Sunday, September 19, 2010

Scott Kay Helzberg Collection

Tarapacá desert

From Sunday August 22 this year I find myself crossing multiple geographies of the sister republic of Chile. As a foreigner, the first thing I did was to know their history, their roots, their customs and identity.

On the origin of his name have not been able to agree to historians, it is said that Diego de Rosales, a chronicler of the seventeenth century that the name comes from a chief who ruled the valley of Aconcagua, a On arrival at the site of the invading Incas and in time, spread the rest of the territory. Rosales added that the word chili or chile in the Quechua language means the cream and flower of the earth and concludes that the conquering Incas and then the English extended the term, specific to the Aconcagua valley, to the mainland. Moreover, Ricardo Latcham, archaeologist and anthropologist of this century, has argued that Chile's name was brought from Peru to the valley of Aconcagua by a group of Indians mitimaes, ie carried by the Inca Indians to areas subject; that its origin would be in Arequipa, in which there is a river valley Chile, his name is synonymous with marrow, for his pithy color and rich and carries substances that fertilizes the Arequipa fields. Ercilla, the author of La Araucana, who arrived in 1557, says his countrymen "called Chile to the whole province to the Strait of Magellan" Finally, Abbe Molina argues in its natural history that the name would come from Tilia, a bird commonly called Trile. Provides historical data and gives us, after a lengthy investigation, J. Fuentes and others in the Historical Dictionary of Chile.

then took the Magna Carta, to orient political and legal, and I really catches the eye that consists of 129 articles, plus 20 temporary, in contrast to ours now has 444 articles, unfortunately, comparisons are often odious, however, demonstrated that a country does not need to take bulky Constitutions sustainable development, as is the case of Chile, whose economic and social prospects rank it as one of the most developed Latin America. And with respect to the autonomy issue, Article 118, fourth paragraph states that "the municipalities are autonomous corporations under public law with legal personality and patrimony, whose purpose is to meet local community needs and ensure their participation in the progress economic, social and cultural community, and Art 122 says that the municipalities shall enjoy autonomy in managing their finances (...). "

Chile is definitely full of charm, while recognizing that all the companies in the world also has marked social, political and economic, however, one of its natural attractions is the desert, considered the driest the world. Precisely, was the immense desert which welcomed me, showing his majesty, full of myths, legends and history.

When I arrived, I was impressed that this area was the scene of great heroic exploits, now filled with glory current generations, battles and wars that the bicentennial, to be held this September 18, have been the inspiration to develop film and theater productions.

The first region, despite it appearing to desert lands, was and is the engine of the national economy due to nitrate, also called "white gold", a mineral that was used for the manufacture of gunpowder and even exported to various countries of the old world and the U.S.. Moreover, this area is Paradise tourist attractions that are attractive to locals and foreigners, among which include the warm waters volcanic origin, as is the Cocha, located in the oasis of Pica. Following my tour of the world's driest desert, we find historic towns like Huara Pisagua, and the former mining communities, Humerstone Santiago, now a World Heritage Site.

The vast pampas are not just cakes gravel, rock, caliche, low fog, sun, wind and cold. Its economy is enhanced thanks to first-class roads, which connect with the rest Tarapaca, Chile. From the Lone Star salute to my dear readers, as I rejoice in the true freedom of expression and free enterprise, which is a source of wealth and welfare for all human beings.


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