Thursday, May 19, 2011

Evaporation Lines, American Fare

Minister of Agriculture ruled that Chile adopt foreign agreement that allows the patenting of native species

Minister of Agriculture ruled that Chile adopt foreign agreement that allows the patenting of species native

Agriculture Minister, José Antonio Galilea, categorically ruled that the adoption of the International Convention for the Protection Variety of Plants (UPOV 91), which grants rights to the property of their owners modified seeds, could damage the country's small farmers.

Posted on Thursday May 19, 2011 at 9:07 am 0

In conversation with "The Great Interactive Tomorrow," Agriculture Minister, José Antonio Galilea, categorically ruled that the adoption of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV 91), which grants rights to the ownership of seeds modified to their owners, could damage the country's small farmers.

As the owner of Agriculture said the project was presented in the previous administration, the government of former President Michelle Bachelet, as part of an agreement concluded by the signing of FTAs \u200b\u200bwith the U.S., Australia and Japan.

view of Galilee, "has assembled a whirlwind of information by the Senate passage of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV 91). I'm really surprised so far has climbed misinformation and misrepresentation of what happened in the Senate. "

Agriculture Minister, said this is a legal framework "that all it does is protect the rights of individuals or companies that derive new plant varieties for agriculture."

"has nothing to do this project with GM, to affect small farmers and the ethnic groups in Chile, because it has to do with the new varieties, it has nothing to do with endemic or indigenous variety of the country ", stressed the authority.


said that" it has been said that this is a project to promote a seed company in particular. In Chile there is a tremendous development of the seed industry, small entrepreneurs are also involved. I'm really impressed so far there has been misinformation and I would say bad intention as to proclaim thesis absolutely false about this agreement. "

Sentencing that is aberrant, in Chile there is no law that allows patenting plants, that does not exist and the issue of GM runs a different project in Parliament to be submitted for discussion at the time, but entangle an international convention to which we are bound by agreement that we entered into with other countries and it is also an upgrade in terms of protecting the rights of those dedicated to this. "



Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility" of the UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management "
UN Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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