Sunday, September 19, 2010

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The Morlaquía or

In a valley at 2,581 m altitude, in 1557, Cuenca was founded. In 1824, was established south of the country, the province of Azuay and the city of four rivers remained as its capital. Villa stately pride of all Ecuadorians, retains its colonial and picturesque, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999.

Basin produces sugar, tires, food, liquor, wool fabrics, leather and ceramics. Out of his heart have left the bulls and among them a fierce clan: the Morlaquía.

Morlaquía The ancentros of: a seller of the flag of Ecuador, Luis Cordero, a pen for hire, Manuel de Jesus Street, and other dastardly antialfaristas Philistines. His character for life, is ratified with the emergence of new rulers.

The current Morlaquía antimanabita, their achievements fictitious social, economic and management are always comparable to Manabi: the Panama Hats are not of Montecristi, neither of Jipijapa are Azuay! ... The shells are the tops, not the Pacific Mare Nostrum ... the clever manabas fishermen, are cholos! ... The metropolitan area Eloy Alfaro, Cuenca is less than the South ... the Commonwealth has half a million more inhabitants that the province of Manabi ... in Azuay, Canar, Gold, Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe more voters than citizens' revolution pro Earth Alfaro, etc.

The Morlaquia expands his movements, his histrionic qualities are competing to appear docile and harmless, but as forgetting the priest Juan Fernando Vega, with his eyes compassionate grandfather, if he propped centralism in the Constituent Assembly. Assembly members were hurt in Montecristi Azuay when they said NO to Manabi Autonomous province NO, NO to host the Legislative, etc.

Fernando Cordero
well acquainted with the autonomist aspirations of Manabi, he and Marcelo Cabrera, Carlos Fernandez, Paco Moncayo joined the coastal autonomy for years. In the lambs the autonomist Jaime Nebot remember forever that man is wolf to man.

The perception was that the autonomous contribution of Fernando Cordero, outpaced 5 assemblymen to Manabi elected in 1997: 3 of the Social Christian Party (Jacinto Kon Loor, Mariano Segovia and Eliecer Bravo Zambrano Andrade) and 2 Roldosista Party Ecuador (Mario Humberto Coelho and Poggi). The brother of the true time, we proved that the real leaders of Manabi autonomy were: Douglas Vaca Vera, Julio Villacreces Colmont, Medardo Mora Solórzano and Guillem Humberto Murillo, even if they have founded a regime Ecuadorian Institute of Ecuador Sectional IERS, as it Cuenca did.

Today, the mayor of Cuenca Paul Granda, president of the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador AME and the prefect of Azuay Paul Carrasco, president of the Consortium of Provincial Councils CONCOPE promote the Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization Coote as a solution to the preferences and political inequality between the cantons and provinces.

What no one reports the total amount distributed by the National Assembly adopted: USD 2,167,589,589. Manabi being 10% of Ecuadorians, should receive USD 217 million, but Manabi receive less than 40% of it!

should receive triple Manabi Azuay, just get the double, but not mean it is more. Portmore citizens receive U.S. $ 61.53, the citizens of Cuenca USD 73.59, which further enhances them with the resources to fund the Cultural Heritage FONSAL salve, utilities telephone company, corporation, tourism and the income generated from the sale of power plants carrying Paute Pisayambo and Agoyan.

It is time to wake Pragmatic Ecuador, Manabi First, Technical University of Manabi and provincial authorities, which no longer have lambs and act in defense of the budgetary resources of the province, how they're wide awake.

Awaken the present and the future of our children, our grandchildren. Manabi Hail!


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