Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Myammee Hairstyles 2010

swine flu the effects of Globalization

swine flu has already taken the lives of more than 152 people in Mexico and one in the United States of America. Given the economic inactivity, Mexico has lost more than $ 54 million and 3 million Mexican students have their school closed.

Unfortunately, this flu pandemic has been declared a level 5 by the WHO (World Health Organization) and their consequences are unknown so far. Many doctors compared the outbreak of the flu (scientific name for the flu) to the "English Flu" in 1918 that killed more than 25 million people. Today the situation is completely different As health systems, infrastructure, technology, etc. However, I believe it is essential that we remain alert to the prevention and mitigation of disease.

The plain fact three unknowns manifests main

1) The first is the influence of globalization on the spread of this disease. Are looming flu cases in countries as distant as Israel, New Zealand, England, etc. The following lines are an author of the New York Times raised the global threats posed by globalization:

"Now that the Cold War is long gone, we no longer face a single threat but a timely series of threats and decentralized transnaccionales: terrorism, the global financial crisis, global warming, nuclear proliferation and, as we see this week, possible pandemics, such as swine flu.

These threats are the result of the increasing pace of globalization and are magnified for her too. Instantaneous global communication that these threats can sometimes have a systemic impact universal. The bankruptcy of a bank or the appearance of a virus they are not, then isolated phenomena, but have the ability to make its effects felt everywhere at the same time "In nota.asp? nota_id = 1123006.

This author, awake the need to start acting more united in fighting the global threats through a global community.

2) That the swine flu opaque no dengue. I believe that following the outbreak of swine influenza has been left out cases of Dengue in our country. We must remember and actively prevent and mitigate the spread of this virus for this scourge not continue to claim the lives of our countrymen and their own.

If we did not have the infrastructure, prevention and health system sufficient to deal with dengue disease, or imagine the disasters that would create an outbreak of swine flu.

3) What if swine flu begins to affect the most vulnerable?

One of the worst global scenarios would be to spring cases of swine flu in the poorest and most vulnerable who have no health system, infrastructure or institutional capacity to prevent or mitigate the swine flu crisis. In this case, thousands of people die in a situation of extreme vulnerability and profoundly affect these countries and the global community ...

Greetings, Juan


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