Friday, April 10, 2009

Different Ways To Decorate A Folding Chair

Hello to you all,

The truth that because of your posts I was rethinking what should be the purpose of this blog. However this should not have in my opinion only, but more importantly should be up to you.

to me I never thought that this is a means to promote the views and interaction among youth from different parts of Argentina so that we can offer a wide range of opinions and perspectives on various social, political and cultural. However I would also like us to comment on movies, books, actually what you want us because we do this blog together.

To achieve this goal I never thought of posting an entry every day that leads to constructive debate among readers of the blog. But and now on reflection, it occurred to me that you are also the creators of various subjects so that all have a voice.

therefore left the official mail forum:

Any suggestion as a comment or mail or any topic they wish to treat will be more than welcome.

This blog is yours, so I want you to build the voice of youth will become a permanent echo in our society.

Thank you for your contribution
Greetings, Juan


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