Sunday, September 19, 2010

What Is A Good Shot To Have At A Party

Government , intolerance, corruption ...

The government pursues, protects and builds the political activity. In a democracy, its actors, institutions and functions should reflect the following principles: unity, legitimacy, responsibility, respect, support, solidarity and tolerance.

The democratic government is equal, sometimes represented by a handful recognized by all ... sometimes all the same in a participatory way, associations and organizations move in unison with their decisions, votes, actions to the same end.

Then there can be no democratic government with a President Republic intolerant, autocratic and insulted.

In 1763
Voltaire wrote the book "Treatise on Tolerance
... is likely that he would never have imagined that two centuries and a half later, his criticism of intolerance is one of his most current and necessary.
But what Voltaire said?: "The human right can not be based in any case not later than on the natural law, and the great principle, the universal principle of both is, in all the earth: "No matter what you do not want you." It is not clear, therefore, according to this principle, a man can say to another: "Believe what I believe and what you can not believe, or perish.." The right of intolerance is, therefore, absurd and barbaric: the right of the tigers, and is much more horrible because the Tigers only kill to eat. "

But the first of us, it should behave like the youngest brother, likes to be called Head of State, Prime agent. Refuses to be called Your Excellency, but on the pretext of the majesty of the presidency, punish and curse those who dare to look evil, contradict, or give the slightest sign of disapproval.

Rafael Correa Delgado, for the link Presidential took place in El Juncal, Imbabura province, on Saturday July 31, when he commented strongly alleged interference by leaders of the province of Esmeraldas opposed to La Concordia is attached to the Santa Domingo de los Tsáchilas demanded dismissal, without meditation and devotion, people of his communications team, he says, by bad editing material on the march organized by the people of Esmeraldas on 28 July.

examples of intolerance of President Rafael Correa abound by the thousands. Have been the most persecuted journalists and media, to the point that it is strange that daily do not say anything wrong, anger, arrogance and hatred toward those who promote a civilized way dialogue, discussion, reflection and the rule of ideas.

Voltaire taught us that we can not be tolerant of intolerance. In these days of intolerance, people think we should be less tolerant of corruption, so the idea was echoed in the government of the Citizen Revolution fight against corruption. However, the days passed and corruption prevails at all levels, from a single station to the upper echelons of government.

in El Juncal, Rafael Correa, considered by some of his supporters as the Dear Leader or Great Leader, during the presidential liaison said that his government has been relentless in exposing corruption in this administration and that in the near future will be reported very severe cases. Is it true?

face facts, who have been really ruthless with corruption have been Gabriel Salvador, supplier independent citizen Correa, Jorge Ortiz, Emilio Palacio, Douglas Cow and Carlos Vera, journalists and free thinkers.

Alert! It is they who have been to go to jail, and they do not merit the corrupt dirty to locate to Transparency International our country as one of the most corrupt, corrupt judges, the beneficiaries of the emergency decrees, the comedians of influence and bribes, exorbitant travel expenses bureaucrats, contractors uneducated or warranties, the geniuses of the premiums, SOAT causing so forth.


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