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University and the New Man

weaknesses of Higher Education have served the President to move forward with his idea of \u200b\u200bthe university, which has overwhelming support of an uninformed public opinion and participation accomplice and treacherous people from academic institutions themselves, which in practice are a true Trojan horse.
deep response Ecuadorian University should be providing quality education, one whose contents respond appropriately to what the student needs to develop as an intellectual, emotional, moral and physical, and to perform well in various spaces society.

is in the university where the person should be valued as an axis of our world, ie the man before the student, as this is the result of the interaction of various factors intertwined with each other, whether innate or acquired nature, expressed in a human individuality. And as a human

be good or bad, honest or corrupt, or lazy worker, moral or sexual deviant, city or traitors. But any way the University, the supreme body of thought, politics and production, you can wash your hands, because it is proven that positive or negative values \u200b\u200bwill impact favorably or negatively on people who have been in their classrooms.

Understanding and accepting this is particularly important for the authorities and teachers, but it is understood that young people and their families.

There is no doubt that the many facets everyday at home and the university classroom and students converge on a projection of future career.

teachers, classmates and relatives of the young are deciphering his personality change, which is revealed in their expressions, their ideas and purposes. Is a social x-ray that clearly identifies who goes to college to study or traverse, which meets its obligations on time or not, to respond safely in an examination or blatantly copy.

is a circular relationship in which we are all partakers of the social product home and university commitment to the society. So no excuses, we are all responsible for achieving a new citizen, friendly, democratic, cooperative, hardworking and positive.

Of course, we can not be naive and ignore the economic, social and cultural rights are not optimal and systemically affect students, but in no circumstances be considered as an excuse for mediocrity, and should always be analyzed to guide social development of all its members.

reiterate, the mission of the university is to train students in a holistic manner, developing their skills and conceptual knowledge, procedural and evaluative. The profile should students reach the end of their studies should be an expression of the training outcome, when this great event happen, finally, will the New Man.


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