Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lcd Keeps On Turning Off


Hope you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a VERY GOOD start
that we all deserve.

a big hug, JUAN

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Free Brazillion Wax Vifeod

The Paradox of War and Peace

Is not waging war to achieve peace one of the great paradoxes of human history?

This was the paradox posed by the President of the United States of America to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. It is true that sometimes no choice but to embartirse in a war fighting, but the war never creates peace because the war itself means destruction, death and pain. Peace building is generated daily diplomacy, economic aid, solidarity, democracy. Not war.

How paradoxical that the Nobel Peace Prize defend the war and prolonged occupation of Afghanistan. With this in no way am I endorsing the group Earthists Taliban, however, the U.S. occupation has led to an expansion of Taliban violence and not only this, but has allowed it to expand and cut his teeth in the territories of Pakistan.

Not only that, but in 1979 when Afghanistan was under Soviet rule, the U.S. put millions of dollars to arm the Afghan people so that he could drive the Soviets. However, when they had achieved their objective, the U.S. government did not allocate a single dollar to rebuild the country and a country afflicted with misery, is fertile place for dictators and extremists.

Unfortunately, Obama continues to represent the establishment of the "military industrial complex" that want to continue a war to secure peace, but can not think of ensuring stability, legal security, social justice and democracy to build a lasting peace. Pity

President Obama! Yet the world at his feet, gigantic expectations and a great political capital to really transform the United States postbush in a progressive, you argue the same speeches and conservative ideals the U.S. establishment.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sonic Toothbrush Comparison

Eduardo Galeano, Uruguayan writer is a large, inter alia, has written: "The Open Veins of Latin America," "The Book of Embraces" and "Topsy turvy: School's world upside down."

Once, in college, I read a story that called him "The World" in "The Book of Embraces," which tells the following story:

"A man Neguá village on the coast of Colombia, could climb to high heaven. Around
counted. Said he had seen from above human life.
And he said that we are a sea of \u200b\u200blittle fires.

The world is that "revealed" a lot of people, a sea of \u200b\u200blittle fires. Everyone
shines among others.

No two fires alike. There are large fires and little fires and fires of all colors. People from serene fire that not even aware of the wind, and people crazy fire that fills the air with sparks. Some fires, fires fools, do not light or burn, while others burn life with such passion that you can not watch without blinking, and those who approach lights. "

I think it is a good example of our modern societies and the roles that each choose within them. Is an example of the great diversity of personalities, but also a warning. Galeano

implicitly We asked what kind of fire we are and what kind of fire we decided to be.

Are we the "dumb fire" is not interested in getting involved or participate in improving our society?

or Are we the fires of passion we bring to the flame of change? Those fires that do not conform with the injustices inherent in our society, but strive to change those fires that are constantly vigilant of others, those who fight fires for the transformation of their society and building a better ...

I do not believe that these fires are extinct, but sometimes they are half asleep. But it is our duty to wake them so that together we can enced the flame of the common good.

only takes a spark to the fire enced passionate idealism. What fire

pervades our society? And why do we let it dominate?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Apple Cider Vinegar And Hpv In Men

presidentialism versus parliamentary government Fueguitos

Recently I was in a very interesting debate that took place in the faculty of law at the University of Buenos Aires between systems of government: The Presiencialismo as a guarantor of good governance (system currently in Argentina) and the parliamentary representation as a guarantor of the (current in Britain, Spain, etc..). The epicenter of the debate was to clarify what is the best system of government that would allow the best exercise of democracy in our country.

Before we get into it, I would like to highlight the main features of both systems.

presidentialism is a system where executive power lies with the president and Congress is where the weight of power that defines the power being run. The President, unless waived, must end its mandate given by the Constitution, has the power to veto congressional legislation and may order Necessity and Urgency Decrees (provisions similar to those laws.)

Moreover, the two-headed parliamentary government is a system where executive power is deposited in two: the Head of State who is in charge of diplomatic policies, you can call elections and figure is a rather formal and otherwise is the Head of Government which is responsible for government policy, must be a member of parliament and supported by the majority. No head of government plays a rigid mandate, but is subject to the decisions of parliament and possible vote of no confidence (you can remove him from a majority vote).

projects focused debate on whether we could perhaps save the parliamentary political crises (common in our country) and which of the two systems allows the best safeguard of democracy.

parliamentary supporters raised the need to reform our system hyper-presidenciacialista (there were exhibitors characterized our presidential figure as a constitutional monarch) established in the Constitution of 1853 and strengthened in the 1994 reform. Its foundations are in that practically in our system precidencialista no place for that in terms of Montesquieu, the power limits of power, because Congress has little power over the majestic power of the president Caesarian. Moreover, in this system is very difícli for negotiations and agreements since they have the power to corner his opponent wants to perpetuate itself in office. Consequently, it becomes very dificles design policies that exceed state government.

parliamentary advocates argued that this system allows greater consensus, better policies and a constant state parliamentary negotiations to ensure better representation of the concept of the general will roussonianio.

