Sunday, February 14, 2010

Alcohol Swollen Ankles Causes

Interviews with Latin American presidents

Channel and Channel 7 have conducted a series of interviews with various American presidents seem to me very valuable ... They are on youtube. I will be inserting periodically so they can see all together on the blog.

Today: Michelle Bachelet

PART N ° 1

PART N ° 2

PART N ° 3

PART N ° 4

PART N ° 5

PART N ° 6

My comment: Actually, I found a very good interview. I find it extraordinary that a woman who has suffered so much during the last military dictatorship can develop a great resilience to enable it to look ahead and build a Chile more democratic and fair to all. I think his government has been positive (complete with about 75% of positive). However, the relationship that his ministry of education has had with groups of young Chilean students demanding greater democratization of the education system ( View the March of the Penguins) has been at some point authoritarian. But that is part of a global problem Chilean educational system ... I welcome your comments

Greetings, Juan


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