Saturday, May 21, 2011

Before And After Female Waxing

speech Piñera Sebastián Piñera

interruptions and protests

speech marked Sebastián Piñera

Sohad Houssein

Sixteen people arrested and evicted from the stands of Congress, a Onat between parliamentarians at the end speech, constant screaming from the stands and reflections from the authorities on the differences between the ruling and opposition, overshadowed the few public announcements of this account.

A public account marked by the constant interruptions from the gallery, even from the seats of the authorities was who gave the May 21 President Sebastián Piñera.

Sixteen people were evicted from the room full of Congress during the session, including four students representing the CONFECH, a residential debtor and others loudly demanded better working conditions.

One of the moments of greatest tension came when five MPs from the Coalition took a canvas with the slogan "No to Hidroaysén" at the time that the president referred to the Environment and Energy. The Senate President Guido Girardi, then had to stop and call on legislators to return to order.

"We can not oppose all energy generating sources," he said Piñera and a clear allusion to the previous governments recalled that in the past 15 years have passed 106 power plants.

The head of state went further saying that "those who say that clean energy is the solution to our problem, are leading to error. We can not abandon hydroelectric and thermoelectric projects, but the blunders and jeers did not cease.

"We can not say we need energy, consuming abundantly and at the same time, oppose all your sources, "Piñera said, defending the adoption of Hidroaysén resisted.

As a" mitigation measure "the environmental conflicts that are happening in their government, the President announced the creation of a fund of 84 million dollars for research and promotion of clean renewable energy. In addition to an intersectoral commission with political representatives and citizens, to study the possibility of creating a public highway power transmission, among other measures.

But it was some minutes before involvement of parliamentarians when Piñera lost his composure. The previous rants were ignored by the President, who took the voice to continue the speech while its adherents to quell applauded.

"We will not distract a second mission that together we are making (...) the violence in our country will never have the last word (...) is the loss of respect for weakening our democracy," said a Piñera obfuscated the screams coming from the gallery.

In a heated political environment and citizen, and while on the streets of Valparaiso peaceful demonstrations were repelled with tear gas by police, the President ended his speech by calling for national unity and remembering the consequences of past divisions. However, only minutes after the public accounts were the same MPs who staged an attempted attempt in Congress.

The findings and thoughts this time were dedicated to the dispute, the legitimacy of extending paintings in the public accounts and the differences between the government and the opposition to comment on the announcements of the Government, however, were limited, as discourse focused, as agreed by the political committee in La Moneda, in highlighting the progress of the year, figures that also were strongly questioned from various quarters in recent days.

And a new trick on played a camera on him as he left the Congress along with the First Lady and the presidents of the chambers. "It was good, much more quiet than we expected," said Cecilia Morell.


SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
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