Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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Being flexible and rapid decision-making is key to success.

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10 tips from Carlos Slim to manage your company

The richest man in the world achieved their wealth through a grand vision and business strategy. Here's how to imitate.


The fortune and success who amassed Carlos Slim has been the product of skill and luck. However, the Mexican billionaire has 10 business principles that have made it the world's richest man and most powerful businessman Latin America. Here

present them as the driving Slim:

  • have simple structures and organizations with minimal hierarchies with human development and internal training of executive functions. Having flexibility and speed decisions. Leverage the advantages of small business , which are what make great big business.
  • Maintain austerity in times of plenty. This strengthens , capitalizes and accelerates the development of the company. Also avoid the bitter adjustments in times of crisis.
  • Stay active in the modernization , growth, training, quality , simplification and continuous improvement of production processes. Increase productivity , competitiveness, reduce costs and costs always guided by the global benchmarks.
  • The company should never be limited to measure owner or manager . Do not be a big fish in a small pond.
  • There is no challenge we can not achieve working together , clearly in objectives and knowledge of instruments to achieve them.
  • The money that leaves the company evaporates. So reinvest the profits .
  • The l business creativity is not only applicable to business. It is also the solution of many problems in our countries. It's what we do through the foundations of the group.
  • The Firm and patient optimism always yields its fruit . This explains Slim Helu, was inherited from his father.
  • All times are good for those who know work and have to do it.
  • Its premise, he explains, is to appreciate that people are going nothing , for him things can only get in life and views the entrepreneur as a creator of wealth , same as that given temporarily.


ASK, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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