On the other hand, those who attacked the parliamentary system, they did not by its flaws (I think there are many) but thought it would not solve our deepest problems and justify their arguments based on constitutional reform of 1994 in which introduced some elements of parliamentarism as the Council of the Magistracy, the chief of staff and the vote of confidence in the chief of staff. However, none of the reforms to function fully and this is where the discussants raised before discussing ways of government is necessary to solve political problems inherent in our society as

1) The Public Control. There is no law on access to public information, the same as control are being controlled. Major corruption schemes that are not controlled.

2) Political parties have imploded in Argentina, have lost their identity and their structures are weak -> You can fall into warlordism and follow an individual and not a party, making it difficult to state policies .

3) political apathy in society. Increasingly less politically involved, there is less interest and more misinformation.

In conclusion, from my point of view, I must admit I am a supporter of the parliamentary system because I believe that ensures a better representation and greater control than presidentialism. However, I must admit I do not know whether to take the parliamentary system in the Argentina solve our political problems and issues I think are inherent in our society.

We must change the uses, but we must prevent abuses.

What system you like most? and Do you believe that parliamentary democracy can be applied in Argentina?

Greetings and I hope your comments,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Incesti Italiani Watch Online Ppv

"Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize? Nature versus Nurture

Recently the Norwegian committee that awards the Nobel Prize winners awarded to President Barak Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize, saying it had promoted dialogue and nuclear disarmament. According to the testament left by Alfred Nobel, the prize is awarded "to the person who has worked harder or better for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the holding and promotion of peace processes" . Thus joins Muhammed Yunus (creator of the Graeme Bank), Mother Teresa, Oscar Arias (President of Costa Rica), Al Gore (former vice president of EEU and promoter of the fight against climate change) and Jimmy Carter , among others.

To try to raise a discussion I would assess the three criteria set, as Nobel, to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

First, Obama "has worked over or better for fraternity between nations?

From the moment he assumes his presidency, Obama proposes a policy of open dialogue with all nations. From Iraq to Venezuela (Two opponents of the U.S. under President Bush), Bush said that "closer your hand and his fist." It is really very positive that has adopted a policy diametrically opposed to that of his predecessor. However, I think it has been merely a wish and have not seen any dialogue concrete.

Second: Obama has abolished or reduced in standing armies?

There are a lot difference, but in general terms we can save 2 measurements taken as withdrawing troops from Iraq and the closure of the Guantanamo base. However, the base at Guantanamo continues to operate for lack of political decision where will the prisoners and the war in Iraq continues. Not to mention that recently has increased the number of troops in Afghanistan.

Finally: Have you celebrated and promoted the peace process?

This is a larger question and more difficult to answer. Obama's desire to sign several treaties with Russia India and the nuclear powers to disable nuclear weapons is a way to promote peace processes. Moreover, one of his greatest achievements has been the fruitful relationship with Latin America, as evidenced in the recent Summit of the Americas. However, How to increase military bases in Colombia can be considered a peace process?

In conclusion, like everything, there are many blacks and whites to analyze whether Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. I think it's definitely a premature decision (perhaps have been better give it to the end of his term) and his rhetoric represents the values \u200b\u200bof the prize, but his actions leave much to be desired.

I think the award was given not to Barack Obama, the man, but the ideal that Obama represents, to democracy, pluralistic dialogue and a policy diametrically opposed to George W. Bush. I sincerely hope you do well and prove himself worthy of the prize, as there are high hopes that when Obama leaves office, we live in a world more peaceful, secure and democratic place to live.

I welcome your comments,
Hugs, Juan

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Burning Mouth Syndrome From Tongue Piercing

to change some issues and not everything is limited to the current theme, I like to raise a very interesting anthropological discussion:

"Human beings defined by our genes (Nature) or for our culture and environment (Nurture)?

words: Does our qualities are genetic or cultural and social?

This dilemma has been raised since the beginning of anthropology and many authors differ in their conclusions.

Many have even used, wrongly, the Darwinian theory of natural selection to state that really only should survive the fittest individuals (ie individuals with the best genes). Consequently, from this postulate, Sir Francis Galton in 1883, developed the theory of eugenics. Which posed to forced sterilization prevent the spread of biologically "insane." The "healthy" or "normal" were those who did not challenge the order of the system and adapting to the social rules. Those who did were called "deviant" because that threatened social stability.

