Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mount Blade Warband Seri Numarası

Caráquez university autonomy - Canoa, a bridge to paradise

At all times, the north coast Manabi has been a paradise. In particular, between Bay and parish Caráquez Canoeing.

way, Canoe is one of the many Taíno words that the expedition left us. Perhaps the current spa was a major transit point. A place of canoes, paddle boats of great sailors, fishermen, traders and religious from all over the western Pacific. These traders used as currency in "Spondylus" and axes-currencies.

Its geographical importance in the colonial era as is proved by called party, its northern boundary was up to half of the province of Esmeraldas.

Of Faces, we know that their territory extended from Charapoto Inlet to Cape San Francisco. Its main leader, called Caran (recognized as Scyri or "Lord of all "), named the Head to the city founded in 800 AD on the bay, where he arrived with his people, which also took the name of the Bay Caraque.

The population grew much in two centuries, at that time had a succession of eight or ten Scyris. Their religion was the worship of the Sun and Moon, who studied continuously.

In the city of Quito, the air stilled and Canaris, he built a temple to the Sun, at the height of the Roll call today, with gate to the Orient, trimmed with two tall columns that were the observatories of the solstices , to regulate solar year that followed.

His government, though monarchical aristocracy was mixed. The law of succession, so in the Kingdom as children, to the entire exclusion of the daughters in the absence of sons, nephews sons of sisters, but never brothers. The son of Scyri or sister that had to happen, never presumed heir, or could happen, never presumed heir, and could be called Scyri, while this was not declared at the meeting of the Lords of the Realm, and never declared him if he was unfit to rule, in this case from the choice of one of these gentlemen.

's kingdom the faces is the essence of culture Bahia, Jama-Coaque; history of the tribes kennels, Pass, Silos, Tosahuas, Chonanas, appease, Nauzan, Jahua and Colorado, which had features similar cultural anthropological and Aboriginal people of Central America, artistic skills and religious exemptions are also characterized by their value and gave tough fight to the European conquerors, who eventually subjected to these people and consequently spent Aboriginal wealth violently at the hands of the English.

A Pedro Alvarado, who arrived with his fleet to Bahia in 1543, it is for the sad title of biggest criminal copyright Aboriginal Holocaust in Manabi: Caráquez Charapoto, Jocay, Jipijapa and Paján, were devastated by this vile thief.

But time goes on. Everything is exceeded in this region with extraordinary manabita prehistoric and historic past, it has been used by Quakers, self-styled cultural promoters who have wanted to bring palms and other merit awards without betraying San Vicente and Bahia.

In any case, we are optimistic that as yesterday, the worst and the negatives will be overcome. Now, the important thing is that progress and bet between Caráquez Canoeing, THE BRIDGE OF THE FACES will perhaps the single most significant megaprojects government of Rafael Correa to Manabi. I hope it endures as the bridges built by the Romans and that they stand today.

With Bay Bridge Caráquez resurface, Heart Island, San Vicente, Rio Briceno, Canoeing, River Boy, San Isidro, Jama and Pedernales, they have a great hotel offer: Posada de Daniel, Rio Muchacho Organic Farm , Hostal Coco Loco, San Vicente, La Herradura, Italy, House W, Casa Grande, La Stone, etc.

The bridge of the Faces is an opportunity for investors in Manta, Portoviejo, panama, Puerto Lopez and the rest of the province to make strategic alliances with developers Saiananda, Chirije, Cerro Seco, Heart Island, Canoa Rio Muchacho and make strategic alliances which aim to capture more tourists between the two and a half million Ecuadorians who travel the country annually .

Also, Manabi can attract more foreign tourism, as has the south coast with humpback whales. Again, Manabi can despite the Minister of Tourism announced on vacation cataclysms strongly on our shores. Can! Despite the centralist bias on the beaches where they have spent their golden fortunes.


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