Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Incesti Italiani Watch Online Ppv

"Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize? Nature versus Nurture

Recently the Norwegian committee that awards the Nobel Prize winners awarded to President Barak Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize, saying it had promoted dialogue and nuclear disarmament. According to the testament left by Alfred Nobel, the prize is awarded "to the person who has worked harder or better for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the holding and promotion of peace processes" . Thus joins Muhammed Yunus (creator of the Graeme Bank), Mother Teresa, Oscar Arias (President of Costa Rica), Al Gore (former vice president of EEU and promoter of the fight against climate change) and Jimmy Carter , among others.

To try to raise a discussion I would assess the three criteria set, as Nobel, to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

First, Obama "has worked over or better for fraternity between nations?

From the moment he assumes his presidency, Obama proposes a policy of open dialogue with all nations. From Iraq to Venezuela (Two opponents of the U.S. under President Bush), Bush said that "closer your hand and his fist." It is really very positive that has adopted a policy diametrically opposed to that of his predecessor. However, I think it has been merely a wish and have not seen any dialogue concrete.

Second: Obama has abolished or reduced in standing armies?

There are a lot difference, but in general terms we can save 2 measurements taken as withdrawing troops from Iraq and the closure of the Guantanamo base. However, the base at Guantanamo continues to operate for lack of political decision where will the prisoners and the war in Iraq continues. Not to mention that recently has increased the number of troops in Afghanistan.

Finally: Have you celebrated and promoted the peace process?

This is a larger question and more difficult to answer. Obama's desire to sign several treaties with Russia India and the nuclear powers to disable nuclear weapons is a way to promote peace processes. Moreover, one of his greatest achievements has been the fruitful relationship with Latin America, as evidenced in the recent Summit of the Americas. However, How to increase military bases in Colombia can be considered a peace process?

In conclusion, like everything, there are many blacks and whites to analyze whether Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. I think it's definitely a premature decision (perhaps have been better give it to the end of his term) and his rhetoric represents the values \u200b\u200bof the prize, but his actions leave much to be desired.

I think the award was given not to Barack Obama, the man, but the ideal that Obama represents, to democracy, pluralistic dialogue and a policy diametrically opposed to George W. Bush. I sincerely hope you do well and prove himself worthy of the prize, as there are high hopes that when Obama leaves office, we live in a world more peaceful, secure and democratic place to live.

I welcome your comments,
Hugs, Juan


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