This evil practice has served to legitimize the most terrible atrocities committed by humanity as the 'deviant' varied historical context: sometimes the Jews, other communists, and even women crazy. And as crazy as it may sound this theory has been applied in countries like Sweden until 1975.

This theory is based on the foundation of genetics as the basis of origin, present and future of man. That is, the man is like by their genes or the environment or culture, nor history, nor society has nothing to do with it.

Therefore, this type of foundation has created the diyuntiva between Natura (Nature and genes) versus Nurture (environment and culture).

However, in reality, poses biologist Matt Ridley: Nature versus Nurture is not, but Nature via Nurture. It means that in reality, the genes (Nature) and environmental factors (Nurture), interact with each other and in this process, the role of the environment, which has been denied by many eugenicists and biologists, is absolutely crucial. To illustrate: If a person has normal intelligence, but is constantly stimulated by his family since childhood, will have a greater chance of developing a genetically very smart guy, but it lacks the necessary stimulus.

In conclusion, genetics alone do not define anything as even the intelligence, strength, etc. are cultural and social constructions. Can not think human nature regardless of culture because we are social beings who construct absolutely all our life based on cultural parameters. Our genes will not be changed by our culture, but our abilities, skills and constructions are not only a small portion of our vast social culture.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dreamweaver Vs. Frontpage

"Sustainable Growth?

Yesterday I was reading a newspaper article which stated that the global economy is slowly recovering. Regional divisions: Asia leads the continent with the highest rates of growth, followed by Africa and Latin America and finally the more developed countries. In the past one could divide between Eastern Europe (led by Germany and France) and then the rest of Europe and the U.S..

This is a good sign as that posed by the rise of emerging economies, our so precious agricultural and manufacturing products from Asian countries. But it is also necessary that the major economies recover to continue consuming our products and thus must increase its exports as well. A great economic balance ...

arrive in good time this recovery, but this is a new growth sustainable?

My biggest concern with this euphoria of recovery recognized by the World Bank and IMF, is that we forget what brought us to the debacle and that therefore we will enjoy that growth is not sustainable.

There have been changes and now poses a more regulatory role of the state, the restructuring of international organizations and increased awareness of economic realities de cada país. Pero me pregunto:

¿Qué porcentaje de los grandes planes de salvataje se asignaron a la inversión en energías renovables?

No sé exactamente, pero si no fue lo suficiente hemos desaprovechado una oportunidad histórica de construir una economía y un mundo más sustentable.

Dicen que el estudio de la historia es nuestra manera de llevar adelante una conciencia colectiva que nos impida cometer los mismos errores.

Espero que podamos ejercer una profunda memoria de la historia para construir un crecimiento sustentable que permita la erradicación de la pobreza de una vez por todas.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Easy Guide To Make A Sausage Dog Draught Excluder

To ensure only one poor ...

Hola a todos,

Lamento este downtime, but I was with some final exams. But back to writing:

From the recent statements of Pope Benedict XVI, in which it expressed its deep concern about "the scandal of poverty" in Argentina, claiming 40% of the population mired in poverty, there arose a great discussion about the number of poor. Clearly this issue with INDEC indices speaking 15% of the poor and also those of Nestor Kirchner said that poverty is at 20, 21, 22% ... Figures

usual, but behind those figures are human faces, faces that do not have access to their most basic needs at that make us human. Lack of hygiene, confinement, disease, starvation and denial of human rights are commonplace behind those enigmatic figures ...

And beyond the figures themselves outrageous, there should be no poor person, no human being should be subjected to poverty and where there is only poor, there will be violated human rights and a state debt.

is unfortunate that we have to discuss figures and no state policies that address poverty reduction and more in a country as wealthy as ours

already said several experts as the Secretary General of the United Nations: We are the first generation with the capacity to eradicate poverty once and for all, no need for resources but the ability to coordinate and agree on policies to reduce ...

Like what?

The truth I am not a specialist subject, but from what I understand I think we should start from the basis of a universal income per child for children and avoid political patronage, which brings with it some social policies.

There are also very successful programs that have been implemented in Mexico (Oportunidades) and Brazil (Bolsa de Familia) that are called CCT (Conditional Cash Transfers) in which the state subsidizes families if they can demonstrate that they send their children to school and assure basic health conditions ...

Any policy must be supported by major infrastructure investments in education, health, employment generation and development of the slums (another scourge housing) ...

Finally, there are many discussions about the number of poor, but few about how to solve poverty.

Friday, July 10, 2009

What Are The Short Term Effects Of Cystic Fibro

What hides Influenza A (H1N1)

certainly Influenza A (H1N1) has become a very serious problem in our country and should be treated as such, especially because of its rapid spread and its fatal consequences. There are 2677 cases and 82 confirmed deaths. We must be precabidos and try to mitigate as much rehash cases ...

