Friday, September 24, 2010

What Do Use To Stretch Labia Minora

forests disappear Rights in Colombia

Colombians are proud of their music, coffee, flowers, and petrochemical industry, unfortunately can not be in the field of human rights.

From Bogotazo, violence multiplied dramatically today. Drug trafficking, guerrilla warfare, state terrorism, gangs, crime, paramilitaries have been a lethal mix for the Colombian people and the country has been placed in condition Failed state.

FARC on the ropes were former presidents Ernesto Samper and Andres Pastrana. With military support from U.S. forces clashed with Alvaro Uribe iron hand to the guerrillas, kidnappers and criminals. Did not kill them, but with thousands of innocent civilians, called positive zero, and with the dialogue and national reconciliation.

The conflict in Colombia, causing daily deaths of the security forces and illegal groups, also journalists, union leaders, indigenous leaders and human rights activists. The latter so hated and accused by the state for allegedly gorillas defending criminals and not them.

This stupid idea may have popular support in the coffee country. People want to work and live in peace, although do have to discriminate and kill many, and finally out 7 and 10 are most strongly supported, conscious or captives, first and now Álvaro Uribe Juan Manuel Santos.
funny thing is that the Colombian political power can not deny a long-standing political power narcos. A weak civil society and the lack of real opposition, strengthened the hegemonic parties that have maintained subordinate to justice and arms crossed when major military commanders have been recruited by the Poster.

Colombians have invaded cocaine and marijuana no less than U.S. world power that has responded with the DEA, Plan Colombia, Base of Manta, Merida Initiative, among other policy measures.

drug should be awarded Al-known cases of human rights violation. It is an industry of death, unfortunately moves giant fortunes, temptation surround when hunger, poverty, ignorance, violence and injustice are daily bread.

's a damn virus that attacks the entire body politic, it is a nightmare disguised as a sweet dream when one has everything he wants, does what he pleases, is full of money soon, no work hard, ride the best cars, is famous, loved, admired and ...! feared!
have so many parishioners who speaks of a drug subculture, including music, fashion, film, etc..

have up their own language: rattle, give floor, kitchen, cups, chopped, parakeet, laboratories, markets, etc.
Enroll and old, doctors, models, mechanics, dancers, accountants, engineers, secretaries, taxi drivers. God's souls, people who want a decent life, which came on a trip stupid, thinking of going one day, alive and rich, but the reality is different, the drug it rots everything. It destroys whole families, in the hands of bloodthirsty killers.

Colombia's violence, it is not only America but the entire world. Of particular impact on its neighbors, which directly affects many areas.

to Ecuador, on the northern border, with thousands of refugees, facilities "underground" of armed groups, fuel smuggling, violation of sovereignty with military strike on March 1, 2008, raid that led to the severance of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

to Ecuador in its image and international prestige with media harassment to directly engage the Ecuadorians in a barbaric alien. The latest case is the death blow for Santos in Putomayo, with the operation Fortress 2, with at least 27 Front guerrillas killed 48. Ecuador thanked Colombia, but clarified that national authorities have not intervened in any way.

No more butchered and genocide in the name of God, or political decisions. Let us fight for a world of peace and work. Let us strive to achieve a more just and equitable society, where the bread available to everyone. Of what material is worth much if the final ambition death awaits us.

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Wild and uneducated, as the Europeans, our ancestors taught the "civilized" first world how to have a harmonious relationship with nature. Question that all we must also take into account. In particular, the centralized feudal seeking to impose on the rights of use, management and control of forests.
centralists accumulate water, photosynthesis of trees (carbon), pollination, soil fertility, ancestral knowledge about plants, culture and spiritual identity of the peoples in environmental services, through of contracts, projects or programs that offer a negligible amount of money.

grazing, irrigation, planting, hunting, fishing, free transit, the use of trees for any domestic or commercial purpose, maintenance of culture and identity, tradition, remain in the hands of Carbon merchants, feudal lords transnational with coercive power that may apply financial penalties, and criminal court against smallholders.

For its part, the State shall have power over nature, knowledge and culture of the people to administer, manage, sell, trade, etc. through different mechanisms.

Because now the natural resources and biodiversity are considered strategic resources and therefore, the State retains title to them and as such exercises the steering, management, regulation, control and management themselves. In the best case, the real owners of rights can participate in the exploitation of resources that traditionally have agreed, but according to the provisions of tax management plan.

The State Constitution, in Article 313, says: The State reserves the right to manage, regulate, control and manage the strategic sectors, the principles of environmental sustainability, precaution, prevention and efficiency.

The strategic decision and exclusive control of the state are those who because of their importance and magnitude have decisive influence economic, social, political or environmental, and should be oriented to the full rights development and social interest.

are considered strategic sectors of energy in all its forms, telecommunications, non-renewable natural resources, transport and refining of hydrocarbons, biodiversity and genetic heritage, spectrum, water, and other determined by law.

In the last 4 years in the country have been significant changes to the promotion of forest plantations, including those for the training of CO2. The experiences have been controversial, and Manabi provinces, despite a great propaganda Council Provincial, the results have been poor.

forest plantations occupy soils that were for agricultural use by local communities for over 15 years, thus shifting the traditional economic activities, and leading to the impoverishment of communities. The profit on the sale of timber communities receive is minimal for the amount of supply that exists.

plantations absorb much water, it is estimated that an average tree absorbs about 30 liters of water per day, on one hectare planted 1,000 trees.

However, with the idea of \u200b\u200bexporting "Bioconocimientos" and is awarded to the State all the power to decide whom to negotiate. The main environmental services of ecosystems include the following:

Training and soil conservation, flux, fixation and nutrient recycling of sediment and erosion reduction, reduced risk of mudslides and flooding, watershed conservation and maintenance water sources, conservation of biodiversity and provision of scenic beauty, biological control of pests and diseases, pollination, regulation of population dynamics, planning, air filtration and detoxification, water and land, regulation of greenhouse gases.
words, the state will decide on the fundamental aspects of life itself, the Forest Partner program is being implemented since December 2008, is crucial.

Forest is a direct monetary incentive program year per hectare of forest, the Government delivered by individual owners or communities that voluntarily decide to protect their forests.

this program funds from the State Budget and international donations, which are used agreements with community leaders in record time. Individuals or communities that sign on the other hand have very clearly defined obligations under threat of administrative sanctions, civil or criminal liability for breach of contract.

There is a clause which is committed to executing that in case of transfer of ownership must be a specific clause that the new owner assumes the obligations of the contract sociobosque, otherwise proceed as early exit project.

