Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Notorious Jewel & Shelly

Jama and The Faces Freddy Ehlers Zurita

Among the old politicians who should top the list is Freddy Ehlers Zurita antimanabitismo, whom I met by the conjuncture of political action in my first run for mayor of Portoviejo , one in which despite the high number of votes I got was not enough to overcome the electoral machinery of all ages.

Ehlers became known as host of a TV program, that space was an unknown land Manabi and between the occasional references, it was known that just before starting a long holiday forecast a natural phenomenon right in front of Manabi coast that caused a disastrous holiday chaos and ruin of the provincial tourism sector at that time.

That was yesterday and we remember because Freddy Ehlers Zurita today is the Minister of Tourism and the expectations that we ourselves are very poor, perhaps than the enthusiasm of a child interioranos bureaucrat (how not to miss the great Zavala Raul Mosquera manabita!) for an alleged massive arrival of their countrymen a few beaches, not the main, for the holiday of the Bicentennial.

What makes a politician and a man like Freddy Ehlers Zurita TV in the cabinet of statist Correa. Ehlers supposed to believe that the only way to combat unemployment is boosting domestic and foreign investment, giving investors confidence, promoting private participation in health, hydro and oil sector.

Ehlers, was an ally of CONAIE multiplied the plurality and the idea that the city subsidizes field. Took a computer and a machete as symbols, but never convinced clerks and farmers.

On the other hand, if the state really wanted to decentralize, the Ministry of Tourism will be based in Manta, Machala, and Esmeraldas. Even governments like Sixto Duran Ballen and his ministers Pedro Izaguirre and Carlos Zambrano Vera Rodríguez, for some real initiative of decentralization, were cornered by centralism.

The Ministry of Tourism as a central body has never been a priority to Jaramijó, Pichincha, Junín, Rocafuerte, Paján, to name a few.

Manabi, with large numbers of professionals should be required State policies in tourism to our province and country.
The state should allow work and undertake Manabi be directly responsible for the protection and valorization of its natural, physical and landscape. It is the most effective way for citizens can contribute to scientific advance, economic, social and territorial cohesion of the country, promoting equal opportunities for Ecuadorians.

Manabi has forest reserves, rivers, islands and beautiful parks, the university is offering professional manabita a modern and efficient administration, with recognized authority and legitimized by ability and identity.

It is time to put an end to the contradiction that while in the Sierra and the East Indians are encouraged to give them positions of governance, resources and authority, in Manabi charges are the main institutions for which born at high altitude and are fulfilling the mission of removing more and more of the responsibilities, planning, management, benefits and goals to Manabi today and tomorrow, restricting the rights and reaffirming the injustices.

With characters like Freddy Ehlers Zurita, laws being passed National Assembly and the absence of government policies, Manabi worst doomed to marginalization, regardless of the execution of some works and the promise that the country now belongs to everyone.


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