Monday, October 4, 2010

Damask Black And Silver Wrapping Paper

Wild and unlearned, as Europeans, our ancestors taught the "civilized" first world how to have a harmonious relationship with nature. Question that all we must also take into account. In particular, the centralized feudal seeking to impose on the rights of use, management and control of forests. centralists accumulate water, photosynthesis of trees (the carbon), pollination, soil fertility, ancestral knowledge about plants, culture and spiritual identity of the peoples in environmental services, through contracts, projects or programs that offer a negligible amount of money.
grazing, irrigation, planting, hunting, fishing, free transit, the use of trees for any domestic or commercial purpose, maintenance of culture and identity, tradition, remain in the hands of merchants from carbon transnational feudal lords with power penalties may apply coercive economic, judicial and penal against smallholders.

On The State shall have power over nature, knowledge and culture of the people to administer, manage, sell, trade, etc. through different mechanisms.

Because now the natural resources and biodiversity are considered strategic resources and therefore, the State retains title to them and as such exercises the steering, management, regulation, control and management thereof. In the best case, the real owners of rights, may be partakers of the use of resources that traditionally have agreed, but according to the provisions of tax management plan.

Constitution State policy, in Article 313, says: The State reserves the right to manage, regulate, control and manage the strategic sectors, the principles of environmental sustainability, precaution, prevention and efficiency.

The strategic decision and exclusive control of the state are those who because of their importance and magnitude have decisive influence economic, social, political or environmental, and should be oriented to the full development of human rights and social interest.

are considered strategic sectors of energy in all its forms, telecommunications, non-renewable natural resources, transport and refining of hydrocarbons, biodiversity and genetic heritage, spectrum, water, and others determined by law.

In the last 4 years in the country have been significant changes to the promotion of forest plantations, including those for the training of CO2. The experiences have been controversial, and Manabi provinces, despite a great propaganda of the Provincial Council, the results have been poor.

forest plantations occupy soils that were for agricultural use by local communities for over 15 years, thus shifting the traditional economic activities, and leading to the impoverishment of communities. The profit on the sale of timber communities receive is minimal for the amount of supply that exists.

plantations absorb much water, it is estimated that an average tree absorbs about 30 liters of water per day, on one hectare planted 1,000 trees.

However, with the idea of \u200b\u200bexporting "bioconocimientos" and is awarded to the State all the power to decide whom to negotiate. The main environmental services of ecosystems include the following:

Training and soil conservation, flux, fixation and nutrient recycling of sediment and erosion reduction, reduced risk of mudslides and flooding: watershed conservation and maintenance of water sources, conservation of biodiversity and provision of scenic beauty, biological control of pests and diseases, pollination, regulation of population dynamics, planning, air filtration and detoxification, water and soil; regulation of greenhouse gases.

words, the state will decide on the fundamental aspects of life itself, the Forest Partner program is being implemented since December 2008, is crucial. Partner

Forest is a program of direct monetary incentives per hectare of forest per year, delivered by the Government to owners individuals or communities who decide to voluntarily protect their forests.

this program funds from the State Budget and international donations, which are used agreements with community leaders in record time. Individuals or communities that sign on the other hand have very clearly defined obligations under threat of administrative sanctions, civil or criminal liability for breach of contract.

There is a clause which is committed to executing that in case of transfer of ownership must be a specific clause that the new owner assumes the obligations of the contract sociobosque, otherwise proceed as output advance the project.

If early exit from the project by the owner, it must cancel up to half of the money received from the State under the contract during their stay in the project. The contract is subject to the laws, regulations, current and future standards that the Ministry could issue, leaving smallholders in total vulnerability in terms of trend and control of their properties.

In Ecuador there are about 10 million hectares of natural forests. You want to include 4 million of these acres in the Socio-Forest program. The other 6 million of those acres are already being lost due to oil extraction and mining, because of the expansion of oil palm plantations and other export crops. In short, the forests disappear.


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