Sunday, September 27, 2009

Burning Mouth Syndrome From Tongue Piercing

to change some issues and not everything is limited to the current theme, I like to raise a very interesting anthropological discussion:

"Human beings defined by our genes (Nature) or for our culture and environment (Nurture)?

words: Does our qualities are genetic or cultural and social?

This dilemma has been raised since the beginning of anthropology and many authors differ in their conclusions.

Many have even used, wrongly, the Darwinian theory of natural selection to state that really only should survive the fittest individuals (ie individuals with the best genes). Consequently, from this postulate, Sir Francis Galton in 1883, developed the theory of eugenics. Which posed to forced sterilization prevent the spread of biologically "insane." The "healthy" or "normal" were those who did not challenge the order of the system and adapting to the social rules. Those who did were called "deviant" because that threatened social stability.

This evil practice has served to legitimize the most terrible atrocities committed by humanity as the 'deviant' varied historical context: sometimes the Jews, other communists, and even women crazy. And as crazy as it may sound this theory has been applied in countries like Sweden until 1975.

This theory is based on the foundation of genetics as the basis of origin, present and future of man. That is, the man is like by their genes or the environment or culture, nor history, nor society has nothing to do with it.

Therefore, this type of foundation has created the diyuntiva between Natura (Nature and genes) versus Nurture (environment and culture).

However, in reality, poses biologist Matt Ridley: Nature versus Nurture is not, but Nature via Nurture. It means that in reality, the genes (Nature) and environmental factors (Nurture), interact with each other and in this process, the role of the environment, which has been denied by many eugenicists and biologists, is absolutely crucial. To illustrate: If a person has normal intelligence, but is constantly stimulated by his family since childhood, will have a greater chance of developing a genetically very smart guy, but it lacks the necessary stimulus.

In conclusion, genetics alone do not define anything as even the intelligence, strength, etc. are cultural and social constructions. Can not think human nature regardless of culture because we are social beings who construct absolutely all our life based on cultural parameters. Our genes will not be changed by our culture, but our abilities, skills and constructions are not only a small portion of our vast social culture.


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