Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Puttn Bows On Christmas Tree

Youth and Politics: Synonyms or antonyms?

ago recently, I heard Mrs. Graciela Fernandez Meijide say that "People become involved in politics when politics is again interested in the people." And I think that this phrase clearly applies to the role of youth in politics. We left out of the electorate and therefore we are not seeing our interests represented in public policy. It is true that we have also selfless concerns often consumed by us or radical changes of adolescence.

However, I think fundamental to our return policy, and politics I do not refer specifically to party politics, but the political conception of Aristotle said. That is, politics as a tool for change and transformation. We can only transform a structured world with innovation, idealism and without any vested interest, matters inherent in our condition of youth.

Making policy is informed, is to think critically, is to vote consciously, is to not let anyone make decisions for us is to fully exercise our democratic rights and citizens. It is also involved actively in political parties, estudiatiles, workers, and from there to hear and share with the people and promote from the same change for the better in society.

I think it's time that young people back into politics, I think it's time for change, renewal, change old paradigms of innovation and an ideal way to wait for the future.

But also, I believe it is essential that we return to be political actors because decisions made now will profoundly affect our future world. And I do not want anyone to decide for us without listening, without hearing us, not even consider us. Therefore, we participate, we must commit our and most important reality we inhale and exhale policy change and transformation.

We commit ourselves to our country
We must commit our people
But more importantly, we must not stop with mere complaint, but must become agents of change committed to fighting the injustices such as poverty, social inequity. Always committed to equal opportunities, access to education, work and public health and for all.

Politics is not just political parties, is for all citizens and although we are not directly involved in a political party commit with this fundamental transformation tool.

Because after all, as part of the future generation, we inherit a fairer, cleaner and more united.

started building now!


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