Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bushnell 1600 Vs 1500

"Voice of Youth," a talk in San Andres de Giles

Flag Day, on 20 June, I invited the people of my father and grandfather, San Andres de Giles, by the Rotary Club and the Club Argentino de Service to speak at a historic library of Giles (Alberdi) on youth participation.

More than a dissertation was a real conversation, where all participate and express our views, questions and opinions. It was a thorough discussion of many different topics, but first the importance of youth participation and citizenship in building a more democratic, fair, supportive and fair.

can make a difference, however small it may seem, they surely have a great impact on our lives and the lives of our neighbors. Without going any further, a teacher Us in Bangladesh began paying $ 27 to 42 people and then founded the microcredit movement in 39 years, took more than 5 million people out of poverty. This man is Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Yunus's example shows that the dedication and commitment to produce a small change can have a multiplier effect on our environment and community.

therefore ask, informémonos, participate and get involved in the fight against the injustices inherent in our society.


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