Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fun With Masterbation

The August 4, 2010, will remain the saddest date Ecuadorian university. That day Alianza Pais-35 passed with 63 votes, including those of Scheznarda Fernandez, Ramon Vicente Cedeño, Lidice Larrea, Yandri Brunner, Maria Soledad Vela, Marllely Vasconez,
draft Law on Higher Education

The Government, Senplades and their supporters celebrated the emergence of the draft bill on 30 June last year, since November 2009 began the debate in the National Assembly until last Wednesday, the opposition stoically resisted in order to prevent die university autonomy, but the cocktail of interest, commitment and ability to maneuver those who believe in the Machiavellian principle that what matters is the end, regardless of the media was lethal.
The division of the university authorities was evident. The
always tried to sympathize to the government. Teachers and students marched together hypocritically in the streets, but in a deserted four walls of convenience, fear or resentment at the alleged party-patricians of the university.
Mandate 14 and the pressure
a deflated
CONEA few bold and awakened others to believe saved by Doctor Honoris Causa to appoint a sponsor. Conesup In his bewilderment, he managed to put just Zoga the neck of the rights acquired by graduates, with a time limit to be professional. Everything went from bad to worse!
And what happened in Manabi? The scenario was catastrophic, the defense of university autonomy was barely Medardo Mora, Marcelo Farfán Clímaco Cañarte and its three "lone rangers" and a free press as an ally.

And the rest ... ah! Who? Those who ignore that there were Gentiles and Manabi Paulo Emilio Macías, Rubén Darío Morales, Cicero Robles, Macario Gutierrez, Angel Amen Palma, Ignacio Hidalgo who contributed great ideas to the academic forum Manabi.

And the rest ... ah! Who? Those who ignore that in Quito, Alejandro Moreano, Alfredo Castillo Bujase and other academics became more powerful the capital of the republic.

They stayed warm!, Because his biggest problem is the tail of straw, have a violent yesterday, not intellectual, specialist contracts be rare and require the students money, alcohol and sexual favors for titles, SUVs and trucks have painted impunity first achieved by the cast and consolidated after the surrender of the defense university.

The 47 Assembly members who voted NO, in addition to the 12 who abstained and 1 who voted blank, not able to support and autonomy.

Certainly, the front also had to Enrique Ayala Mora and the Socialists, which guabina them as working in a deep river, may explain the responsible autonomy (Articles 17 and 18), revealing the unusual new distribution of resources (Art . 24), the principle of relevance (Art. 107), the Higher Education Council (Articles 166, 167, 168), the Council Assessment, Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (Art. 171), among others.

Meanwhile, make the list and the PHD, which is sponsored by the correístas and centralism, the universities will Manabi.


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