Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tv Cake Boss Fondant Recipe


The September 30, 2010 will be a dark day for the health of society in this country. It will be a day of mourning for the Ecuadorian people. The page will forever be unprecedented in a civilized world. It is inconceivable that the security forces to rebel against a President of the Nation, even before the paradoxical event that an individual is helpless to challenge and provoke an angry mob and armed.
The Head of State, in accordance with its high, serene judiciary, everywhere, even in a police regiment, embodies the Constitution and democracy.

universally acknowledged that democracy (from the Greek demos, "people" and kratein, 'rule') is the political system by which the people of a state exercises its sovereignty by any form of government that has decided set. In modern democracies, supreme authority is exercised mostly by representatives elected by popular vote in recognition of national sovereignty. These representatives may be replaced by the electorate in accordance with legal procedures for removal and are at least in principle, responsible for its management of public affairs to citizens.

In any democracy, the civil power, force envestida legality and morality, weapons and uniform delivery to a select group supposedly to protect society from barbarism and crime, when it does, it also imposed limits.

These are:

constitutional rights can not be altered or amended by the laws that govern their application.

No one should limit the privacy of individuals.

limitations to rights that are not from a law unconstitutional. Maximum personero

Executive power is the President of the Republic, he is also the Commander in Chief of the National Police and by decree fixing the details of the law.

The interior minister, formerly of Government and Police, is the conductor of the institution and its relationship with the federal government.

Also, by popular vote, members of the National Assembly, the authors of police laws, the mayors and council members, authors of ordinances to maintain order at the local level, are leaders they deserve in all places and circumstances, a solemn and respectful treatment of all members of the police.

Police made a public service, because all the activities that should be in the interest of society, not for the benefit of those who own individual exercises duty.

The policeman is a knight of peace, a stalwart of Justice, hears civil and criminal trials, gives rights to one party or acquitted or convicted of crimes.

Police may deprive the offender of his liberty, to apply a financial penalty (fine), close a physical place where the violation occurred which led to the penalty, putting an end to the activity of place temporarily or permanently, destroy the object that made the offense to be punished (confiscation), and perform many other functions inherent in their actions , but all of them and, without exception, must be based on laws and not deliberative decisions. This is a permanent and irrefutable principle, not changed the law to cover that now, an initiative of the President himself wrong, have the police.

Moreover, citizens are desperately unhappy claiming made them uncomfortable and believe that the solution is the heavy hand of the police, but they can not act at will, but in a professional manner, observing the public and common law applicable to them and fulfilling orders of its High Command.

This is even a government in an emergency situation, to promote the general welfare and common good can restrict rights to protect public safety. Morality and health. As the emergency situation must have a specified period, benefit the whole society, the crisis needs to be visible and the law that establishes reasonable.


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