Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mysore Malligae Bluefilm

TRANSPARENCY IN DEMOCRACY Chile requires a law to regulate lobbying on crisis and journalism

In Chile

badly needed transparency in the Parliament and the executive. To do this we must have a law regulating that activity Lobby. Many leaders confuse influence peddling with the Lobby. Lobby is not influence peddling and it is most opposed to that.

pressures are known banking sector, exporters, large companies, etc., Are legitimate probably, but how to exert the pressure has changed today. The modern Lobby does not translate into actual contact with authorities and powers, is much more than that. The lobby is an activity that can be applied in various ways: a direct lobby, a tall lobby, a lobby base.

know that lobbyists have always existed in all countries and demonstrated in various ways, through games of influence to defend their views. But the modern lobby not made in the shade and unable to continue serving in that form, must be transparent and face to society.

Nothing is more delicate than trying to influence a legal issue, act on issues that can affect millions of people, institutions or organizations. For this activity should be carried out by competent and qualified and total transparency and a people imbued with a spirit ethical, with a clear sense of social responsibility within the framework of regulations and well-defined parameters.

In Chile we have to create this profession, that of lobbyists, who be regulated both from a legal standpoint as ethics.


Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wards Lab Activity Student Study Guide

interruptions and protests mark

on crisis and journalism

In the latest issue of Journalists (No. 24, Spring, 2011), a quarterly magazine of Federation of Associations of Journalists in Spain (FAPE ) published this article in "Tribuna" :

    Crisis and journalism

    In 2009, the year the economic crisis particularly hard hit Western countries, not all were left with empty pockets. Some companies were made of gold. And they did it, partly thanks to the invaluable assistance of the media.

    I refer, of course, drug companies marketing vaccines for influenza A. You know, one that was described as "first pandemic of the XXI century", the new plague that promised to be every customer ahead unvaccinated. Through its many tentacles, drug fueled a health scare that the media-also the WHO and the rulers, yes, swallowed without blinking. When the pharmaceutical filled the saddlebags, having sold their balms doubloon Gilead, the flu was gone like wine, like all flu disappear.

    That episode should move us to reflect on the shortcomings of the media reporting of crises, be they health, economic or otherwise. What are the mistakes? And above all, how to avoid them? I can think of five ideas (obvious, I know, but someone had to be said):

    1) Lift the look . Report it requires, first, to focus attention not only in the immediate. Myopia, this defect of vision that blurs all that is left to a few feet from the nose, is one of the most common in news coverage of any crisis. Many financial journalists are content to talk about the daily ups and downs of the markets, but just pay attention to the bottom currents. They are, however, these currents which determine the fate of the economy in the medium and long term.

    2) Less quotes and more data. Economic crisis leading to political and labor intensive discussions, naturally. However, these scuffle not require converting the coverage of events in endless games of table tennis, where each other are thrown things at each other head. As they shout, trying drugging excessively society or alarm, as touch, journalists would do well to study thoroughly the roles. And what have been found there. That would be enough.

    3) More ties robes. Of course, not all voices abound. Some people are very helpful to understand the whys of a crisis. Only must take the trouble to look. Rather than acting as mere go-between of the usual, or to use Smarty minions pundits, the media would do well to require the opinion of these experts less common, those who truly know phenomena.

    4) History teaches . No two crises are identical, right. But rarely is one that bears some similarity to a trance from the past. Often the best way to anticipate the future is simply to check what happened in the past.

    5) Explain with pictures . The more complex the subject of the report to be simpler and more attractive should be how to communicate. Use-it-genres such as computer graphics to show the true extent and evolution of a crisis saves unnecessary explanations. Good financial information is both accurate and interesting.

    could continue with more ideas, but this column only leaves room for a final reflection. It is a truism that, in the middle of the current economic crisis, it is the journalism that is in crisis. Current statistics are shown, indeed, an anthology of ski jumping trampolines, with falls each more terrifying. And there are those who blame for these evils to the Internet, the lack youth or ... the master armorer. Maybe if journalists were more self-critical in their own work, would be made on the way to solve the main problem: heal their eroded credibility.

Tags: reflections



Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Before And After Female Waxing

speech Piñera Sebastián Piñera

interruptions and protests

speech marked Sebastián Piñera

Sohad Houssein

Sixteen people arrested and evicted from the stands of Congress, a Onat between parliamentarians at the end speech, constant screaming from the stands and reflections from the authorities on the differences between the ruling and opposition, overshadowed the few public announcements of this account.

A public account marked by the constant interruptions from the gallery, even from the seats of the authorities was who gave the May 21 President Sebastián Piñera.

Sixteen people were evicted from the room full of Congress during the session, including four students representing the CONFECH, a residential debtor and others loudly demanded better working conditions.

One of the moments of greatest tension came when five MPs from the Coalition took a canvas with the slogan "No to Hidroaysén" at the time that the president referred to the Environment and Energy. The Senate President Guido Girardi, then had to stop and call on legislators to return to order.

"We can not oppose all energy generating sources," he said Piñera and a clear allusion to the previous governments recalled that in the past 15 years have passed 106 power plants.

The head of state went further saying that "those who say that clean energy is the solution to our problem, are leading to error. We can not abandon hydroelectric and thermoelectric projects, but the blunders and jeers did not cease.

"We can not say we need energy, consuming abundantly and at the same time, oppose all your sources, "Piñera said, defending the adoption of Hidroaysén resisted.

As a" mitigation measure "the environmental conflicts that are happening in their government, the President announced the creation of a fund of 84 million dollars for research and promotion of clean renewable energy. In addition to an intersectoral commission with political representatives and citizens, to study the possibility of creating a public highway power transmission, among other measures.

But it was some minutes before involvement of parliamentarians when Piñera lost his composure. The previous rants were ignored by the President, who took the voice to continue the speech while its adherents to quell applauded.

"We will not distract a second mission that together we are making (...) the violence in our country will never have the last word (...) is the loss of respect for weakening our democracy," said a Piñera obfuscated the screams coming from the gallery.

In a heated political environment and citizen, and while on the streets of Valparaiso peaceful demonstrations were repelled with tear gas by police, the President ended his speech by calling for national unity and remembering the consequences of past divisions. However, only minutes after the public accounts were the same MPs who staged an attempted attempt in Congress.

The findings and thoughts this time were dedicated to the dispute, the legitimacy of extending paintings in the public accounts and the differences between the government and the opposition to comment on the announcements of the Government, however, were limited, as discourse focused, as agreed by the political committee in La Moneda, in highlighting the progress of the year, figures that also were strongly questioned from various quarters in recent days.

And a new trick on played a camera on him as he left the Congress along with the First Lady and the presidents of the chambers. "It was good, much more quiet than we expected," said Cecilia Morell.


SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma UN Public Administration Management in
  • can read us FACEBOOK IN

CEL: 93934521
Apply for our courses consulting and training in public administration, LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile