Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Myammee Hairstyles 2010

swine flu the effects of Globalization

swine flu has already taken the lives of more than 152 people in Mexico and one in the United States of America. Given the economic inactivity, Mexico has lost more than $ 54 million and 3 million Mexican students have their school closed.

Unfortunately, this flu pandemic has been declared a level 5 by the WHO (World Health Organization) and their consequences are unknown so far. Many doctors compared the outbreak of the flu (scientific name for the flu) to the "English Flu" in 1918 that killed more than 25 million people. Today the situation is completely different As health systems, infrastructure, technology, etc. However, I believe it is essential that we remain alert to the prevention and mitigation of disease.

The plain fact three unknowns manifests main

1) The first is the influence of globalization on the spread of this disease. Are looming flu cases in countries as distant as Israel, New Zealand, England, etc. The following lines are an author of the New York Times raised the global threats posed by globalization:

"Now that the Cold War is long gone, we no longer face a single threat but a timely series of threats and decentralized transnaccionales: terrorism, the global financial crisis, global warming, nuclear proliferation and, as we see this week, possible pandemics, such as swine flu.

These threats are the result of the increasing pace of globalization and are magnified for her too. Instantaneous global communication that these threats can sometimes have a systemic impact universal. The bankruptcy of a bank or the appearance of a virus they are not, then isolated phenomena, but have the ability to make its effects felt everywhere at the same time "In nota.asp? nota_id = 1123006.

This author, awake the need to start acting more united in fighting the global threats through a global community.

2) That the swine flu opaque no dengue. I believe that following the outbreak of swine influenza has been left out cases of Dengue in our country. We must remember and actively prevent and mitigate the spread of this virus for this scourge not continue to claim the lives of our countrymen and their own.

If we did not have the infrastructure, prevention and health system sufficient to deal with dengue disease, or imagine the disasters that would create an outbreak of swine flu.

3) What if swine flu begins to affect the most vulnerable?

One of the worst global scenarios would be to spring cases of swine flu in the poorest and most vulnerable who have no health system, infrastructure or institutional capacity to prevent or mitigate the swine flu crisis. In this case, thousands of people die in a situation of extreme vulnerability and profoundly affect these countries and the global community ...

Greetings, Juan

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sore Throats And Having Blood In Your Phlegm

The era of the books

Hi back, due to the recent opening of the book fair I wish we could discuss some of the novels, short stories, in order for any literary text not that we loved. Those texts produced before and after in our approach to the world ...

Getting Started ... there are so many books that I liked. I will just divide the books into three categories:

National Authors:

Cortázar's stories. Endgame In particular, untimely, The Island at Noon, Letters of Mama and many more. Actually I think Cortazar is a valuable author, his work has always been very well written but above each story or novel (Hopscotch) leaves a strong message.

Moreover, another gem in Argentina has been Jorge Luis Borges. Compilation of stories that I liked most of the author is fiction and in particular a fantastic story called The Circular Ruins, where reality ends up in fantasy. Authors

International: English

One author I really liked is George Orwell, with his novels Animal Farm and 1984. The first is an analogy (and also a critique of power) of the Russian Revolution of 1917, a book cortito and quick to read, but very interesting. 1984 is an excellent novel from a company controlled by a totalitarian regime a critique of the man himself. I was very impressed after reading it and really recommend it deeply.


Eduardo Galeano. I liked very Galeano for his way of seeing the world, of complaints of injustice and to constructively challenge the reality. Among his books I liked The Open Veins of Latin America and The Book of Embraces.

Fernando Savater. I think this author is a great thinker who has been strongly convey their ideas and critical analysis of reality. Among his works are: Ethics and Politics for Amador.

There are so many fantastic books I've probably forgotten to include, but I want to hear you and your literary tastes! Sorry

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gelatin Capsules And Pregnancy

Global Warming: Myth or fact? Results

it took me so long to post this post, but I was with several things ... here goes:

In the last survey was Global Warming. Therefore it seems quite consistent given the fact that in Argentina we have priorities that we perceive as important as poverty, lack of education or work and even malnutrition. However, Global Warming is and has become one of the greatest threats facing humanity, and unless we begin to fight now, we will not leave a livable world for future generations.

In sum, as Warming Global increases, probably poverty, malnutrition and other problems will increase (mainly in less developed countries). This is because climate change causes droughts and floods that severely affected agricultural and livestock systems of the countries that depend heavily on agriculture. Which will lead to reduced food production for both domestic and foreign markets and exacerbate the loss of agricultural jobs and increase poverty in them.

To illustrate, in our country, the recent drought at the end of 2008 (which killed about 200 000 head of cattle) has caused a big drop in export vaccine agriculture that has severely affected agricultural and livestock producers.

Moreover, global warming, has also increased the number of natural disasters that have taken several lives around the world and affected and vulnerable countries to a greater extent. A recent example in our country, was the mudslide happened in Tartagal which has claimed lives, homes and has created profound suffering to hundreds of people who lived in this city.

Also, another consequence of this phenomenon flagellant, is the melting of glaciers (and we live in Patagonia). This will cause a decrease in drinking water supplies and rising sea levels that threaten coastal cities to cover.

Global warming is a reality and unless we begin to fight it as such, will suffer the consequences in the immediate future as young people will inherit a world and a completely degraded environment and inhospitable. We must realize

individual, collective, but also demand of our leaders to fight global awareness by investing in green and renewable energy and commit to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. Richer countries should help the undeveloped world to sustainable development through green energy to combat poverty and lack of work, but at the same time, global warming. Because after all the structural problems must be addressed simultaneously.

Finally, here is a video that is pretty good:

I welcome your comments,
Greetings, Juan

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How To Create A3 Poster Yahoo

Blog Survey: What should be the primary issue addressed in the G20?

The G 20 has passed, but issues raised in the survey (global warming, poverty, lack of education and work and stability) remain unresolved in particular, so I think it's important that we discuss its importance.

of a total of 136 votes, the following results: First

a total of 46 votes and a 33.8% poverty was

Second, with a total of 42 votes, 30.8% was the lack of education

Third with a total of 26 votes and 19.2% of the votes was the work and family stability

And finally, with 22 votes and a 16.2% global warming was

Interpretation of vote:

Initially plane we can see that given the number of votes attached to all these problems, it is imperative that we fight as a global community alike and try to perform tasks of short and long term to mitigate their devastating effects.

However, we can clearly draw a top concern of voters in the two major scourges of our land in Argentina: poverty and lack of education. And although they go hand in hand since a poor family may have more difficulty in sending their children to school, we will analyze separately:

Today there are about 18% of poor (according to the statistics center CEDLAS) in the Republic Argentina. This means that there are nearly 7 million 200 thousand people who do not earn enough money to fully satisfy their basic needs. And in extreme cases, poverty leads to malnutrition, which currently suffers 2% of Argentines, an absurdity considering as a country we produce 400 million tons of food per year.

Moreover, statistics from the lack of education are not overly optimistic. Currently, 99% of the population has access to primary school, however only 70% complete it. Then, only 50% of the population are high school and finally almost 30% have access to the University, but the dropout increases as the years go university.

What are the main conclusions of this data?

I think that a country with a large number of poor families can hardly have an enrollment rate high. Therefore, poverty and lack of access to education are structural problems that must be addressed together. The vicious cycle of poverty can only be mitigated when replaced by the virtuous cycle of education.

would be very naive to say that with more education and to solve poverty is actually a major factor, but not the only place you need investment in agriculture, infrastructure, sewers, running water, hygiene. Moreover, very poor families need subsidies to meet all expenses associated with sending their children to school. It takes work and family stability (the third most voted point) to cover and meet basic needs and ensure the full exercise of our human rights.

Equal access to education is the cornerstone, but not only, for a society to develop and finish once and for all with the alarming levels of poverty, inequality and social exclusion present in Argentina.

not need walls
specific state policies need not only think in future elections, but also future generations.

citizens need to say "enough of poverty and exclusion" to demand our leaders ending with these scourges and to provide all citizens the same opportunities and at least the end of the school.

We want a more just and more equitable, so we must fight poverty and ensure equal access to education "for us, for our posterity and for all men in the world who wish to dwell on Argentine soil"

PS: Tomorrow published the conclusions of the 4th place

Winchester 30-30 94ae

Movies: What worth seeing? Building the blog

Hi all,

To change topics a little debate, it seemed good to start a post, movie:

Of those worth seeing
Of which not worth watching Finally ....

In any movie you want to say

recently saw a Nicholas Cage movie called "Countdown." The truth that I loved, is good, but I liked what I do and I was several time thinking on the issue of existence raised by it. The film begins by asking two completely different theories:

1) If events occur by chance
2) Everything happens for a reason and life is preplanned

And the truth that opponents to reflect on these theories, we begin to question our previous beliefs. It's a good movie to pass the time.

