Sunday, September 19, 2010

Regular Deposit Formula

The Faces, a bridge for productivity

The president just inspecting the bridge being built over the River Chone. Apparently was satisfied and added to the optimists who believe can be opened in early November, although the current drive is 86%.

The bridge has not defined its name, could be the Face, by accordance with Spondylus path to which it belongs, but even more so to honor the ancestral culture officially recognized for decades, management Elba Gonzalez, as the basis of Ecuadorian nationality.

We must emphasize that the discovery of the Bahia culture is the legacy of Prof. Huerta Rendon, who did work in 1948 on their findings within the city limits of Bay City, noting the differences that existed between cultures Bay and maintained.

Estrada Only in 1960 was able to excavate, starting with the same yard of the house of Mr. Santos who had studied in Diskurs 70: "It was described by us in 1940, diagnosed by Emilio Estrada in 1957 Bay eponymous name that remains today.

For its part, the renowned archaeologist Betty Meggers, says
"suggestive evidence that this was one of the highest civilizations of the coast during the Regional Development. "
As you know the faces came to the central coast of Manabi, having Caráquez Bay at the heart of its activities. The English conquistadors noted:
"In the name Bay were eighteen large canoes, the bows and sterns very large and high, with some wooden buildings in them, a man high, and came to sail and the rowing and filled with people with gold and silver armor ... and in that building they had in the sterns of the canoes made many pieces of gold ... (Oviedo, vol. IV, pg. 122).
In the southwestern shore of the river mouth in prodigious Chone Caráquez Bay, lies the city of that name "Certain types of figurines found in excavations of Bahia," says Estrada, were really striking and very different from the known by then in the country. "

For its part, the Argentine writer Michael Morgan wrote:
"Anthropologically speaking, culture is the set of behaviors, skills, beliefs, rituals and institutions that characterize the man and human society ... do not think of another possibility in the import of these new forms, arrival at Manabi coast of a contingent of overseas travelers with cultural stage than that of the native inhabitants ... As for the origin of transpacific travelers, it certainly was not only Asian facial features and body positions of the figurines, but several other cultural elements that are found exclusively in the Bahia culture, such as fisheries by trained birds, the houses, "cribs", phalluses (horns, virility), replicas of rafts, etc., so indicate. "
With proper presidential decision, Rafael Correa can rescue the Faces, who were "kidnapped" by selfish collectors, bureaucrats and central institutions and cultural agents complicit in the province.

It is up Correa's rescue from poverty to the beautiful north coast counties of Manabi. The bridge of the Faces, the route of Spondylus fully met its objectives by strengthening the tourism project and drive the development of micro, small and medium-quality projects Caráquez Bay, San Vicente, Jama and Pedernales.

For example, the following government programs:

My Canoe Travel: targeting business entrepreneurs micro, small and medium tourist transport maritime, river and lake. Infotaxi: looking holistically improve taxi service. Strengthening community-based tourism services: Community support the tourism sector through training, expert technical assistance and dissemination of tourism entrepreneurs. Productive Business Tourism: strengthening the productive component of the tourist business who offers: hotel accommodation, food and beverage service, service training, transportation, travel agencies, racetracks / parks, mediation, event management and related services chain value of the hotel.

These programs will be successful provided they are given soft credit lines, fast and without excessive requirements and procedures. The responsible party must be a Tourism Development Agency that relies on the Commonwealth of Cantons of Sucre, San Vicente, Pedernales and Jama, who jointly assume competition in tourism, with the respective national budget financing
Otherwise, the change will be neither revolutionary nor participatory, as well as bridges, roads, airports, the dedicated Manabites of Sucre, San Vicente, Jama and Pedernales, which for decades have struggled without support, they need confidence, independence and honor to be protagonists, such as faces, their history.


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