If early exit from the project by the owner, it must cancel up to half of the money received from the State under the contract during their stay in the project. The contract is subject to the laws, regulations, current and future standards that the Ministry could issue, leaving the total smallholder vulnerability in terms of trend and control of their properties.

In Ecuador there are about 10 million hectares of natural forests. You want to include 4 million of these acres in the Socio-Forest program. The other 6 million of those acres are already being lost due to oil extraction and mining, because of the expansion of oil palm plantations and other export crops. In short, the forests disappear.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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Old forests disappear and new partidocracia

is becoming increasingly difficult to believe that there was a corrupt party-because after four years of Correa, the core of the fight against corruption rather than fill prisons, remains empty.

However, it is clear that the social body bears the marks of the experiments damn Hurtado, Febres Cordero, Dahik, Mahuad and the privileged political and economic groups that govern us from 1979 to date.

Another irrefutable proof of the existence of the party-is the presence and influence of old politicians and the continuity of styles, congenital edict, in young children of the new 'party.

Today executive - legislature is a bulldozer that comes without social harmony and acceptance, laws in series (Higher Education, Public Service, Coote, hydrocarbons, etc.), despite being more decisive than the "controls."

To do this, of course you need allies, like those people who claims to be socialist but conducts its meetings in luxury and logistics unthinkable for a grassroots organization.

And seeks to ensure a legislative majority, hovers the ADE versatile and independent Among which appear bright speakers without an intervention on the full!

with them can escape the pressures of the Popular Democratic Movement Pachacutik, who condition their votes and dress in opposition, although supported and support the new 'party. Are not many of its members and supporters of the state key figures from the decline of Lucio Gutiérrez.

The new party-and its allies have been facing the proud indigenous movement and its legitimate representative, the CONAIE, which have reversed the Water Resources Act.

The new party-has failed so far against the media and had to keep his "gag law." Therefore, the CONAIE and journalists are attacked, but to sustain us in justice and truth, for the good of society, we made sincere support.

For his pride and rebellion, CONAIE and journalists have succeeded in their appeals, the presence of citizens has been spontaneous and massive. It is only fair to recognize that the Popular Democratic Movement Pachacutik also have this strength, achieved after decades of struggle sacrificed their bases.

The new party-can not say the same. In fact, despite the strengthening of official media and agile collaboration of governors and mayors to satisfy egos of the authorities, the people do not attend their meetings, marches, rallies and television programs.

The problem of the new party-is that no rebellion, honesty and ideology. They claim to be Bolivarian, Alfaro, socialists, Marxists, anti-liberal, capitalist, global, ecological. depending on who and where they are ... they are smarter than Hugo Chavez, Hillary Clinton, Lula and Santos together.

The new party-unanimity or not diversity of thought sobre el mercado, Estado, planificación, desarrollo, historia, banca, ALBA y otros asuntos claves. Su acción se define por los intereses y la emoción. ¡El llamado Plan de Desarrollo Nacional es una sinfonía para sordos; y, las rectorías de los sistemas, un guión que se escribe, después de terminadas las escenas!

Que sí tienen doctrina dicen… ¡el socialismo del siglo XXI!, es decir, un licuado de marxismo revolucionario, bolchevismo centralista, Teología de la Liberación, el pensamiento bolivariano y la teoría cubana. Lo extraño es que todavía no incluyen a Barcelona; J.J.; la literatura de Gabriel García Marquez, and ... to Chavo del Ocho.
Granting the benefit of the doubt, if it were true that the new party-the XXI century socialism is a real alternative to capitalism and state socialism, which builds on the critique of them. Why, in fact, the new 'party is devouring resources accumulated and the citizens, statist.

The old partidocracia mortified to the true followers of Smith, Keynes, Marshall, Friedman and Stiglitz, the new does the same with those of Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Leonardo Boff, Simón Bolívar, Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro. What Worse, it proves that it's the mortification of all!

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A journalism ethics?

star in the immensity of the Pampa de Tarapacá nights away from the rush of daily life and the pressure of events of recent months, I wondered about the real possibilities we have the Ecuador of communication professionals, to engage in new media and to exercise freedom of expression as is done today in Chile.

And once I returned to my beloved country, I concluded that it is not making comparisons, as long as odious, but a deeper analysis of what is happening to journalists and Ecuador.

Apparently, it is increasingly common to see in society an attitude that emphasizes the result or target material, instead of requiring personal or professional activities of its members are ethical.
However, in daily contact with our relatives, neighbors and co-workers is clear that citizens reject the global crisis we are suffering. To discuss with enthusiasm their effects! ... and it hurts that abortion, poverty and injustice are shamefully accompanied by pedophilia, marriage gay and personal corruption in the Big Brother and many other subjects comecheques hearts and pockets of fire.

Not surprisingly we learned from our parents we can not build a better society if we try to do the range of values \u200b\u200band principles.
morality, ethics and law are the pillars of social justice. The daily witness of our generation proves that the vast majority believe that morality, ethics and law are the pillars of civilization and progress.

So why all the political and commercial channels of media, called TPTB do not identify with a diverse and unique purpose of both the social debate: to be ever more decent and workers.

In this reporter has a key role, which is not enough to carry it to look at the Journalists' Code of Professional Ethics, assess normative ethics, uphold the ideals of your company, develop their training and career .
appear to comply with the requirements of the exercise of their profession, while responding to interest, gratuities or other reasons.

moral virtues such journalists as loyalty to one's vocation, human dignity, the public and the wider community, solidarity among colleagues in the profession as well as objective opinion to the people, facts and events, and so on. makes us worthy of credibility, moral authority and prestige in society.

is not to assume that every journalist is an angel, as their human condition puts you at risk of pressures, temptations and rot. Rather it is to end the weaknesses that have served as a model for Rafael Correa widespread and discredits the noble profession of journalism. For him, every journalist has its price, it's rubbish!

Paradoxically, the government is the largest media entrepreneur and has repeated some of the practices complained of de facto power, affecting the professional journalist, deepening the real problems we face everywhere, multiplying the difficulties and continuous displacements political, economic, business, institutional, etc.

Censorship, censorship, lawsuits, threats and dismissals of journalists is an open secret. Examples of Carlos Vera, Jorge Ortiz and Emilio Palacios are categorical. Many have experienced firsthand the retaliation when they have not accepted silent and be submissive to their bosses, frightened or joyous media entrepreneurs, aided financially by authorities, prefects and mayors of all colors, concerned about the wave novelero of revocation.

