Monday, May 25, 2009

Ford Fiesta 2010 Ipod Connection Problem

Development Assistance and Foreign Economic

the conference in Monterrey in March 2002, 22 of the world's richest countries agreed to allocate or 7% of its GDP and financial assistance to the poorest countries in the world. 6 months later, at a conference in Johannesburg, these same 22 countries reaffirmed their commitment to achieving that goal. This money would meet the 195 billion dollars needed to prevent cuasa deaths from hunger and preventable diseases worldwide.

However, after 7 years, most countries agreed to this commitment are not anywhere near 0.7%.

The following table can be seen (according to the amount of money spent by each signatory country:

not enough!

need specific financial aid policies and concise allocate resources to the alleviation of poverty and diseases like AIDS, malaria, etc. and ensure universal access to education. Financial aid should be invested in health, education, agriculture, infrastructure, strengthening of institutions and democracy. But most of all, this support must be designed to ensure that every human being, regardless of their place of birth, have equal opportunities.

What do you think of this?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Average Cost Of Coloring Hair

The new computer at School No. 37, Arana

Before going to the youth of the G20 conference, I visited several schools, with the help of British Council, in search of a more representative voice of the young Argentine. One of them was School No. 37 in the town of Arana, Partido de la Plata, where the English teacher, Reuben, welcomed us with open arms and daze us kids with their proposals of equal educational opportunities for all.

Unfortunately, after developing the activity, Ruben (the English teacher) told me that kids do not have access to computers and many do not have a computer at home and the school does not have one. Therefore, I told him the trip back would try to achieve this technological device to enable us to maximize the learning of children.

Last Thursday I visited, along with Ernesto the British Council, New School No. 37, Arana to tell them how I had been in the representation of your voice to the leaders of the G20. I asked many questions and thankfully I have answered them all. And apart from the talk, I let them installed a new computer for class 9th and for all other classes that want to use it, which had belonged to my great aunt, Hemilce, which in its 80-odd years sent mails to all family. I hope you use that gave my beloved aunt, it can involve all students in the School No. 37, where the computer can be used to write papers, to make powerpoint presentations, listening listenings of English, in order to the thousand and one utility that has the computer today.

In a technological world, computer use is a fundamental skill which is why, I felt that the students of School No. 37 should have access to this technology and enjoy it as much as possible.

Photos with the children of the School

not be surprised if they see a post from one of the boys from school because those committed to working together on an issue, as transcribed into the computer and then the teacher, Ruben, I will send him to that post in this blog ...

Interview with Professor of English at the School

Greetings, Juan

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gelatin Capsules Pregnancy

Drop by drop, the water is drained and

BY Barbara Burton

The pumping station Mitre Square was an imperfect by a pump with insomnia during the early hours of Friday May 1 stopped supplying water to the great city of Mar del Plata. TN said that on Thursday at 7 am. But this imperfect fit chose the best Thursday of the season to prove to the rulers who do not control what they believe or do not need to be controlled: 1 May Day worker: HOLIDAY. How convenient! Hayase seen! Long weekend and Mardel, one of the cities most important Argentine Atlantic Ocean, can not provide water or its residents or those who managed to "leave a few days" from the bustle of the metropolis.

At this point is essential to describe the impact of system failure Sanitation: the control room and pumping equipment Mitre Square were flooded so they had removed five million liters of water from the site and then remove 4 engines, dry, fix the engine responsible for imperfect and replace them catastrophic to your site, in addition to replace the wiring: work of 96 hours, or 4 days. The percentage of the population for a couple of hours a night had no access to drinking water is unknown, because in a quick maneuver was diverted through the interconnected flow (left isolated areas of the service anyway), was minimized receiving power to some areas and across different institutions had 28 water tankers to supply water to those in need. The aggrieved people of Mar del Plata could not wash their cars, use their pools, wash their clothes or "hose" their villages and not to mention the inconvenience they had people staying in hotels in the area.

On Friday night the problem affected 10% of the population marplatense: 30000 100000 residences are people (back) and on Sunday the number was the same: 3 rd consecutive day without water, that ordeal! The number of tanks was reduced to 17 key points in the city and offered a number 0810 (not 0800) to report neighbors who wash their cars or use the pools.
Just today, May 5th to normal water supply in Mar del Plata. Finally finished the "disaster that was in the city," said a neighbor with two empty plastic bottles waiting to fill them with holy water. The secretary of the city government said "we are optimistic" and end the matter.

Now is when I change some numbers, I move right on the world map and development on the real problem that means drinking water in over forty countries worldwide. According to a UNESCO study in 2007, one of every four people in the world lack access to clean water and other studies carried out 2400 million people (almost 50% of the world) do not have basic sanitation. Worldwide there are over a hundred countries in semi-arid conditions and drought: Africa is the continent most affected but remains closely Asia, then Latin America and the Caribbean to a lesser but important degree, finally, Spain.
The drinking water shortage is the reduced supply and poor water quality. There is widespread and mainly two reasons: some sustainable and inefficient management, and pollution of resources.
Given these two reasons, it is clear that the countries most affected are those with fewer tools and resources for sustainable development of the resource. They are the "Third World", "developed countries" and (personally I prefer the term) "EDC's." But beyond the analysis that can be done, I seek not to dwell on the variables of the problem but in the attention devoted to it. Why

what is that per 100000 people, of which a percentage (no matter which) were tourists, without water for 4 days is generated such media hype? Africa and Asia are just a few minutes a year in "The titles of today" in every news and few lines in the articles of opinion.
Is it because in some countries is not news, exactly, that lack water and Mardel it? Or because we believe that the problem is beyond us? Will not concern us because it affects us (or at least we think so)? Whatever it is ... the greatest tragedy in this incident are the 5 million gallons of water wasted ...