Sunday, September 19, 2010

Does Lc51 Work With Mfc665cw

Autonomy, Marx and Correa

For Manabi, autonomy is the right and effective capacity to govern oneself, too, the autonomy is strictly linked to the problematic cultural and territorial autonomy local.

autonomy is a matter of course, individual, specific to each person born free and is able to remain as such, never as a socio-political subject to be content with being dealt, according to capacities and needs, parameters defined by a ruling elite.

It's also a political issue, regardless of their activity and socioeconomic position, free subjects of a country decide to take their destiny into their own hands, providing capacity development and national unity.

Correa and his circle do not agree with our ideas as to either the opening semantics of the word autonomy and greater conceptual swing, not all Marxist ideas, particularly on autonomy.

Marxists relate autonomy to self-determination peoples, complete autonomy, political autonomy of the proletariat, self, self activity, the state's relative autonomy, loss of autonomy of the worker against the machine, etc.

autonomy appears as a construction element of independence / association of the subject-class, in which the development of each person affects the development of all members of the community.

For Marx, Engels and other ideologists of the proletariat "The proletarian movement is the independent movement of an overwhelming majority in the interests of the immense majority" (...). Autonomy principle, the political rupture and the expression of class power for himself.

For Marxists autonomy is INDEPENDENCE OF CLASS-subjective, organizational and ideological-in the context of bourgeois and capitalist domination is emancipation, as a model, foreshadowing or process of forming the emancipated society.

According to Massimo, the idea of \u200b\u200bautonomy as a goal of emancipation recurs with surprising frequency and intensity at the beginning of the millennium, appears explicitly in the draft neozapatismo in Mexico since 1994, but linked the theme of indigenous cultural and territorial self-determination rather than the formation of anti-capitalist subjectivities.

words, the Marxists believe in class struggle, in a range of daily struggle, to be built in the spontaneous coordination of the political acts of a collective conscious.

Modonesi In the words of the philosophers Marx and Engels understood communism as a real movement that cancels and surpasses the current state of affairs. In this direction, autonomy can be thought of as synonymous with communism.

After that, lighter impossible! BELT AND HIS CIRCLE IN ANY WAY autonomous. Correa is lying when he says he believes in the autonomy and autonomous governments, because he and his circle are central, timeless concept that perpetuates the power and wealth in the oligarchy Quito.

petrified Correa and his circle, has no ideology whatsoever and or thousands of years could understand that autonomy is freedom, ability to set standards, power relationships, relationship between free and equal subjects. Therefore, Marx's best Correa. Therefore, the economist at Carondelet, has to return to university to study Autonomism Theory, Marxism and even economics!.


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