However, all is not lost and remain hopeful for change embodied in the new journalists, should consider the wise teacher's message Raul Rivadeneira Prada, so the reporter can fully and freely service mission, it is necessary to form fully, in the knowledge of science and information technology in the universal culture and the theory and practice of ethics requires a solid intellectual and moral.

The journalist's professional practice develops in a specific place and time, in our case, Manabi and national reality, in which corruption prevails, the media plays a fundamental role for the common good since but for the communicators of high ideals, muggings public funds, neglect in health, the abuses of the rights of citizens all would go unnoticed and unpunished.
Therefore, the harsh reality forces us to ask a new question: What would our country, if there were no journalists with ethics?, surely disappear like society.

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Autonomy, Marx and Correa

For Manabi, autonomy is the right and effective capacity to govern oneself, too, the autonomy is strictly linked to the problematic cultural and territorial autonomy local.

autonomy is a matter of course, individual, specific to each person born free and is able to remain as such, never as a socio-political subject to be content with being dealt, according to capacities and needs, parameters defined by a ruling elite.

It's also a political issue, regardless of their activity and socioeconomic position, free subjects of a country decide to take their destiny into their own hands, providing capacity development and national unity.

Correa and his circle do not agree with our ideas as to either the opening semantics of the word autonomy and greater conceptual swing, not all Marxist ideas, particularly on autonomy.

Marxists relate autonomy to self-determination peoples, complete autonomy, political autonomy of the proletariat, self, self activity, the state's relative autonomy, loss of autonomy of the worker against the machine, etc.

autonomy appears as a construction element of independence / association of the subject-class, in which the development of each person affects the development of all members of the community.

For Marx, Engels and other ideologists of the proletariat "The proletarian movement is the independent movement of an overwhelming majority in the interests of the immense majority" (...). Autonomy principle, the political rupture and the expression of class power for himself.

For Marxists autonomy is INDEPENDENCE OF CLASS-subjective, organizational and ideological-in the context of bourgeois and capitalist domination is emancipation, as a model, foreshadowing or process of forming the emancipated society.

According to Massimo, the idea of \u200b\u200bautonomy as a goal of emancipation recurs with surprising frequency and intensity at the beginning of the millennium, appears explicitly in the draft neozapatismo in Mexico since 1994, but linked the theme of indigenous cultural and territorial self-determination rather than the formation of anti-capitalist subjectivities.

words, the Marxists believe in class struggle, in a range of daily struggle, to be built in the spontaneous coordination of the political acts of a collective conscious.

Modonesi In the words of the philosophers Marx and Engels understood communism as a real movement that cancels and surpasses the current state of affairs. In this direction, autonomy can be thought of as synonymous with communism.

After that, lighter impossible! BELT AND HIS CIRCLE IN ANY WAY autonomous. Correa is lying when he says he believes in the autonomy and autonomous governments, because he and his circle are central, timeless concept that perpetuates the power and wealth in the oligarchy Quito.

petrified Correa and his circle, has no ideology whatsoever and or thousands of years could understand that autonomy is freedom, ability to set standards, power relationships, relationship between free and equal subjects. Therefore, Marx's best Correa. Therefore, the economist at Carondelet, has to return to university to study Autonomism Theory, Marxism and even economics!.

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Tarapacá desert

From Sunday August 22 this year I find myself crossing multiple geographies of the sister republic of Chile. As a foreigner, the first thing I did was to know their history, their roots, their customs and identity.

On the origin of his name have not been able to agree to historians, it is said that Diego de Rosales, a chronicler of the seventeenth century that the name comes from a chief who ruled the valley of Aconcagua, a On arrival at the site of the invading Incas and in time, spread the rest of the territory. Rosales added that the word chili or chile in the Quechua language means the cream and flower of the earth and concludes that the conquering Incas and then the English extended the term, specific to the Aconcagua valley, to the mainland. Moreover, Ricardo Latcham, archaeologist and anthropologist of this century, has argued that Chile's name was brought from Peru to the valley of Aconcagua by a group of Indians mitimaes, ie carried by the Inca Indians to areas subject; that its origin would be in Arequipa, in which there is a river valley Chile, his name is synonymous with marrow, for his pithy color and rich and carries substances that fertilizes the Arequipa fields. Ercilla, the author of La Araucana, who arrived in 1557, says his countrymen "called Chile to the whole province to the Strait of Magellan" Finally, Abbe Molina argues in its natural history that the name would come from Tilia, a bird commonly called Trile. Provides historical data and gives us, after a lengthy investigation, J. Fuentes and others in the Historical Dictionary of Chile.

then took the Magna Carta, to orient political and legal, and I really catches the eye that consists of 129 articles, plus 20 temporary, in contrast to ours now has 444 articles, unfortunately, comparisons are often odious, however, demonstrated that a country does not need to take bulky Constitutions sustainable development, as is the case of Chile, whose economic and social prospects rank it as one of the most developed Latin America. And with respect to the autonomy issue, Article 118, fourth paragraph states that "the municipalities are autonomous corporations under public law with legal personality and patrimony, whose purpose is to meet local community needs and ensure their participation in the progress economic, social and cultural community, and Art 122 says that the municipalities shall enjoy autonomy in managing their finances (...). "

Chile is definitely full of charm, while recognizing that all the companies in the world also has marked social, political and economic, however, one of its natural attractions is the desert, considered the driest the world. Precisely, was the immense desert which welcomed me, showing his majesty, full of myths, legends and history.

When I arrived, I was impressed that this area was the scene of great heroic exploits, now filled with glory current generations, battles and wars that the bicentennial, to be held this September 18, have been the inspiration to develop film and theater productions.

The first region, despite it appearing to desert lands, was and is the engine of the national economy due to nitrate, also called "white gold", a mineral that was used for the manufacture of gunpowder and even exported to various countries of the old world and the U.S.. Moreover, this area is Paradise tourist attractions that are attractive to locals and foreigners, among which include the warm waters volcanic origin, as is the Cocha, located in the oasis of Pica. Following my tour of the world's driest desert, we find historic towns like Huara Pisagua, and the former mining communities, Humerstone Santiago, now a World Heritage Site.

The vast pampas are not just cakes gravel, rock, caliche, low fog, sun, wind and cold. Its economy is enhanced thanks to first-class roads, which connect with the rest Tarapaca, Chile. From the Lone Star salute to my dear readers, as I rejoice in the true freedom of expression and free enterprise, which is a source of wealth and welfare for all human beings.

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Jama was elevated to parish of Canton Sucre on January 8, 1893. The Provincial Council of Manabi, the 18 September 1997 adopted a report favorable to the project of creation and finally, on March 13, 1998 Ecuador's interim President, Fabian Alarcon, ordered the execute to the Law # 70 that creates the canton Jama in the province of Manabi, and orders its publication in the Official Gazette # 280 of March 20, 1998.

culture namesake Jama stood in this magical space for about 3,600 years. His legacy was so strong that even today are clear evidence of how life in this advanced society. In this culture there are findings of the funerary complex metallurgy and pottery kilns. Parts, human figures and ceramic ware stand out for their perfection, the production of stamps was the artistic expression that reached a remarkable development. Scholars believe that the use of them was allowed only to women who have been at the Jama hierarchical society.

The chronicler Bartolomé Ruiz, Jama pass on their way from Panama to the coast of Ecuador, said that the village was located between Punta Ballena and Jama river mouth, in a large estuary. In the seventeenth century colonial Jama was in a small village surrounded by farms and ranches beautiful and very productive.

The settlement had been one of the most developed cultures in our history, Hispanic, Jama area should be considered a major museum site by the number of burials, ruins and archaeological discoveries have been made. Among the most important findings are the complex of kilns for pottery and metallurgy, which are located mainly in Tabuga area, north of the Canton Jama.

The native jamense reached perfection and dominated the pottery and metallurgy, to express their sense of aesthetics, social and religious world around him. At the junction of the river estuary Jamal Salim, was found several years ago a mound covered with stones of sandstone conglomerate.

Following this discovery was made after an investigation that allowed us to know that this place had been used as a ceremonial and administrative center of the chiefdom of the period Jama. This ceremonial center has three levels: one hundred cubits long by thirty-four feet wide, six feet three feet tall.

Today, Jama remains a place worthy of being considered sacred. For example, there is a place that combines natural beauty, in all respects with an atmosphere of calm, the beach is just Don Juan.

Located about ten kilometers from the township head, Don Juan, with about six miles of beaches, from the Jama River mouth to Punta Prieta, has a pleasant climate, with an average temperature.

For its natural beauty, these beaches have become the scene of a large number of visits in times of holidays or weekends.

Jama's potential is impressive, has 40 km of wide and beautiful beaches, from south to Tabuga Cabuyal north.
The northern beaches are wide and comfortable, there are places up to 700 meters of beach between the hills and the lowest tide point, it will be impossible to refuse the temptation to enjoy these true charms of nature.

Its main attractions include the Arc of Love, located in the spa Tasaste is a yellow rock formation, has fertile soil and grass at the top, where dozens of sea birds nest. Many legends have arisen around his name, the most interesting to note that princes and warriors natives of high rank, belonging to the culture Jama, performed their marriage there just as the sun was its enormous opening. It is also possible to swim in salt or fresh water, this place is a true delight of nature.

Punta Ballena is one of the South American outbound considered in the international marine charts, including its nearest hill a beacon that guides the heavy water traffic from this place, can be observed from June to September, humpback whales in their mating season pass within three miles of the coastline. Just a 20 minute panga ride you can admire these beautiful cetaceans.

El Matal Spa is another very attractive, is the second most important port for fishing in the province of Manabi, other resorts such as shrimp, Tasaste, Punta Blanca, Punta Prieta, the Division, and Playa Boca de Jama Paradise. Similarly, there are waterfalls such as Simon and the Seven Falls Bigua jump Jama River.

land being par excellence, one event that every year attracts the interest of public montubio Jama is the rodeo with its attractions, such as attending in large numbers.

However, the highest point is its people Jama, Simon Muñoz, Daniel Mero, Jorge Mendoza, Lalo Loor, Enrique Cevallos, Begonia Intriago, Luis Cevallos, among many others who have made this county in an agricultural empire, agribusiness, livestock, aquaculture, tourism, ecological, traditional, archaeological, educational , social, religious and sports. They have done so, despite the evil of centralism and its media as Teleamazonas Jama linking with the international crime gangs films but never with the positive and productive.

In any case, it is up to Mr. Alex Cevallos, a prominent mayor since May 16, 1999, to revive its leadership in Canton and the entire northern Manabi now that President Correa is provided to open the bridge of The Faces, a new path to progress and development, provided that their use and provincial projection is in strong hands as we distinguish in this outstanding son Manabi.

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Jama and The Faces Freddy Ehlers Zurita

Among the old politicians who should top the list is Freddy Ehlers Zurita antimanabitismo, whom I met by the conjuncture of political action in my first run for mayor of Portoviejo , one in which despite the high number of votes I got was not enough to overcome the electoral machinery of all ages.

Ehlers became known as host of a TV program, that space was an unknown land Manabi and between the occasional references, it was known that just before starting a long holiday forecast a natural phenomenon right in front of Manabi coast that caused a disastrous holiday chaos and ruin of the provincial tourism sector at that time.

That was yesterday and we remember because Freddy Ehlers Zurita today is the Minister of Tourism and the expectations that we ourselves are very poor, perhaps than the enthusiasm of a child interioranos bureaucrat (how not to miss the great Zavala Raul Mosquera manabita!) for an alleged massive arrival of their countrymen a few beaches, not the main, for the holiday of the Bicentennial.

What makes a politician and a man like Freddy Ehlers Zurita TV in the cabinet of statist Correa. Ehlers supposed to believe that the only way to combat unemployment is boosting domestic and foreign investment, giving investors confidence, promoting private participation in health, hydro and oil sector.

Ehlers, was an ally of CONAIE multiplied the plurality and the idea that the city subsidizes field. Took a computer and a machete as symbols, but never convinced clerks and farmers.

On the other hand, if the state really wanted to decentralize, the Ministry of Tourism will be based in Manta, Machala, and Esmeraldas. Even governments like Sixto Duran Ballen and his ministers Pedro Izaguirre and Carlos Zambrano Vera Rodríguez, for some real initiative of decentralization, were cornered by centralism.

The Ministry of Tourism as a central body has never been a priority to Jaramijó, Pichincha, Junín, Rocafuerte, Paján, to name a few.

Manabi, with large numbers of professionals should be required State policies in tourism to our province and country.
The state should allow work and undertake Manabi be directly responsible for the protection and valorization of its natural, physical and landscape. It is the most effective way for citizens can contribute to scientific advance, economic, social and territorial cohesion of the country, promoting equal opportunities for Ecuadorians.

Manabi has forest reserves, rivers, islands and beautiful parks, the university is offering professional manabita a modern and efficient administration, with recognized authority and legitimized by ability and identity.

