Sunday, February 21, 2010

Eczema On Babies Wikipedia

Evo Morales - Bolivia's President

Today, I collected the videos of the interview, Daniel Filmus Evo Morales. It's very interesting to evaluate the figure of Evo Morales as the first indigenous president of Bolivia, a country with a clear Indian majority. Moreover, it could exercise a sort of parallel with Mandela because he was also the first black president of South Africa in a society where blacks were the majority.

Evo has made significant progress in the rights of indigenous peoples and greater redistribution of wealth in a deeply poor country such as Bolivia. Personally, I see the figure of Evo Morales as an idealistic and progressive man committed to the creation of a nation fair. This has generated several problems with the Bolivian elite is not willing to cede some of their wealth to such an extent that they were about to carry out a coup and raised several times the separation of the province of Santa Cruz from the rest of the country.

However, I welcome the fact that you have included the term limits on constitutional reform.

all its flaws, I think Evo is the true representative of a majority who have been oppressed for too long, but now you want to repair the historical damage. Witness the last presidential election where he won with 60% of the votes ... Watch the interview

worth and then I look forward to your comments


PART # 1

PART N ยบ 2

PART No. 3

PART No. 4

PART No. 5

PART No. 6

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Alcohol Swollen Ankles Causes

Interviews with Latin American presidents

Channel and Channel 7 have conducted a series of interviews with various American presidents seem to me very valuable ... They are on youtube. I will be inserting periodically so they can see all together on the blog.

Today: Michelle Bachelet

PART N ° 1

PART N ° 2

PART N ° 3

PART N ° 4

PART N ° 5

PART N ° 6

My comment: Actually, I found a very good interview. I find it extraordinary that a woman who has suffered so much during the last military dictatorship can develop a great resilience to enable it to look ahead and build a Chile more democratic and fair to all. I think his government has been positive (complete with about 75% of positive). However, the relationship that his ministry of education has had with groups of young Chilean students demanding greater democratization of the education system ( View the March of the Penguins) has been at some point authoritarian. But that is part of a global problem Chilean educational system ... I welcome your comments

Greetings, Juan

Can Iron Tablets Cause Dark Skin

social debt

Sorry I was a time without writing, but I'm back to writing and try to post one article per week (probably Monday).

The topic today is my responsibility exclusion and social debt with respect to youth. Recently, an article was published in the newspaper La Nation wherein Casaretto Bishop, citing figures from ECLAC reported that neither study nor work 900 000 boys aged 13 to 19 years.

Beyond the figure itself (which may be more or less) the lack of schooling and unemployment create an explosive cocktail that only leads to social exclusion and therefore to violence, drugs and poverty, all forms of structural violence. The boy is not going to school and can not get work is marginalized to a guy that society has turned its back and has not ensured the same opportunities as the rest of their age.

Consequently, a country with high rates of youth unemployment and school dropout is a profoundly unjust, not just economically but socially unfair is a country that does not promote the general welfare of the flags in the preamble to our Constitution .

My question then is: How can we

address youth unemployment and the completion of high school? I think the answer to this question must contain each of the actors of society in an alliance with the state and NGOs.

A difficult question that we must all answer as soon as possible to pay off this enormous debts.