Having said this, and without taking any kind of gravity to this flu, which really surprised me this disease is the high media attention that is given and certain irregularities of it because one thing is to inform and to prevent another scare and sell more ...

But beyond the media, there are some devastating injustices caused by other diseases that tend not to mention against the advent of Influenza A:

Today two million people die annually from malaria and could be prevented with a vaccine. However, most media do not publish any articles about it.

Worldwide, two million die each year of children with diarrhea, which could be cured with oral rehydration salts for 25 cents. But this does not get the media attention that has gained influenza A.

killed about 10 million people annually because of diseases like Sarapion, nuemonías, diseases can be prevented by vaccination early and cheap. But this is not heard much.

Not to mention the many millions of people who die from the scourges of AIDS and malnutrition. That can be prevented with strong prevention campaigns. However, neither these stripes get the press of Influenza A.

Without going too far, 10 people die of flu each year in our country. These numbers would give around 3700 deaths per year from seasonal flu. Ie 42 times the death toll that has caused the so-called swine flu.

But most amazing is that this swine flu Roche and Glaxo, two laboratories have the patent for Tamiflu (drug used to treat influenza A), have been saved from near bankruptcy due to massive demand Governments and people of all the world ... Strange?

I really do not know ... What I am convinced of is that if governments pay attention and allocate the amount of money being allocated to all preventable diseases, starting with malnutrition, could save millions of lives annually ... Because behind the numbers are hiding human faces, the same as ours, that have been neglected and plagued by diseases that can be prevented. Again

write: influenza is serious and it is good to act quickly and with funding (about 1000 million spent so far) to combat it. But it is also necessary to pay attention to all diseases alike. What is missing is a good system of comprehensive and equitable health for all, with which we can prevent and tackle these scourges that befall us.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bushnell 1600 Vs 1500

"Voice of Youth," a talk in San Andres de Giles

Flag Day, on 20 June, I invited the people of my father and grandfather, San Andres de Giles, by the Rotary Club and the Club Argentino de Service to speak at a historic library of Giles (Alberdi) on youth participation.

More than a dissertation was a real conversation, where all participate and express our views, questions and opinions. It was a thorough discussion of many different topics, but first the importance of youth participation and citizenship in building a more democratic, fair, supportive and fair.

can make a difference, however small it may seem, they surely have a great impact on our lives and the lives of our neighbors. Without going any further, a teacher Us in Bangladesh began paying $ 27 to 42 people and then founded the microcredit movement in 39 years, took more than 5 million people out of poverty. This man is Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

Yunus's example shows that the dedication and commitment to produce a small change can have a multiplier effect on our environment and community.

therefore ask, informémonos, participate and get involved in the fight against the injustices inherent in our society.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Myamme Hairstyles 2010

Malnutrition, a silent murderer

Child malnutrition affects children from 0 to 5 who do not get the calorie intake protein, vitamins and nutrients needed for healthy development. This tragedy is directly related to high levels of homelessness and poverty, inherent in our country. Statistically


6 million American children suffer from malnutrition.
Half of Argentina's population does not meet their basic food needs and other needs.
3% of Argentina's population, ie 1,200,000 people currently suffering from malnutrition.
Argentina produces food in a quantity necessary to supply 400 million people.

What are the serious consequences of child malnutrition? The

malnourished children and malnourished pregnant women, causing 20% \u200b\u200bmore likely than boys to die before age 20
have more risk of heart disease
have a more limited stature have lower intellectual development
, having lacked the necessary components to meet the brain cells, with reduced capabilities, repetition, etc.).


We can not be passive actors statistics of malnutrition, while more than one million people are malnourished around us. ... and these are not indices of Biafra in Africa, where images appear always tearing. The kids are starving around here: in our city, our province and our country ...

 Provide families of food needed to meet the needs of children either directly or through soup kitchens or school. 
direct subsidies to families with fewer resources, not utilities or food producers, as they end up benefiting the more affluent sectors of the population
 Create new community and school canteens to serve, every day feed needy children
neighborhood  Develop training and information to mothers to economic diet, balanced nutrition for their children
 Develop early learning programs for children, by educating mothers and multiplication of kindergartens, day nurseries, etc. 
Generating new jobs that allow families with their own resources to cover their basic needs.  Reduction
high inflation rates which deprive thousands of families access to basic foods

But really we can solve child malnutrition in Argentina we understand that the government, NGOs, companies, individuals and the community must work together to ensure a more just and equal, that offers equal opportunities to all people equally.