It is time to put an end to the contradiction that while in the Sierra and the East Indians are encouraged to give them positions of governance, resources and authority, in Manabi charges are the main institutions for which born at high altitude and are fulfilling the mission of removing more and more of the responsibilities, planning, management, benefits and goals to Manabi today and tomorrow, restricting the rights and reaffirming the injustices.

With characters like Freddy Ehlers Zurita, laws being passed National Assembly and the absence of government policies, Manabi worst doomed to marginalization, regardless of the execution of some works and the promise that the country now belongs to everyone.

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Spondylus Route and San Isidro

5500 years ago prehistoric man was already in the heavenly Jama River basin, an area of \u200b\u200b1,612 km2. Rich people. They wore gold jewelry, silver, emeralds, diamonds and turquoise. Craftsmen and artists, his imagination was painting in gold and rich in symbolism. And determined fighters, fought with the English and with the imminent defeat, kill their children not to be submitted as slaves.

These sailors and farmers, valued spondylus, they considered their most exquisite dish and aphrodisiac, the shells became sacred objects, they used to trade. In remote places it was submitted, was said to be the food of the gods, was credited with powers related to rain and abundance, fertility of land, of great symbolic value was an offering to the ancestors.

By 2000 BC, the Spondylus princeps had attained such prestige ritual itself, but also spondylus calcifer, shell pearl, strombus was traded along with ceramics, jewelry, textiles, cotton, wax, resin, hammock, shoal, halters and Rosewood, etc..

San Isidro, 25 km from the sea and 135 meters above sea level, is located in the middle of the world, in a valley surrounded by hills occupying a vantage point to alert potential invasions. It was a ceremonial center of regional importance, with structures at least 17 meters, 100 meters in diameter with a volume of 88 000 m3 of soil composite. Its original population area covered an area of \u200b\u200b70 hectares flat.

Some prominent scholars such as Joseph Garcia Velez, believe that San Isidro is the preterit Císcala, important center of trade, cultural, religious and political.
San Isidro in the seventies of last century, was the victim of a wave of huaquerismo, thousands of archaeological Coaque Jama took to be sold to collectors of Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca. Once the Central Bank closed the purchase of Archaeology (which began in Quito, Guayaquil 1960 and 1974), trafficking of antiquities kept pace. Manabi and Esmeraldas, main axes of the eternal culture, were empty of objects of gold, silver, Spondylus, ceramics, stone, bone and wood.

In any case, 95 percent of the deposit found in San Isidro, located on the Central Bank's reserves. In the eighties, was in situ an archaeological mission of the OAS, Quito ESPOL and Anthropology Program, but it is up the greatest merit of dissemination and intellectual inquiry two Manabi: Prof. José García Vélez, Pichot half a century as a trainer of educated and patriotic youth, and the Cow calcetense Vera Douglas, who returned procerato the originality of the Golden Sun (symbol of energy, power and vision) to Manabi, with his brilliant research El Sol de Oro is Manabita.

However, the role is and must remain with the children of San Isidro, guardians of a culture of 2000 years, descendants of the Indians Yumbos of war "dancing in the cosmos, goldsmiths magic, navigators of uncharted seas, leading exporters of Panama hat.
Today, the parish sucrense 82, (more than 40 communities) is almost isolated by the road abandoned, despite that his people were out in the production of passion fruit, cocoa, milk, banana, cassava , etc.

they, the calls to join, support Cave and Don Don Danilo Polybius Moreira, for their cantonization (President Correa may include the processing of your creation in a transient any Act or to ask the National Assembly in a religious chain Saturday) and stop being an unusual island. San Isidro hospital, college, radio, newspaper and archaeological resort, may become a fundamental part of the famous Route Spondylus.

The roads must be mega-multi-purpose, of course you can join San Isidro Canoeing, paradise in the Pacific coast, located 17 km north of San Vicente, Bahía de Caráquez Bridge The Faces and the Perales Airport.

Also, San Isidro has to connect to Pedernales which has 54 miles of beach to enjoy and have fun with family, as many tourists delight in the Ecuadorian highlands in less than 3 hours away.

Route With Spondylus, San Isidro have autonomy to establish a strategic alliance with Manta, as for his maritime and fishing port, its industries and workshops can offer real alternatives to agribusiness and producers market new canton, which in turn, has the human resources and geographical conditions to complement authentic rural tourism and ecotourism, offering the cruise ships that we prefer.

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responsible autonomy Lessons Goodbye

"Sow a thought, reap an act, Sow an act, reap a habit Sow a habit and you reap a character, Sow a character and you reap a destiny" . Charles Reade
What happened to the Higher Education Act, is a testament to what can happen with the Land Code, Autonomy and Decentralization, Coote.
Being autonomy, national integration and regional political approach, which includes planning, decisions and resources, the oligarchy and centralized bureaucracy, believed to be recipient of the conceptual design of autonomy.

centralists confusing things have come to the conclusion that autonomy should be responsible, ie, dutiful to a third party, just with them.

But autonomy is the ability to be self concepts, standards and resources, under which directs and builds his own life.

autonomy must be exercised responsibly, simply because the autonomy should be Overall, participatory, conscious, competent but not autonomy.

Manabí for nearly two centuries has sought its independence, has accused the centrality of its economic backwardness and political discrimination.

Autonomism has always been latent, but did not appear. Also, there will always be those who oppose, whether right or left, came before the outlaws, those will be after them.

His poor arguments are already known: separatists, when we yearn for national unity that raising taxes is bad, but most traders Manabi said that declares and pays tax culture do so for fear or inflexible SRI brigades that closed down and fined everywhere. The community work and produce, but the per capita income is very low. We have said "maintained", "irresponsible" and especially "corrupt." For this government, the Carrizal-Chone is the best example of our alleged corruption.

Correa says: during the party-in Manabi all was corruption in the CRM, JRH, Emelmanabí, Manta Port Authority, Customs, municipalities. Poor him!, For over 4 years in power, neither the Ministry of Finance or the Presidency of the Republic has failed to prove that one is corrupt Manabi. That is, we have been wrong, the corrupt party-would have been a myth!

A myth is self-insurance, a complex process to implement it is not enough area code, Autonomy and Decentralization, Coote. However, automarginals in its preparation, all including the assembly, we cede our rights but we must assume as its own what has been done without our participation and we will no longer benefit from our strengths and efforts.
The regional government of Santo Domingo deducted from the budget at least 22 percent of what it would be up to the provincial government, municipalities and parish Manabi. Of course the projection of resources is negative because the "Manga del Cura" is the reward to Guayas and Santa Elena, San Isidro Charapoto and counties still will not deserve it though, Junín, Olmedo, and Junin Rocafuerte can not create churches etc. .

