Friday, April 24, 2009

Gelatin Capsules And Pregnancy

Global Warming: Myth or fact? Results

it took me so long to post this post, but I was with several things ... here goes:

In the last survey was Global Warming. Therefore it seems quite consistent given the fact that in Argentina we have priorities that we perceive as important as poverty, lack of education or work and even malnutrition. However, Global Warming is and has become one of the greatest threats facing humanity, and unless we begin to fight now, we will not leave a livable world for future generations.

In sum, as Warming Global increases, probably poverty, malnutrition and other problems will increase (mainly in less developed countries). This is because climate change causes droughts and floods that severely affected agricultural and livestock systems of the countries that depend heavily on agriculture. Which will lead to reduced food production for both domestic and foreign markets and exacerbate the loss of agricultural jobs and increase poverty in them.

To illustrate, in our country, the recent drought at the end of 2008 (which killed about 200 000 head of cattle) has caused a big drop in export vaccine agriculture that has severely affected agricultural and livestock producers.

Moreover, global warming, has also increased the number of natural disasters that have taken several lives around the world and affected and vulnerable countries to a greater extent. A recent example in our country, was the mudslide happened in Tartagal which has claimed lives, homes and has created profound suffering to hundreds of people who lived in this city.

Also, another consequence of this phenomenon flagellant, is the melting of glaciers (and we live in Patagonia). This will cause a decrease in drinking water supplies and rising sea levels that threaten coastal cities to cover.

Global warming is a reality and unless we begin to fight it as such, will suffer the consequences in the immediate future as young people will inherit a world and a completely degraded environment and inhospitable. We must realize

individual, collective, but also demand of our leaders to fight global awareness by investing in green and renewable energy and commit to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. Richer countries should help the undeveloped world to sustainable development through green energy to combat poverty and lack of work, but at the same time, global warming. Because after all the structural problems must be addressed simultaneously.

Finally, here is a video that is pretty good:

I welcome your comments,
Greetings, Juan


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