Truly, it is a shame that while we produce food for 400 million people, have a 3% of the population undernourished ...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Ford Fiesta 2010 Ipod Connection Problem

Development Assistance and Foreign Economic

the conference in Monterrey in March 2002, 22 of the world's richest countries agreed to allocate or 7% of its GDP and financial assistance to the poorest countries in the world. 6 months later, at a conference in Johannesburg, these same 22 countries reaffirmed their commitment to achieving that goal. This money would meet the 195 billion dollars needed to prevent cuasa deaths from hunger and preventable diseases worldwide.

However, after 7 years, most countries agreed to this commitment are not anywhere near 0.7%.

The following table can be seen (according to the amount of money spent by each signatory country:

not enough!

need specific financial aid policies and concise allocate resources to the alleviation of poverty and diseases like AIDS, malaria, etc. and ensure universal access to education. Financial aid should be invested in health, education, agriculture, infrastructure, strengthening of institutions and democracy. But most of all, this support must be designed to ensure that every human being, regardless of their place of birth, have equal opportunities.

What do you think of this?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Average Cost Of Coloring Hair

The new computer at School No. 37, Arana

Before going to the youth of the G20 conference, I visited several schools, with the help of British Council, in search of a more representative voice of the young Argentine. One of them was School No. 37 in the town of Arana, Partido de la Plata, where the English teacher, Reuben, welcomed us with open arms and daze us kids with their proposals of equal educational opportunities for all.

Unfortunately, after developing the activity, Ruben (the English teacher) told me that kids do not have access to computers and many do not have a computer at home and the school does not have one. Therefore, I told him the trip back would try to achieve this technological device to enable us to maximize the learning of children.

Last Thursday I visited, along with Ernesto the British Council, New School No. 37, Arana to tell them how I had been in the representation of your voice to the leaders of the G20. I asked many questions and thankfully I have answered them all. And apart from the talk, I let them installed a new computer for class 9th and for all other classes that want to use it, which had belonged to my great aunt, Hemilce, which in its 80-odd years sent mails to all family. I hope you use that gave my beloved aunt, it can involve all students in the School No. 37, where the computer can be used to write papers, to make powerpoint presentations, listening listenings of English, in order to the thousand and one utility that has the computer today.

In a technological world, computer use is a fundamental skill which is why, I felt that the students of School No. 37 should have access to this technology and enjoy it as much as possible.

Photos with the children of the School

not be surprised if they see a post from one of the boys from school because those committed to working together on an issue, as transcribed into the computer and then the teacher, Ruben, I will send him to that post in this blog ...

Interview with Professor of English at the School

Greetings, Juan

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gelatin Capsules Pregnancy

Drop by drop, the water is drained and

BY Barbara Burton

The pumping station Mitre Square was an imperfect by a pump with insomnia during the early hours of Friday May 1 stopped supplying water to the great city of Mar del Plata. TN said that on Thursday at 7 am. But this imperfect fit chose the best Thursday of the season to prove to the rulers who do not control what they believe or do not need to be controlled: 1 May Day worker: HOLIDAY. How convenient! Hayase seen! Long weekend and Mardel, one of the cities most important Argentine Atlantic Ocean, can not provide water or its residents or those who managed to "leave a few days" from the bustle of the metropolis.

At this point is essential to describe the impact of system failure Sanitation: the control room and pumping equipment Mitre Square were flooded so they had removed five million liters of water from the site and then remove 4 engines, dry, fix the engine responsible for imperfect and replace them catastrophic to your site, in addition to replace the wiring: work of 96 hours, or 4 days. The percentage of the population for a couple of hours a night had no access to drinking water is unknown, because in a quick maneuver was diverted through the interconnected flow (left isolated areas of the service anyway), was minimized receiving power to some areas and across different institutions had 28 water tankers to supply water to those in need. The aggrieved people of Mar del Plata could not wash their cars, use their pools, wash their clothes or "hose" their villages and not to mention the inconvenience they had people staying in hotels in the area.

On Friday night the problem affected 10% of the population marplatense: 30000 100000 residences are people (back) and on Sunday the number was the same: 3 rd consecutive day without water, that ordeal! The number of tanks was reduced to 17 key points in the city and offered a number 0810 (not 0800) to report neighbors who wash their cars or use the pools.
Just today, May 5th to normal water supply in Mar del Plata. Finally finished the "disaster that was in the city," said a neighbor with two empty plastic bottles waiting to fill them with holy water. The secretary of the city government said "we are optimistic" and end the matter.