Regardless of who we really are, centralism can take away all that soon we will rid the university with the Higher Education Act.

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The August 4, 2010, will remain the saddest date Ecuadorian university. That day Alianza Pais-35 passed with 63 votes, including those of Scheznarda Fernandez, Ramon Vicente Cedeño, Lidice Larrea, Yandri Brunner, Maria Soledad Vela, Marllely Vasconez,
draft Law on Higher Education

The Government, Senplades and their supporters celebrated the emergence of the draft bill on 30 June last year, since November 2009 began the debate in the National Assembly until last Wednesday, the opposition stoically resisted in order to prevent die university autonomy, but the cocktail of interest, commitment and ability to maneuver those who believe in the Machiavellian principle that what matters is the end, regardless of the media was lethal.
The division of the university authorities was evident. The
always tried to sympathize to the government. Teachers and students marched together hypocritically in the streets, but in a deserted four walls of convenience, fear or resentment at the alleged party-patricians of the university.
Mandate 14 and the pressure
a deflated
CONEA few bold and awakened others to believe saved by Doctor Honoris Causa to appoint a sponsor. Conesup In his bewilderment, he managed to put just Zoga the neck of the rights acquired by graduates, with a time limit to be professional. Everything went from bad to worse!
And what happened in Manabi? The scenario was catastrophic, the defense of university autonomy was barely Medardo Mora, Marcelo Farfán Clímaco Cañarte and its three "lone rangers" and a free press as an ally.

And the rest ... ah! Who? Those who ignore that there were Gentiles and Manabi Paulo Emilio Macías, Rubén Darío Morales, Cicero Robles, Macario Gutierrez, Angel Amen Palma, Ignacio Hidalgo who contributed great ideas to the academic forum Manabi.

And the rest ... ah! Who? Those who ignore that in Quito, Alejandro Moreano, Alfredo Castillo Bujase and other academics became more powerful the capital of the republic.

They stayed warm!, Because his biggest problem is the tail of straw, have a violent yesterday, not intellectual, specialist contracts be rare and require the students money, alcohol and sexual favors for titles, SUVs and trucks have painted impunity first achieved by the cast and consolidated after the surrender of the defense university.

The 47 Assembly members who voted NO, in addition to the 12 who abstained and 1 who voted blank, not able to support and autonomy.

Certainly, the front also had to Enrique Ayala Mora and the Socialists, which guabina them as working in a deep river, may explain the responsible autonomy (Articles 17 and 18), revealing the unusual new distribution of resources (Art . 24), the principle of relevance (Art. 107), the Higher Education Council (Articles 166, 167, 168), the Council Assessment, Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (Art. 171), among others.

Meanwhile, make the list and the PHD, which is sponsored by the correístas and centralism, the universities will Manabi.

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Caráquez university autonomy - Canoa, a bridge to paradise

At all times, the north coast Manabi has been a paradise. In particular, between Bay and parish Caráquez Canoeing.

way, Canoe is one of the many Taíno words that the expedition left us. Perhaps the current spa was a major transit point. A place of canoes, paddle boats of great sailors, fishermen, traders and religious from all over the western Pacific. These traders used as currency in "Spondylus" and axes-currencies.

Its geographical importance in the colonial era as is proved by called party, its northern boundary was up to half of the province of Esmeraldas.

Of Faces, we know that their territory extended from Charapoto Inlet to Cape San Francisco. Its main leader, called Caran (recognized as Scyri or "Lord of all "), named the Head to the city founded in 800 AD on the bay, where he arrived with his people, which also took the name of the Bay Caraque.

The population grew much in two centuries, at that time had a succession of eight or ten Scyris. Their religion was the worship of the Sun and Moon, who studied continuously.

In the city of Quito, the air stilled and Canaris, he built a temple to the Sun, at the height of the Roll call today, with gate to the Orient, trimmed with two tall columns that were the observatories of the solstices , to regulate solar year that followed.

His government, though monarchical aristocracy was mixed. The law of succession, so in the Kingdom as children, to the entire exclusion of the daughters in the absence of sons, nephews sons of sisters, but never brothers. The son of Scyri or sister that had to happen, never presumed heir, or could happen, never presumed heir, and could be called Scyri, while this was not declared at the meeting of the Lords of the Realm, and never declared him if he was unfit to rule, in this case from the choice of one of these gentlemen.

's kingdom the faces is the essence of culture Bahia, Jama-Coaque; history of the tribes kennels, Pass, Silos, Tosahuas, Chonanas, appease, Nauzan, Jahua and Colorado, which had features similar cultural anthropological and Aboriginal people of Central America, artistic skills and religious exemptions are also characterized by their value and gave tough fight to the European conquerors, who eventually subjected to these people and consequently spent Aboriginal wealth violently at the hands of the English.

A Pedro Alvarado, who arrived with his fleet to Bahia in 1543, it is for the sad title of biggest criminal copyright Aboriginal Holocaust in Manabi: Caráquez Charapoto, Jocay, Jipijapa and Paján, were devastated by this vile thief.

But time goes on. Everything is exceeded in this region with extraordinary manabita prehistoric and historic past, it has been used by Quakers, self-styled cultural promoters who have wanted to bring palms and other merit awards without betraying San Vicente and Bahia.

In any case, we are optimistic that as yesterday, the worst and the negatives will be overcome. Now, the important thing is that progress and bet between Caráquez Canoeing, THE BRIDGE OF THE FACES will perhaps the single most significant megaprojects government of Rafael Correa to Manabi. I hope it endures as the bridges built by the Romans and that they stand today.

With Bay Bridge Caráquez resurface, Heart Island, San Vicente, Rio Briceno, Canoeing, River Boy, San Isidro, Jama and Pedernales, they have a great hotel offer: Posada de Daniel, Rio Muchacho Organic Farm , Hostal Coco Loco, San Vicente, La Herradura, Italy, House W, Casa Grande, La Stone, etc.

The bridge of the Faces is an opportunity for investors in Manta, Portoviejo, panama, Puerto Lopez and the rest of the province to make strategic alliances with developers Saiananda, Chirije, Cerro Seco, Heart Island, Canoa Rio Muchacho and make strategic alliances which aim to capture more tourists between the two and a half million Ecuadorians who travel the country annually .

