Sunday, September 19, 2010

Can I Adjust The Temperature On My Apt Radiator

Mark-City and Correa: bread, bread and ...

Manabi just received the visit of Dr. Rafael Correa. After three days of talks frank and firm positions, but sincere and even fraternal, the big losers were the centrist bureaucrats.

Apparently the President to see with their own eyes the reality provincial, could see that people rightly laments. Correa saw theaters road contractors, the insult to the disabled, the serious errors in streets, roads and bridges, among other things.

But more would have been his surprise and sadness if he had gone to schools with classrooms destroyed, without books or materials. ! Here schools are not the millennium!

Rafael Correa had been in public hospitals and the Ministry of Health sub-centers would find pharmacies empty, obsolete equipment, smelly bathrooms, doctors absent, young people leaving white apron with curiosity to know what laziness refused to learn in university classrooms .

Worse for him, if the tour had included the neighborhoods and towns, full of unemployment, insecurity and dust, but without basic services and hopes to live with dignity.

And how is that country and is everybody? Correa said he hoped his government who wants the best for the country, and therefore also for the provinces. The issue is that of good faith or blah, blah, blah full of sophistry is not going to solve the problems of Manabi, because they clash against the sinister ruling system: centralization, so our region demands the autonomy to avoid many intermediaries disqualified and failures in public administration.

Obviously that centralism is not the only evil evil, are also corruption and mediocrity of the political class of the provincial leaders.

Corruption in China is punished with death in our country enjoys impunity and recognition. In Manabi, says Correa, party-and the professionals who contract with the state are corrupt and irresponsible, but he has rewarded the Christian Democratic Party, Patriotic Society Party, Manabi First, integrating Roldosista Party figures in the government or its allies has become.

For the ordinary citizen, is to suspect that the most powerful man in the country do not even finish one of many corrupt to jail. It is common knowledge that policymakers may hold shares in large companies and luxury hotels, inns and gas stations in Galapagos, schools for pelucones, media, vessels of all kinds, purebred horses, oil wells, houses in Quito, U.S. bank accounts, etc.

The mediocrity of the political class of the provincial leaders, in the case of Manabi, reaches the level of declaring "I love a good dog ', raise your hand automatically, shut up and shut up. Would not everyone straw tail ... or become so cynical as those in Quito swallowed up checks.

Manabi and Correa were talking clearly, live and direct, to treat the most difficult issue: the budget allocations.

According to the President, the government has flooded dollars to the province but the municipal revenues are a disaster. In total, municipalities Manabi have 32 million less in budget allocation.

Within State Budget has been allocated for this year a total of 98 `$ 137,105.82 for the 22 counties in the province, which will be delivered at different rates when the increase according to law 130'282 is $ 896.20.

The most terrible is to Portoviejo, Mayor Humberto Guillem has shouted from the rooftops their dissatisfaction with the allocation of resources that the Government gave. According to estimates of the Municipality, is responsible $ 19 `404,961, not $ 14` 556,370 as estimated by the Minister of Finance.

Finally, Correa has acknowledged that the income distribution system is unfair. The President made a serious warning ... will draw only forward to Manabi Manabi. Who has a heart to live, who have ears listen!


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