Sunday, September 19, 2010

Clip Art Of Fire Drill

A journalism ethics?

star in the immensity of the Pampa de Tarapacá nights away from the rush of daily life and the pressure of events of recent months, I wondered about the real possibilities we have the Ecuador of communication professionals, to engage in new media and to exercise freedom of expression as is done today in Chile.

And once I returned to my beloved country, I concluded that it is not making comparisons, as long as odious, but a deeper analysis of what is happening to journalists and Ecuador.

Apparently, it is increasingly common to see in society an attitude that emphasizes the result or target material, instead of requiring personal or professional activities of its members are ethical.
However, in daily contact with our relatives, neighbors and co-workers is clear that citizens reject the global crisis we are suffering. To discuss with enthusiasm their effects! ... and it hurts that abortion, poverty and injustice are shamefully accompanied by pedophilia, marriage gay and personal corruption in the Big Brother and many other subjects comecheques hearts and pockets of fire.

Not surprisingly we learned from our parents we can not build a better society if we try to do the range of values \u200b\u200band principles.
morality, ethics and law are the pillars of social justice. The daily witness of our generation proves that the vast majority believe that morality, ethics and law are the pillars of civilization and progress.

So why all the political and commercial channels of media, called TPTB do not identify with a diverse and unique purpose of both the social debate: to be ever more decent and workers.

In this reporter has a key role, which is not enough to carry it to look at the Journalists' Code of Professional Ethics, assess normative ethics, uphold the ideals of your company, develop their training and career .
appear to comply with the requirements of the exercise of their profession, while responding to interest, gratuities or other reasons.

moral virtues such journalists as loyalty to one's vocation, human dignity, the public and the wider community, solidarity among colleagues in the profession as well as objective opinion to the people, facts and events, and so on. makes us worthy of credibility, moral authority and prestige in society.

is not to assume that every journalist is an angel, as their human condition puts you at risk of pressures, temptations and rot. Rather it is to end the weaknesses that have served as a model for Rafael Correa widespread and discredits the noble profession of journalism. For him, every journalist has its price, it's rubbish!

Paradoxically, the government is the largest media entrepreneur and has repeated some of the practices complained of de facto power, affecting the professional journalist, deepening the real problems we face everywhere, multiplying the difficulties and continuous displacements political, economic, business, institutional, etc.

Censorship, censorship, lawsuits, threats and dismissals of journalists is an open secret. Examples of Carlos Vera, Jorge Ortiz and Emilio Palacios are categorical. Many have experienced firsthand the retaliation when they have not accepted silent and be submissive to their bosses, frightened or joyous media entrepreneurs, aided financially by authorities, prefects and mayors of all colors, concerned about the wave novelero of revocation.

However, all is not lost and remain hopeful for change embodied in the new journalists, should consider the wise teacher's message Raul Rivadeneira Prada, so the reporter can fully and freely service mission, it is necessary to form fully, in the knowledge of science and information technology in the universal culture and the theory and practice of ethics requires a solid intellectual and moral.

The journalist's professional practice develops in a specific place and time, in our case, Manabi and national reality, in which corruption prevails, the media plays a fundamental role for the common good since but for the communicators of high ideals, muggings public funds, neglect in health, the abuses of the rights of citizens all would go unnoticed and unpunished.
Therefore, the harsh reality forces us to ask a new question: What would our country, if there were no journalists with ethics?, surely disappear like society.


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