Now is when I change some numbers, I move right on the world map and development on the real problem that means drinking water in over forty countries worldwide. According to a UNESCO study in 2007, one of every four people in the world lack access to clean water and other studies carried out 2400 million people (almost 50% of the world) do not have basic sanitation. Worldwide there are over a hundred countries in semi-arid conditions and drought: Africa is the continent most affected but remains closely Asia, then Latin America and the Caribbean to a lesser but important degree, finally, Spain.
The drinking water shortage is the reduced supply and poor water quality. There is widespread and mainly two reasons: some sustainable and inefficient management, and pollution of resources.
Given these two reasons, it is clear that the countries most affected are those with fewer tools and resources for sustainable development of the resource. They are the "Third World", "developed countries" and (personally I prefer the term) "EDC's." But beyond the analysis that can be done, I seek not to dwell on the variables of the problem but in the attention devoted to it. Why

what is that per 100000 people, of which a percentage (no matter which) were tourists, without water for 4 days is generated such media hype? Africa and Asia are just a few minutes a year in "The titles of today" in every news and few lines in the articles of opinion.
Is it because in some countries is not news, exactly, that lack water and Mardel it? Or because we believe that the problem is beyond us? Will not concern us because it affects us (or at least we think so)? Whatever it is ... the greatest tragedy in this incident are the 5 million gallons of water wasted ...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Myammee Hairstyles 2010

swine flu the effects of Globalization

swine flu has already taken the lives of more than 152 people in Mexico and one in the United States of America. Given the economic inactivity, Mexico has lost more than $ 54 million and 3 million Mexican students have their school closed.

Unfortunately, this flu pandemic has been declared a level 5 by the WHO (World Health Organization) and their consequences are unknown so far. Many doctors compared the outbreak of the flu (scientific name for the flu) to the "English Flu" in 1918 that killed more than 25 million people. Today the situation is completely different As health systems, infrastructure, technology, etc. However, I believe it is essential that we remain alert to the prevention and mitigation of disease.

The plain fact three unknowns manifests main

1) The first is the influence of globalization on the spread of this disease. Are looming flu cases in countries as distant as Israel, New Zealand, England, etc. The following lines are an author of the New York Times raised the global threats posed by globalization:

"Now that the Cold War is long gone, we no longer face a single threat but a timely series of threats and decentralized transnaccionales: terrorism, the global financial crisis, global warming, nuclear proliferation and, as we see this week, possible pandemics, such as swine flu.

These threats are the result of the increasing pace of globalization and are magnified for her too. Instantaneous global communication that these threats can sometimes have a systemic impact universal. The bankruptcy of a bank or the appearance of a virus they are not, then isolated phenomena, but have the ability to make its effects felt everywhere at the same time "In nota.asp? nota_id = 1123006.

This author, awake the need to start acting more united in fighting the global threats through a global community.

2) That the swine flu opaque no dengue. I believe that following the outbreak of swine influenza has been left out cases of Dengue in our country. We must remember and actively prevent and mitigate the spread of this virus for this scourge not continue to claim the lives of our countrymen and their own.

If we did not have the infrastructure, prevention and health system sufficient to deal with dengue disease, or imagine the disasters that would create an outbreak of swine flu.

3) What if swine flu begins to affect the most vulnerable?

One of the worst global scenarios would be to spring cases of swine flu in the poorest and most vulnerable who have no health system, infrastructure or institutional capacity to prevent or mitigate the swine flu crisis. In this case, thousands of people die in a situation of extreme vulnerability and profoundly affect these countries and the global community ...

Greetings, Juan

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sore Throats And Having Blood In Your Phlegm

The era of the books

Hi back, due to the recent opening of the book fair I wish we could discuss some of the novels, short stories, in order for any literary text not that we loved. Those texts produced before and after in our approach to the world ...

Getting Started ... there are so many books that I liked. I will just divide the books into three categories:

National Authors:

Cortázar's stories. Endgame In particular, untimely, The Island at Noon, Letters of Mama and many more. Actually I think Cortazar is a valuable author, his work has always been very well written but above each story or novel (Hopscotch) leaves a strong message.

Moreover, another gem in Argentina has been Jorge Luis Borges. Compilation of stories that I liked most of the author is fiction and in particular a fantastic story called The Circular Ruins, where reality ends up in fantasy. Authors

International: English

One author I really liked is George Orwell, with his novels Animal Farm and 1984. The first is an analogy (and also a critique of power) of the Russian Revolution of 1917, a book cortito and quick to read, but very interesting. 1984 is an excellent novel from a company controlled by a totalitarian regime a critique of the man himself. I was very impressed after reading it and really recommend it deeply.


Eduardo Galeano. I liked very Galeano for his way of seeing the world, of complaints of injustice and to constructively challenge the reality. Among his books I liked The Open Veins of Latin America and The Book of Embraces.

Fernando Savater. I think this author is a great thinker who has been strongly convey their ideas and critical analysis of reality. Among his works are: Ethics and Politics for Amador.

