States postbush in a progressive, you argue the same speeches and conservative ideals the U.S. establishment.