Another movie I saw recently is "Slumdog Millionaire." And I really liked to finish. But what is undeniable is that there must be one of the first film that deals with the harsh reality of poor children in India. The truth that after much thought I wonder if India's development can be called sustainable development when almost 400 million people are immersed in poverty ...

I look forward to your comments of the movies that you liked them or not ....

Hugs, Juan

Friday, April 10, 2009

Different Ways To Decorate A Folding Chair

Hello to you all,

The truth that because of your posts I was rethinking what should be the purpose of this blog. However this should not have in my opinion only, but more importantly should be up to you.

to me I never thought that this is a means to promote the views and interaction among youth from different parts of Argentina so that we can offer a wide range of opinions and perspectives on various social, political and cultural. However I would also like us to comment on movies, books, actually what you want us because we do this blog together.

To achieve this goal I never thought of posting an entry every day that leads to constructive debate among readers of the blog. But and now on reflection, it occurred to me that you are also the creators of various subjects so that all have a voice.

therefore left the official mail forum:

Any suggestion as a comment or mail or any topic they wish to treat will be more than welcome.

This blog is yours, so I want you to build the voice of youth will become a permanent echo in our society.

Thank you for your contribution
Greetings, Juan

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Does Kroger Make Special Cakes

not raise higher walls!

Today I found a wall that will rise 800 meters to divide the party San Fernando del de San Isidro in the slum area "La Cava" in order to reduce uncertainty.

Now I wonder: How many schools

be built?

How many new teachers have been hired to teach the children of La Cava?

How many social workers have been sent to this village to help the population?

How many hospitals or new health centers have been built in the last year?

What is the budget for investment in sewer, water and development for the villa La Cava

The answer to these questions remains suspended, while therefore continues to build walls to promote social exclusion and marginalization. Unfortunately, it is understood that by continuing to exclude the poor from the rich, increasing the gap in poverty and wealth, and while there are still excluded, having segir insecurity and social conflict, even though thousands of walls are constructed that separate the most vulnerable of the wealthy.

There is a clear government deficit in this area. We see a missing state in the villages, especially at La Cava and even send gendarmes to the door of these villages, do not send in teachers to teach, do not send social workers to help, do not send ingeñeros to build sewers and running water. Social inclusion is a debt of the state with the most humble to be able to function fully as active citizens in our society. But this debt, not only must be satisfied to ensure a level of security, but that all people have access to these opportunities.

Instead of continuing to build walls that divide us, teach us build schools, hospitals that serve us equally, we amalgamate clubs. But more importantly, build a more united, egalitarian and united with the purpose of establishing collective security which we have claimed.

Puttn Bows On Christmas Tree

Youth and Politics: Synonyms or antonyms?

ago recently, I heard Mrs. Graciela Fernandez Meijide say that "People become involved in politics when politics is again interested in the people." And I think that this phrase clearly applies to the role of youth in politics. We left out of the electorate and therefore we are not seeing our interests represented in public policy. It is true that we have also selfless concerns often consumed by us or radical changes of adolescence.

However, I think fundamental to our return policy, and politics I do not refer specifically to party politics, but the political conception of Aristotle said. That is, politics as a tool for change and transformation. We can only transform a structured world with innovation, idealism and without any vested interest, matters inherent in our condition of youth.

Making policy is informed, is to think critically, is to vote consciously, is to not let anyone make decisions for us is to fully exercise our democratic rights and citizens. It is also involved actively in political parties, estudiatiles, workers, and from there to hear and share with the people and promote from the same change for the better in society.

I think it's time that young people back into politics, I think it's time for change, renewal, change old paradigms of innovation and an ideal way to wait for the future.

But also, I believe it is essential that we return to be political actors because decisions made now will profoundly affect our future world. And I do not want anyone to decide for us without listening, without hearing us, not even consider us. Therefore, we participate, we must commit our and most important reality we inhale and exhale policy change and transformation.

We commit ourselves to our country
We must commit our people
But more importantly, we must not stop with mere complaint, but must become agents of change committed to fighting the injustices such as poverty, social inequity. Always committed to equal opportunities, access to education, work and public health and for all.

Politics is not just political parties, is for all citizens and although we are not directly involved in a political party commit with this fundamental transformation tool.

Because after all, as part of the future generation, we inherit a fairer, cleaner and more united.

started building now!