Sunday, September 19, 2010

Eukaryotic Organisms That Also Cause Meningitis

Old forests disappear and new partidocracia

is becoming increasingly difficult to believe that there was a corrupt party-because after four years of Correa, the core of the fight against corruption rather than fill prisons, remains empty.

However, it is clear that the social body bears the marks of the experiments damn Hurtado, Febres Cordero, Dahik, Mahuad and the privileged political and economic groups that govern us from 1979 to date.

Another irrefutable proof of the existence of the party-is the presence and influence of old politicians and the continuity of styles, congenital edict, in young children of the new 'party.

Today executive - legislature is a bulldozer that comes without social harmony and acceptance, laws in series (Higher Education, Public Service, Coote, hydrocarbons, etc.), despite being more decisive than the "controls."

To do this, of course you need allies, like those people who claims to be socialist but conducts its meetings in luxury and logistics unthinkable for a grassroots organization.

And seeks to ensure a legislative majority, hovers the ADE versatile and independent Among which appear bright speakers without an intervention on the full!

with them can escape the pressures of the Popular Democratic Movement Pachacutik, who condition their votes and dress in opposition, although supported and support the new 'party. Are not many of its members and supporters of the state key figures from the decline of Lucio Gutiérrez.

The new party-and its allies have been facing the proud indigenous movement and its legitimate representative, the CONAIE, which have reversed the Water Resources Act.

The new party-has failed so far against the media and had to keep his "gag law." Therefore, the CONAIE and journalists are attacked, but to sustain us in justice and truth, for the good of society, we made sincere support.

For his pride and rebellion, CONAIE and journalists have succeeded in their appeals, the presence of citizens has been spontaneous and massive. It is only fair to recognize that the Popular Democratic Movement Pachacutik also have this strength, achieved after decades of struggle sacrificed their bases.

The new party-can not say the same. In fact, despite the strengthening of official media and agile collaboration of governors and mayors to satisfy egos of the authorities, the people do not attend their meetings, marches, rallies and television programs.

The problem of the new party-is that no rebellion, honesty and ideology. They claim to be Bolivarian, Alfaro, socialists, Marxists, anti-liberal, capitalist, global, ecological. depending on who and where they are ... they are smarter than Hugo Chavez, Hillary Clinton, Lula and Santos together.

The new party-unanimity or not diversity of thought sobre el mercado, Estado, planificación, desarrollo, historia, banca, ALBA y otros asuntos claves. Su acción se define por los intereses y la emoción. ¡El llamado Plan de Desarrollo Nacional es una sinfonía para sordos; y, las rectorías de los sistemas, un guión que se escribe, después de terminadas las escenas!

Que sí tienen doctrina dicen… ¡el socialismo del siglo XXI!, es decir, un licuado de marxismo revolucionario, bolchevismo centralista, Teología de la Liberación, el pensamiento bolivariano y la teoría cubana. Lo extraño es que todavía no incluyen a Barcelona; J.J.; la literatura de Gabriel García Marquez, and ... to Chavo del Ocho.
Granting the benefit of the doubt, if it were true that the new party-the XXI century socialism is a real alternative to capitalism and state socialism, which builds on the critique of them. Why, in fact, the new 'party is devouring resources accumulated and the citizens, statist.

The old partidocracia mortified to the true followers of Smith, Keynes, Marshall, Friedman and Stiglitz, the new does the same with those of Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Leonardo Boff, Simón Bolívar, Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro. What Worse, it proves that it's the mortification of all!


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