Thursday, May 5, 2011

Marine Corps Wrestling Gym

laureate Aung San: no to dictatorship and democracy

Aung San Suu Kyi born in Rangoon, Burma, June 19, 1945. Personality is representative of the Burmese opposition against the military dictatorship in power since 1962 in a Southeast Asian country, bordered on the north by China, south to the Andaman Sea, east by Laos and Thailand, and west with India, Bangladesh and the Bay of Bengal.
Suu Kyi is the daughter of Aung San, the national hero who in 1947 signed the treaty of independence with the British Government before being killed. After graduating from Oxford, working in the United Nations Secretariat and be a teacher in India, Aung San Suu Kyi returned to Burma in 1988 and participated in the second bout in favor of national independence. " This match was inspired by the peaceful example of Gandhi and his Buddhist faith, which led him to advocate a "revolution of the spirit which is manifested through the recognition of the need for dialogue and compassion for the humble."

In 1989 he was placed under house arrest in Rangoon. He took the helm of the National League for Democracy, which won 1990 elections by a landslide. As the military authorities refused to take into account this result, his party could not form a civil government. Aung San Suu Kyi, subject to close supervision, chose to stand by its people witnessing to their faith in "the idea of \u200b\u200bgood and of justice."

received on Thorolf Rafto Prize for human rights and the Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought. His purpose that the Burmese drama did not fall into oblivion was rewarded on 14 October 1991 with the Nobel Peace Prize by which released its worldwide fight against rejecting the exile that he intended to return for his silence .

Put under house arrest again in 1996, has rarely been able to receive visitors, but managed United Nations send some recorded messages denouncing the deteriorating human rights situation in his country, calling on the international community to give priority to the political rights of the National League whose leadership continues to claim.

In September 2007 he was transferred to a new venue due to criminal events held throughout the country demanding democracy. San Suu Kyi has been released from prison after serving an unjust sentence on 13 November. She was greeted at the door of his home by about 3,000 people. Suu Kyi spent 15 of the past 21 years imprisoned or detained in a country also a prisoner.

Aung San Suu Kyi, in the fullness of the information society, the late beginning of the exploitation of man by man, of good living, full equality of rights, to the highest standards of civilized dialogue and the use of freedom and democracy, means for fighting ethics front, the beginning of the end of 48 years of a bloody military dictatorship, inhuman and incomprehensible in a world where everything is over respect for fundamental rights of human beings.


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