Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bushnell 1600 Vs 1500

"Voice of Youth," a talk in San Andres de Giles

Flag Day, on 20 June, I invited the people of my father and grandfather, San Andres de Giles, by the Rotary Club and the Club Argentino de Service to speak at a historic library of Giles (Alberdi) on youth participation.

More than a dissertation was a real conversation, where all participate and express our views, questions and opinions. It was a thorough discussion of many different topics, but first the importance of youth participation and citizenship in building a more democratic, fair, supportive and fair.

can make a difference, however small it may seem, they surely have a great impact on our lives and the lives of our neighbors. Without going any further, a teacher Us in Bangladesh began paying $ 27 to 42 people and then founded the microcredit movement in 39 years, took more than 5 million people out of poverty. This man is Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Yunus's example shows that the dedication and commitment to produce a small change can have a multiplier effect on our environment and community.

therefore ask, informémonos, participate and get involved in the fight against the injustices inherent in our society.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Myamme Hairstyles 2010

Malnutrition, a silent murderer

Child malnutrition affects children from 0 to 5 who do not get the calorie intake protein, vitamins and nutrients needed for healthy development. This tragedy is directly related to high levels of homelessness and poverty, inherent in our country. Statistically


6 million American children suffer from malnutrition.
Half of Argentina's population does not meet their basic food needs and other needs.
3% of Argentina's population, ie 1,200,000 people currently suffering from malnutrition.
Argentina produces food in a quantity necessary to supply 400 million people.

What are the serious consequences of child malnutrition? The

malnourished children and malnourished pregnant women, causing 20% \u200b\u200bmore likely than boys to die before age 20
have more risk of heart disease
have a more limited stature have lower intellectual development
, having lacked the necessary components to meet the brain cells, with reduced capabilities, repetition, etc.).


We can not be passive actors statistics of malnutrition, while more than one million people are malnourished around us. ... and these are not indices of Biafra in Africa, where images appear always tearing. The kids are starving around here: in our city, our province and our country ...

 Provide families of food needed to meet the needs of children either directly or through soup kitchens or school. 
direct subsidies to families with fewer resources, not utilities or food producers, as they end up benefiting the more affluent sectors of the population
 Create new community and school canteens to serve, every day feed needy children
neighborhood  Develop training and information to mothers to economic diet, balanced nutrition for their children
 Develop early learning programs for children, by educating mothers and multiplication of kindergartens, day nurseries, etc. 
Generating new jobs that allow families with their own resources to cover their basic needs.  Reduction
high inflation rates which deprive thousands of families access to basic foods

But really we can solve child malnutrition in Argentina we understand that the government, NGOs, companies, individuals and the community must work together to ensure a more just and equal, that offers equal opportunities to all people equally.

Truly, it is a shame that while we produce food for 400 million people, have a 3% of the population undernourished ...