Also, Manabi can attract more foreign tourism, as has the south coast with humpback whales. Again, Manabi can despite the Minister of Tourism announced on vacation cataclysms strongly on our shores. Can! Despite the centralist bias on the beaches where they have spent their golden fortunes.

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Government , intolerance, corruption ...

The government pursues, protects and builds the political activity. In a democracy, its actors, institutions and functions should reflect the following principles: unity, legitimacy, responsibility, respect, support, solidarity and tolerance.

The democratic government is equal, sometimes represented by a handful recognized by all ... sometimes all the same in a participatory way, associations and organizations move in unison with their decisions, votes, actions to the same end.

Then there can be no democratic government with a President Republic intolerant, autocratic and insulted.

In 1763
Voltaire wrote the book "Treatise on Tolerance
... is likely that he would never have imagined that two centuries and a half later, his criticism of intolerance is one of his most current and necessary.
But what Voltaire said?: "The human right can not be based in any case not later than on the natural law, and the great principle, the universal principle of both is, in all the earth: "No matter what you do not want you." It is not clear, therefore, according to this principle, a man can say to another: "Believe what I believe and what you can not believe, or perish.." The right of intolerance is, therefore, absurd and barbaric: the right of the tigers, and is much more horrible because the Tigers only kill to eat. "

But the first of us, it should behave like the youngest brother, likes to be called Head of State, Prime agent. Refuses to be called Your Excellency, but on the pretext of the majesty of the presidency, punish and curse those who dare to look evil, contradict, or give the slightest sign of disapproval.

Rafael Correa Delgado, for the link Presidential took place in El Juncal, Imbabura province, on Saturday July 31, when he commented strongly alleged interference by leaders of the province of Esmeraldas opposed to La Concordia is attached to the Santa Domingo de los Tsáchilas demanded dismissal, without meditation and devotion, people of his communications team, he says, by bad editing material on the march organized by the people of Esmeraldas on 28 July.

examples of intolerance of President Rafael Correa abound by the thousands. Have been the most persecuted journalists and media, to the point that it is strange that daily do not say anything wrong, anger, arrogance and hatred toward those who promote a civilized way dialogue, discussion, reflection and the rule of ideas.

Voltaire taught us that we can not be tolerant of intolerance. In these days of intolerance, people think we should be less tolerant of corruption, so the idea was echoed in the government of the Citizen Revolution fight against corruption. However, the days passed and corruption prevails at all levels, from a single station to the upper echelons of government.

in El Juncal, Rafael Correa, considered by some of his supporters as the Dear Leader or Great Leader, during the presidential liaison said that his government has been relentless in exposing corruption in this administration and that in the near future will be reported very severe cases. Is it true?

face facts, who have been really ruthless with corruption have been Gabriel Salvador, supplier independent citizen Correa, Jorge Ortiz, Emilio Palacio, Douglas Cow and Carlos Vera, journalists and free thinkers.

Alert! It is they who have been to go to jail, and they do not merit the corrupt dirty to locate to Transparency International our country as one of the most corrupt, corrupt judges, the beneficiaries of the emergency decrees, the comedians of influence and bribes, exorbitant travel expenses bureaucrats, contractors uneducated or warranties, the geniuses of the premiums, SOAT causing so forth.

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SB 1070 and DD. HH.

To discuss Human Rights in these times, we necessarily have to delve deep into politics, analyzed from the standpoint of scientific, materialist and historical as a source and driving the development of peoples, where societies have formed impassable barriers opposing the endless class struggle.

is the policy that creates the great ambition to accumulate wealth or off the energies of those who feel marginalized by the inequalities. In any case, nobody should be away from such activity because it is politics that moves human beings and faces a class struggle or class interests, antagonisms that usually leads to the violation of human rights, now considered essential universal and healthy human society.

always the Ecuadorian university, committed to the great yearnings for justice, freedom, democracy and autonomy, has included in its curriculum the course Human Rights and international conventions. Academic proposal that we consider very important because legal professionals have the moral and ethical obligation to study from the standpoint of the right doctrine and positively presented all the rights that protect humans.

In theory, the international community has taken giant steps in the development of a global legal framework (agreements, protocols, declarations, proclamations, resolutions, conventions, etc..), The same to ensure the economic, social, political cultural, religious people and people, but the reality is different. Understanding that "the cries of distress of the poor and the cries of pain reverberate in tunnels outraged: the history and the present." Cries and anguish which must be attended to and healed by a new generation of lawyers, who are training at the academy, fight and demand Intelligences in various forums over the rule of law.

The University Professor Dr. Dilmer Meza Intriago, in his book "The Emergence and development of public international law", cites Professor Marco Gerardo Monroy Zebra, to indicate that the origin of human rights dates back to the laws oldest as "The Code of Hammurabi, the laws of Solon, the 10 commandments of Moses, the ten code essential human freedoms and controls for human life of Manu and Buddha, the Stoic School and Christianity, in proclaiming the equality people before God. In fact the historical process is long in men and women across the Earth, have been carried out to liberate human beings from the most brutal and unconscious human rights violations. Without prejudice from the philosophical level the contributions of individual rationality of Grotius, Montesquieu, Locke, Rousseau, etc.., Which helped to consolidate a doctrine of individual rights and the rights of man and citizen.

But the most significant achievement in this area was the proclamation of the General Assembly of the United Nations, December 10, 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the same that has inspired the constitutions of many states to protect human beings and in Article 1 says "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another. ".

Consequently the international community has been shocked to see that in the XXI century still continue criminalizing the right to live, right to work and the right to freely choose a place to live. Therefore, the SB 1070 that recently enacted in Phoenix to apply in the State of Arizona, should be subject to rejection and lifelong study of human rights, where not enough partial blockage of certain articles that criminalize any migrant, the Just because you write a law like this is worrying.

Now the big question on the entire Western world is made is what is the role of "Community Organizer" Barack Obama, now president of the United States of America?.

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The Faces, a bridge for productivity

The president just inspecting the bridge being built over the River Chone. Apparently was satisfied and added to the optimists who believe can be opened in early November, although the current drive is 86%.

The bridge has not defined its name, could be the Face, by accordance with Spondylus path to which it belongs, but even more so to honor the ancestral culture officially recognized for decades, management Elba Gonzalez, as the basis of Ecuadorian nationality.

We must emphasize that the discovery of the Bahia culture is the legacy of Prof. Huerta Rendon, who did work in 1948 on their findings within the city limits of Bay City, noting the differences that existed between cultures Bay and maintained.