There are so many fantastic books I've probably forgotten to include, but I want to hear you and your literary tastes! Sorry

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gelatin Capsules And Pregnancy

Global Warming: Myth or fact? Results

it took me so long to post this post, but I was with several things ... here goes:

In the last survey was Global Warming. Therefore it seems quite consistent given the fact that in Argentina we have priorities that we perceive as important as poverty, lack of education or work and even malnutrition. However, Global Warming is and has become one of the greatest threats facing humanity, and unless we begin to fight now, we will not leave a livable world for future generations.

In sum, as Warming Global increases, probably poverty, malnutrition and other problems will increase (mainly in less developed countries). This is because climate change causes droughts and floods that severely affected agricultural and livestock systems of the countries that depend heavily on agriculture. Which will lead to reduced food production for both domestic and foreign markets and exacerbate the loss of agricultural jobs and increase poverty in them.

To illustrate, in our country, the recent drought at the end of 2008 (which killed about 200 000 head of cattle) has caused a big drop in export vaccine agriculture that has severely affected agricultural and livestock producers.

Moreover, global warming, has also increased the number of natural disasters that have taken several lives around the world and affected and vulnerable countries to a greater extent. A recent example in our country, was the mudslide happened in Tartagal which has claimed lives, homes and has created profound suffering to hundreds of people who lived in this city.

Also, another consequence of this phenomenon flagellant, is the melting of glaciers (and we live in Patagonia). This will cause a decrease in drinking water supplies and rising sea levels that threaten coastal cities to cover.

Global warming is a reality and unless we begin to fight it as such, will suffer the consequences in the immediate future as young people will inherit a world and a completely degraded environment and inhospitable. We must realize

individual, collective, but also demand of our leaders to fight global awareness by investing in green and renewable energy and commit to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. Richer countries should help the undeveloped world to sustainable development through green energy to combat poverty and lack of work, but at the same time, global warming. Because after all the structural problems must be addressed simultaneously.

Finally, here is a video that is pretty good:

I welcome your comments,
Greetings, Juan

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How To Create A3 Poster Yahoo

Blog Survey: What should be the primary issue addressed in the G20?

The G 20 has passed, but issues raised in the survey (global warming, poverty, lack of education and work and stability) remain unresolved in particular, so I think it's important that we discuss its importance.

of a total of 136 votes, the following results: First

a total of 46 votes and a 33.8% poverty was

Second, with a total of 42 votes, 30.8% was the lack of education

Third with a total of 26 votes and 19.2% of the votes was the work and family stability

And finally, with 22 votes and a 16.2% global warming was

Interpretation of vote:

Initially plane we can see that given the number of votes attached to all these problems, it is imperative that we fight as a global community alike and try to perform tasks of short and long term to mitigate their devastating effects.

However, we can clearly draw a top concern of voters in the two major scourges of our land in Argentina: poverty and lack of education. And although they go hand in hand since a poor family may have more difficulty in sending their children to school, we will analyze separately:

Today there are about 18% of poor (according to the statistics center CEDLAS) in the Republic Argentina. This means that there are nearly 7 million 200 thousand people who do not earn enough money to fully satisfy their basic needs. And in extreme cases, poverty leads to malnutrition, which currently suffers 2% of Argentines, an absurdity considering as a country we produce 400 million tons of food per year.

Moreover, statistics from the lack of education are not overly optimistic. Currently, 99% of the population has access to primary school, however only 70% complete it. Then, only 50% of the population are high school and finally almost 30% have access to the University, but the dropout increases as the years go university.

What are the main conclusions of this data?

I think that a country with a large number of poor families can hardly have an enrollment rate high. Therefore, poverty and lack of access to education are structural problems that must be addressed together. The vicious cycle of poverty can only be mitigated when replaced by the virtuous cycle of education.

would be very naive to say that with more education and to solve poverty is actually a major factor, but not the only place you need investment in agriculture, infrastructure, sewers, running water, hygiene. Moreover, very poor families need subsidies to meet all expenses associated with sending their children to school. It takes work and family stability (the third most voted point) to cover and meet basic needs and ensure the full exercise of our human rights.

Equal access to education is the cornerstone, but not only, for a society to develop and finish once and for all with the alarming levels of poverty, inequality and social exclusion present in Argentina.

not need walls
specific state policies need not only think in future elections, but also future generations.

citizens need to say "enough of poverty and exclusion" to demand our leaders ending with these scourges and to provide all citizens the same opportunities and at least the end of the school.

We want a more just and more equitable, so we must fight poverty and ensure equal access to education "for us, for our posterity and for all men in the world who wish to dwell on Argentine soil"

PS: Tomorrow published the conclusions of the 4th place

Winchester 30-30 94ae

Movies: What worth seeing? Building the blog

Hi all,

To change topics a little debate, it seemed good to start a post, movie:

Of those worth seeing
Of which not worth watching Finally ....

