Sunday, September 19, 2010

How To Know If Newborn Has Phlegm

SB 1070 and DD. HH.

To discuss Human Rights in these times, we necessarily have to delve deep into politics, analyzed from the standpoint of scientific, materialist and historical as a source and driving the development of peoples, where societies have formed impassable barriers opposing the endless class struggle.

is the policy that creates the great ambition to accumulate wealth or off the energies of those who feel marginalized by the inequalities. In any case, nobody should be away from such activity because it is politics that moves human beings and faces a class struggle or class interests, antagonisms that usually leads to the violation of human rights, now considered essential universal and healthy human society.

always the Ecuadorian university, committed to the great yearnings for justice, freedom, democracy and autonomy, has included in its curriculum the course Human Rights and international conventions. Academic proposal that we consider very important because legal professionals have the moral and ethical obligation to study from the standpoint of the right doctrine and positively presented all the rights that protect humans.

In theory, the international community has taken giant steps in the development of a global legal framework (agreements, protocols, declarations, proclamations, resolutions, conventions, etc..), The same to ensure the economic, social, political cultural, religious people and people, but the reality is different. Understanding that "the cries of distress of the poor and the cries of pain reverberate in tunnels outraged: the history and the present." Cries and anguish which must be attended to and healed by a new generation of lawyers, who are training at the academy, fight and demand Intelligences in various forums over the rule of law.

The University Professor Dr. Dilmer Meza Intriago, in his book "The Emergence and development of public international law", cites Professor Marco Gerardo Monroy Zebra, to indicate that the origin of human rights dates back to the laws oldest as "The Code of Hammurabi, the laws of Solon, the 10 commandments of Moses, the ten code essential human freedoms and controls for human life of Manu and Buddha, the Stoic School and Christianity, in proclaiming the equality people before God. In fact the historical process is long in men and women across the Earth, have been carried out to liberate human beings from the most brutal and unconscious human rights violations. Without prejudice from the philosophical level the contributions of individual rationality of Grotius, Montesquieu, Locke, Rousseau, etc.., Which helped to consolidate a doctrine of individual rights and the rights of man and citizen.

But the most significant achievement in this area was the proclamation of the General Assembly of the United Nations, December 10, 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the same that has inspired the constitutions of many states to protect human beings and in Article 1 says "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another. ".

Consequently the international community has been shocked to see that in the XXI century still continue criminalizing the right to live, right to work and the right to freely choose a place to live. Therefore, the SB 1070 that recently enacted in Phoenix to apply in the State of Arizona, should be subject to rejection and lifelong study of human rights, where not enough partial blockage of certain articles that criminalize any migrant, the Just because you write a law like this is worrying.

Now the big question on the entire Western world is made is what is the role of "Community Organizer" Barack Obama, now president of the United States of America?.


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