Estrada Only in 1960 was able to excavate, starting with the same yard of the house of Mr. Santos who had studied in Diskurs 70: "It was described by us in 1940, diagnosed by Emilio Estrada in 1957 Bay eponymous name that remains today.

For its part, the renowned archaeologist Betty Meggers, says
"suggestive evidence that this was one of the highest civilizations of the coast during the Regional Development. "
As you know the faces came to the central coast of Manabi, having Caráquez Bay at the heart of its activities. The English conquistadors noted:
"In the name Bay were eighteen large canoes, the bows and sterns very large and high, with some wooden buildings in them, a man high, and came to sail and the rowing and filled with people with gold and silver armor ... and in that building they had in the sterns of the canoes made many pieces of gold ... (Oviedo, vol. IV, pg. 122).
In the southwestern shore of the river mouth in prodigious Chone Caráquez Bay, lies the city of that name "Certain types of figurines found in excavations of Bahia," says Estrada, were really striking and very different from the known by then in the country. "

For its part, the Argentine writer Michael Morgan wrote:
"Anthropologically speaking, culture is the set of behaviors, skills, beliefs, rituals and institutions that characterize the man and human society ... do not think of another possibility in the import of these new forms, arrival at Manabi coast of a contingent of overseas travelers with cultural stage than that of the native inhabitants ... As for the origin of transpacific travelers, it certainly was not only Asian facial features and body positions of the figurines, but several other cultural elements that are found exclusively in the Bahia culture, such as fisheries by trained birds, the houses, "cribs", phalluses (horns, virility), replicas of rafts, etc., so indicate. "
With proper presidential decision, Rafael Correa can rescue the Faces, who were "kidnapped" by selfish collectors, bureaucrats and central institutions and cultural agents complicit in the province.

It is up Correa's rescue from poverty to the beautiful north coast counties of Manabi. The bridge of the Faces, the route of Spondylus fully met its objectives by strengthening the tourism project and drive the development of micro, small and medium-quality projects Caráquez Bay, San Vicente, Jama and Pedernales.

For example, the following government programs:

My Canoe Travel: targeting business entrepreneurs micro, small and medium tourist transport maritime, river and lake. Infotaxi: looking holistically improve taxi service. Strengthening community-based tourism services: Community support the tourism sector through training, expert technical assistance and dissemination of tourism entrepreneurs. Productive Business Tourism: strengthening the productive component of the tourist business who offers: hotel accommodation, food and beverage service, service training, transportation, travel agencies, racetracks / parks, mediation, event management and related services chain value of the hotel.

These programs will be successful provided they are given soft credit lines, fast and without excessive requirements and procedures. The responsible party must be a Tourism Development Agency that relies on the Commonwealth of Cantons of Sucre, San Vicente, Pedernales and Jama, who jointly assume competition in tourism, with the respective national budget financing
Otherwise, the change will be neither revolutionary nor participatory, as well as bridges, roads, airports, the dedicated Manabites of Sucre, San Vicente, Jama and Pedernales, which for decades have struggled without support, they need confidence, independence and honor to be protagonists, such as faces, their history.

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The Morlaquía or

In a valley at 2,581 m altitude, in 1557, Cuenca was founded. In 1824, was established south of the country, the province of Azuay and the city of four rivers remained as its capital. Villa stately pride of all Ecuadorians, retains its colonial and picturesque, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999.

Basin produces sugar, tires, food, liquor, wool fabrics, leather and ceramics. Out of his heart have left the bulls and among them a fierce clan: the Morlaquía.

Morlaquía The ancentros of: a seller of the flag of Ecuador, Luis Cordero, a pen for hire, Manuel de Jesus Street, and other dastardly antialfaristas Philistines. His character for life, is ratified with the emergence of new rulers.

The current Morlaquía antimanabita, their achievements fictitious social, economic and management are always comparable to Manabi: the Panama Hats are not of Montecristi, neither of Jipijapa are Azuay! ... The shells are the tops, not the Pacific Mare Nostrum ... the clever manabas fishermen, are cholos! ... The metropolitan area Eloy Alfaro, Cuenca is less than the South ... the Commonwealth has half a million more inhabitants that the province of Manabi ... in Azuay, Canar, Gold, Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe more voters than citizens' revolution pro Earth Alfaro, etc.

The Morlaquia expands his movements, his histrionic qualities are competing to appear docile and harmless, but as forgetting the priest Juan Fernando Vega, with his eyes compassionate grandfather, if he propped centralism in the Constituent Assembly. Assembly members were hurt in Montecristi Azuay when they said NO to Manabi Autonomous province NO, NO to host the Legislative, etc.

Fernando Cordero
well acquainted with the autonomist aspirations of Manabi, he and Marcelo Cabrera, Carlos Fernandez, Paco Moncayo joined the coastal autonomy for years. In the lambs the autonomist Jaime Nebot remember forever that man is wolf to man.

The perception was that the autonomous contribution of Fernando Cordero, outpaced 5 assemblymen to Manabi elected in 1997: 3 of the Social Christian Party (Jacinto Kon Loor, Mariano Segovia and Eliecer Bravo Zambrano Andrade) and 2 Roldosista Party Ecuador (Mario Humberto Coelho and Poggi). The brother of the true time, we proved that the real leaders of Manabi autonomy were: Douglas Vaca Vera, Julio Villacreces Colmont, Medardo Mora Solórzano and Guillem Humberto Murillo, even if they have founded a regime Ecuadorian Institute of Ecuador Sectional IERS, as it Cuenca did.

Today, the mayor of Cuenca Paul Granda, president of the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador AME and the prefect of Azuay Paul Carrasco, president of the Consortium of Provincial Councils CONCOPE promote the Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization Coote as a solution to the preferences and political inequality between the cantons and provinces.

What no one reports the total amount distributed by the National Assembly adopted: USD 2,167,589,589. Manabi being 10% of Ecuadorians, should receive USD 217 million, but Manabi receive less than 40% of it!

should receive triple Manabi Azuay, just get the double, but not mean it is more. Portmore citizens receive U.S. $ 61.53, the citizens of Cuenca USD 73.59, which further enhances them with the resources to fund the Cultural Heritage FONSAL salve, utilities telephone company, corporation, tourism and the income generated from the sale of power plants carrying Paute Pisayambo and Agoyan.

It is time to wake Pragmatic Ecuador, Manabi First, Technical University of Manabi and provincial authorities, which no longer have lambs and act in defense of the budgetary resources of the province, how they're wide awake.

Awaken the present and the future of our children, our grandchildren. Manabi Hail!