Sunday, September 19, 2010

Could You Have A Cyst In The Jaws


Jama was elevated to parish of Canton Sucre on January 8, 1893. The Provincial Council of Manabi, the 18 September 1997 adopted a report favorable to the project of creation and finally, on March 13, 1998 Ecuador's interim President, Fabian Alarcon, ordered the execute to the Law # 70 that creates the canton Jama in the province of Manabi, and orders its publication in the Official Gazette # 280 of March 20, 1998.

culture namesake Jama stood in this magical space for about 3,600 years. His legacy was so strong that even today are clear evidence of how life in this advanced society. In this culture there are findings of the funerary complex metallurgy and pottery kilns. Parts, human figures and ceramic ware stand out for their perfection, the production of stamps was the artistic expression that reached a remarkable development. Scholars believe that the use of them was allowed only to women who have been at the Jama hierarchical society.

The chronicler Bartolomé Ruiz, Jama pass on their way from Panama to the coast of Ecuador, said that the village was located between Punta Ballena and Jama river mouth, in a large estuary. In the seventeenth century colonial Jama was in a small village surrounded by farms and ranches beautiful and very productive.

The settlement had been one of the most developed cultures in our history, Hispanic, Jama area should be considered a major museum site by the number of burials, ruins and archaeological discoveries have been made. Among the most important findings are the complex of kilns for pottery and metallurgy, which are located mainly in Tabuga area, north of the Canton Jama.

The native jamense reached perfection and dominated the pottery and metallurgy, to express their sense of aesthetics, social and religious world around him. At the junction of the river estuary Jamal Salim, was found several years ago a mound covered with stones of sandstone conglomerate.

Following this discovery was made after an investigation that allowed us to know that this place had been used as a ceremonial and administrative center of the chiefdom of the period Jama. This ceremonial center has three levels: one hundred cubits long by thirty-four feet wide, six feet three feet tall.

Today, Jama remains a place worthy of being considered sacred. For example, there is a place that combines natural beauty, in all respects with an atmosphere of calm, the beach is just Don Juan.

Located about ten kilometers from the township head, Don Juan, with about six miles of beaches, from the Jama River mouth to Punta Prieta, has a pleasant climate, with an average temperature.

For its natural beauty, these beaches have become the scene of a large number of visits in times of holidays or weekends.

Jama's potential is impressive, has 40 km of wide and beautiful beaches, from south to Tabuga Cabuyal north.
The northern beaches are wide and comfortable, there are places up to 700 meters of beach between the hills and the lowest tide point, it will be impossible to refuse the temptation to enjoy these true charms of nature.

Its main attractions include the Arc of Love, located in the spa Tasaste is a yellow rock formation, has fertile soil and grass at the top, where dozens of sea birds nest. Many legends have arisen around his name, the most interesting to note that princes and warriors natives of high rank, belonging to the culture Jama, performed their marriage there just as the sun was its enormous opening. It is also possible to swim in salt or fresh water, this place is a true delight of nature.

Punta Ballena is one of the South American outbound considered in the international marine charts, including its nearest hill a beacon that guides the heavy water traffic from this place, can be observed from June to September, humpback whales in their mating season pass within three miles of the coastline. Just a 20 minute panga ride you can admire these beautiful cetaceans.

El Matal Spa is another very attractive, is the second most important port for fishing in the province of Manabi, other resorts such as shrimp, Tasaste, Punta Blanca, Punta Prieta, the Division, and Playa Boca de Jama Paradise. Similarly, there are waterfalls such as Simon and the Seven Falls Bigua jump Jama River.

land being par excellence, one event that every year attracts the interest of public montubio Jama is the rodeo with its attractions, such as attending in large numbers.

However, the highest point is its people Jama, Simon Muñoz, Daniel Mero, Jorge Mendoza, Lalo Loor, Enrique Cevallos, Begonia Intriago, Luis Cevallos, among many others who have made this county in an agricultural empire, agribusiness, livestock, aquaculture, tourism, ecological, traditional, archaeological, educational , social, religious and sports. They have done so, despite the evil of centralism and its media as Teleamazonas Jama linking with the international crime gangs films but never with the positive and productive.

In any case, it is up to Mr. Alex Cevallos, a prominent mayor since May 16, 1999, to revive its leadership in Canton and the entire northern Manabi now that President Correa is provided to open the bridge of The Faces, a new path to progress and development, provided that their use and provincial projection is in strong hands as we distinguish in this outstanding son Manabi.


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