In any movie you want to say

recently saw a Nicholas Cage movie called "Countdown." The truth that I loved, is good, but I liked what I do and I was several time thinking on the issue of existence raised by it. The film begins by asking two completely different theories:

1) If events occur by chance
2) Everything happens for a reason and life is preplanned

And the truth that opponents to reflect on these theories, we begin to question our previous beliefs. It's a good movie to pass the time.

Another movie I saw recently is "Slumdog Millionaire." And I really liked to finish. But what is undeniable is that there must be one of the first film that deals with the harsh reality of poor children in India. The truth that after much thought I wonder if India's development can be called sustainable development when almost 400 million people are immersed in poverty ...

I look forward to your comments of the movies that you liked them or not ....

Hugs, Juan

Friday, April 10, 2009

Different Ways To Decorate A Folding Chair

Hello to you all,

The truth that because of your posts I was rethinking what should be the purpose of this blog. However this should not have in my opinion only, but more importantly should be up to you.

to me I never thought that this is a means to promote the views and interaction among youth from different parts of Argentina so that we can offer a wide range of opinions and perspectives on various social, political and cultural. However I would also like us to comment on movies, books, actually what you want us because we do this blog together.

To achieve this goal I never thought of posting an entry every day that leads to constructive debate among readers of the blog. But and now on reflection, it occurred to me that you are also the creators of various subjects so that all have a voice.

therefore left the official mail forum:

Any suggestion as a comment or mail or any topic they wish to treat will be more than welcome.

This blog is yours, so I want you to build the voice of youth will become a permanent echo in our society.

Thank you for your contribution
Greetings, Juan

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Does Kroger Make Special Cakes

not raise higher walls!

Today I found a wall that will rise 800 meters to divide the party San Fernando del de San Isidro in the slum area "La Cava" in order to reduce uncertainty.

Now I wonder: How many schools

be built?

How many new teachers have been hired to teach the children of La Cava?

How many social workers have been sent to this village to help the population?

How many hospitals or new health centers have been built in the last year?

What is the budget for investment in sewer, water and development for the villa La Cava

The answer to these questions remains suspended, while therefore continues to build walls to promote social exclusion and marginalization. Unfortunately, it is understood that by continuing to exclude the poor from the rich, increasing the gap in poverty and wealth, and while there are still excluded, having segir insecurity and social conflict, even though thousands of walls are constructed that separate the most vulnerable of the wealthy.

There is a clear government deficit in this area. We see a missing state in the villages, especially at La Cava and even send gendarmes to the door of these villages, do not send in teachers to teach, do not send social workers to help, do not send ingeñeros to build sewers and running water. Social inclusion is a debt of the state with the most humble to be able to function fully as active citizens in our society. But this debt, not only must be satisfied to ensure a level of security, but that all people have access to these opportunities.

Instead of continuing to build walls that divide us, teach us build schools, hospitals that serve us equally, we amalgamate clubs. But more importantly, build a more united, egalitarian and united with the purpose of establishing collective security which we have claimed.

Puttn Bows On Christmas Tree

Youth and Politics: Synonyms or antonyms?

ago recently, I heard Mrs. Graciela Fernandez Meijide say that "People become involved in politics when politics is again interested in the people." And I think that this phrase clearly applies to the role of youth in politics. We left out of the electorate and therefore we are not seeing our interests represented in public policy. It is true that we have also selfless concerns often consumed by us or radical changes of adolescence.

However, I think fundamental to our return policy, and politics I do not refer specifically to party politics, but the political conception of Aristotle said. That is, politics as a tool for change and transformation. We can only transform a structured world with innovation, idealism and without any vested interest, matters inherent in our condition of youth.

Making policy is informed, is to think critically, is to vote consciously, is to not let anyone make decisions for us is to fully exercise our democratic rights and citizens. It is also involved actively in political parties, estudiatiles, workers, and from there to hear and share with the people and promote from the same change for the better in society.

I think it's time that young people back into politics, I think it's time for change, renewal, change old paradigms of innovation and an ideal way to wait for the future.

But also, I believe it is essential that we return to be political actors because decisions made now will profoundly affect our future world. And I do not want anyone to decide for us without listening, without hearing us, not even consider us. Therefore, we participate, we must commit our and most important reality we inhale and exhale policy change and transformation.

We commit ourselves to our country
We must commit our people
But more importantly, we must not stop with mere complaint, but must become agents of change committed to fighting the injustices such as poverty, social inequity. Always committed to equal opportunities, access to education, work and public health and for all.

Politics is not just political parties, is for all citizens and although we are not directly involved in a political party commit with this fundamental transformation tool.

Because after all, as part of the future generation, we inherit a fairer, cleaner and more united.

started building now!