Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Blog Survey: What should be the primary issue addressed in the G20?

The G 20 has passed, but issues raised in the survey (global warming, poverty, lack of education and work and stability) remain unresolved in particular, so I think it's important that we discuss its importance.

of a total of 136 votes, the following results: First

a total of 46 votes and a 33.8% poverty was

Second, with a total of 42 votes, 30.8% was the lack of education

Third with a total of 26 votes and 19.2% of the votes was the work and family stability

And finally, with 22 votes and a 16.2% global warming was

Interpretation of vote:

Initially plane we can see that given the number of votes attached to all these problems, it is imperative that we fight as a global community alike and try to perform tasks of short and long term to mitigate their devastating effects.

However, we can clearly draw a top concern of voters in the two major scourges of our land in Argentina: poverty and lack of education. And although they go hand in hand since a poor family may have more difficulty in sending their children to school, we will analyze separately:

Today there are about 18% of poor (according to the statistics center CEDLAS) in the Republic Argentina. This means that there are nearly 7 million 200 thousand people who do not earn enough money to fully satisfy their basic needs. And in extreme cases, poverty leads to malnutrition, which currently suffers 2% of Argentines, an absurdity considering as a country we produce 400 million tons of food per year.

Moreover, statistics from the lack of education are not overly optimistic. Currently, 99% of the population has access to primary school, however only 70% complete it. Then, only 50% of the population are high school and finally almost 30% have access to the University, but the dropout increases as the years go university.

What are the main conclusions of this data?

I think that a country with a large number of poor families can hardly have an enrollment rate high. Therefore, poverty and lack of access to education are structural problems that must be addressed together. The vicious cycle of poverty can only be mitigated when replaced by the virtuous cycle of education.

would be very naive to say that with more education and to solve poverty is actually a major factor, but not the only place you need investment in agriculture, infrastructure, sewers, running water, hygiene. Moreover, very poor families need subsidies to meet all expenses associated with sending their children to school. It takes work and family stability (the third most voted point) to cover and meet basic needs and ensure the full exercise of our human rights.

Equal access to education is the cornerstone, but not only, for a society to develop and finish once and for all with the alarming levels of poverty, inequality and social exclusion present in Argentina.

not need walls
specific state policies need not only think in future elections, but also future generations.

citizens need to say "enough of poverty and exclusion" to demand our leaders ending with these scourges and to provide all citizens the same opportunities and at least the end of the school.

We want a more just and more equitable, so we must fight poverty and ensure equal access to education "for us, for our posterity and for all men in the world who wish to dwell on Argentine soil"

PS: Tomorrow published the conclusions of the 4th place


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