Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bloody Cervical Mucus And Cramps

Spondylus Route and San Isidro

5500 years ago prehistoric man was already in the heavenly Jama River basin, an area of \u200b\u200b1,612 km2. Rich people. They wore gold jewelry, silver, emeralds, diamonds and turquoise. Craftsmen and artists, his imagination was painting in gold and rich in symbolism. And determined fighters, fought with the English and with the imminent defeat, kill their children not to be submitted as slaves.

These sailors and farmers, valued spondylus, they considered their most exquisite dish and aphrodisiac, the shells became sacred objects, they used to trade. In remote places it was submitted, was said to be the food of the gods, was credited with powers related to rain and abundance, fertility of land, of great symbolic value was an offering to the ancestors.

By 2000 BC, the Spondylus princeps had attained such prestige ritual itself, but also spondylus calcifer, shell pearl, strombus was traded along with ceramics, jewelry, textiles, cotton, wax, resin, hammock, shoal, halters and Rosewood, etc..

San Isidro, 25 km from the sea and 135 meters above sea level, is located in the middle of the world, in a valley surrounded by hills occupying a vantage point to alert potential invasions. It was a ceremonial center of regional importance, with structures at least 17 meters, 100 meters in diameter with a volume of 88 000 m3 of soil composite. Its original population area covered an area of \u200b\u200b70 hectares flat.

Some prominent scholars such as Joseph Garcia Velez, believe that San Isidro is the preterit Císcala, important center of trade, cultural, religious and political.
San Isidro in the seventies of last century, was the victim of a wave of huaquerismo, thousands of archaeological Coaque Jama took to be sold to collectors of Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca. Once the Central Bank closed the purchase of Archaeology (which began in Quito, Guayaquil 1960 and 1974), trafficking of antiquities kept pace. Manabi and Esmeraldas, main axes of the eternal culture, were empty of objects of gold, silver, Spondylus, ceramics, stone, bone and wood.

In any case, 95 percent of the deposit found in San Isidro, located on the Central Bank's reserves. In the eighties, was in situ an archaeological mission of the OAS, Quito ESPOL and Anthropology Program, but it is up the greatest merit of dissemination and intellectual inquiry two Manabi: Prof. José García Vélez, Pichot half a century as a trainer of educated and patriotic youth, and the Cow calcetense Vera Douglas, who returned procerato the originality of the Golden Sun (symbol of energy, power and vision) to Manabi, with his brilliant research El Sol de Oro is Manabita.

However, the role is and must remain with the children of San Isidro, guardians of a culture of 2000 years, descendants of the Indians Yumbos of war "dancing in the cosmos, goldsmiths magic, navigators of uncharted seas, leading exporters of Panama hat.
Today, the parish sucrense 82, (more than 40 communities) is almost isolated by the road abandoned, despite that his people were out in the production of passion fruit, cocoa, milk, banana, cassava , etc.

they, the calls to join, support Cave and Don Don Danilo Polybius Moreira, for their cantonization (President Correa may include the processing of your creation in a transient any Act or to ask the National Assembly in a religious chain Saturday) and stop being an unusual island. San Isidro hospital, college, radio, newspaper and archaeological resort, may become a fundamental part of the famous Route Spondylus.

The roads must be mega-multi-purpose, of course you can join San Isidro Canoeing, paradise in the Pacific coast, located 17 km north of San Vicente, Bahía de Caráquez Bridge The Faces and the Perales Airport.

Also, San Isidro has to connect to Pedernales which has 54 miles of beach to enjoy and have fun with family, as many tourists delight in the Ecuadorian highlands in less than 3 hours away.

Route With Spondylus, San Isidro have autonomy to establish a strategic alliance with Manta, as for his maritime and fishing port, its industries and workshops can offer real alternatives to agribusiness and producers market new canton, which in turn, has the human resources and geographical conditions to complement authentic rural tourism and ecotourism, offering the cruise ships that we prefer.


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