Friday, September 24, 2010

What Do Use To Stretch Labia Minora

forests disappear Rights in Colombia

Colombians are proud of their music, coffee, flowers, and petrochemical industry, unfortunately can not be in the field of human rights.

From Bogotazo, violence multiplied dramatically today. Drug trafficking, guerrilla warfare, state terrorism, gangs, crime, paramilitaries have been a lethal mix for the Colombian people and the country has been placed in condition Failed state.

FARC on the ropes were former presidents Ernesto Samper and Andres Pastrana. With military support from U.S. forces clashed with Alvaro Uribe iron hand to the guerrillas, kidnappers and criminals. Did not kill them, but with thousands of innocent civilians, called positive zero, and with the dialogue and national reconciliation.

The conflict in Colombia, causing daily deaths of the security forces and illegal groups, also journalists, union leaders, indigenous leaders and human rights activists. The latter so hated and accused by the state for allegedly gorillas defending criminals and not them.

This stupid idea may have popular support in the coffee country. People want to work and live in peace, although do have to discriminate and kill many, and finally out 7 and 10 are most strongly supported, conscious or captives, first and now Álvaro Uribe Juan Manuel Santos.
funny thing is that the Colombian political power can not deny a long-standing political power narcos. A weak civil society and the lack of real opposition, strengthened the hegemonic parties that have maintained subordinate to justice and arms crossed when major military commanders have been recruited by the Poster.

Colombians have invaded cocaine and marijuana no less than U.S. world power that has responded with the DEA, Plan Colombia, Base of Manta, Merida Initiative, among other policy measures.

drug should be awarded Al-known cases of human rights violation. It is an industry of death, unfortunately moves giant fortunes, temptation surround when hunger, poverty, ignorance, violence and injustice are daily bread.

's a damn virus that attacks the entire body politic, it is a nightmare disguised as a sweet dream when one has everything he wants, does what he pleases, is full of money soon, no work hard, ride the best cars, is famous, loved, admired and ...! feared!
have so many parishioners who speaks of a drug subculture, including music, fashion, film, etc..

have up their own language: rattle, give floor, kitchen, cups, chopped, parakeet, laboratories, markets, etc.
Enroll and old, doctors, models, mechanics, dancers, accountants, engineers, secretaries, taxi drivers. God's souls, people who want a decent life, which came on a trip stupid, thinking of going one day, alive and rich, but the reality is different, the drug it rots everything. It destroys whole families, in the hands of bloodthirsty killers.

Colombia's violence, it is not only America but the entire world. Of particular impact on its neighbors, which directly affects many areas.

to Ecuador, on the northern border, with thousands of refugees, facilities "underground" of armed groups, fuel smuggling, violation of sovereignty with military strike on March 1, 2008, raid that led to the severance of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

to Ecuador in its image and international prestige with media harassment to directly engage the Ecuadorians in a barbaric alien. The latest case is the death blow for Santos in Putomayo, with the operation Fortress 2, with at least 27 Front guerrillas killed 48. Ecuador thanked Colombia, but clarified that national authorities have not intervened in any way.

No more butchered and genocide in the name of God, or political decisions. Let us fight for a world of peace and work. Let us strive to achieve a more just and equitable society, where the bread available to everyone. Of what material is worth much if the final ambition death awaits us.


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