Friday, May 20, 2011

List Of Brownie Badges And Requirements



presidente An integrated mining the challenges of society

our business for many years was synonymous with location, is an oasis of alien technology and labor standards to their environment. Modern and independent camps in the desert or the mountains, with their own supply systems or even their own TV channels. That is, autarkic system that avoided real look at nearby communities.

Today, the company that just keep looking at the hill in time to see 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees, or do not integrate the vision of the neighbors on itself, has no future in the industry. Without social legitimacy will not be possible to ensure continuity of operations or development of new projects.

Moreover, the nature of our business, from non-renewable natural resources, we should always be made looking to the future, recognizing and placing value on mining resources, and therefore entering companies do not always have a mining tradition.

In this context, we must not only ask ourselves how we will protect our environment for the impacts and risks associated with our industry. The great challenge before us is to see the sense in which our activity in the world of the future. And that future, that progress is not possible without the metals, and so no large scale mining.

The look that we have in our company about the social issue has led us to identify two major areas of management to address the various concerns and expectations of society.

The first concerns a Responsible, thus ensuring the respect and consideration for people. Safety and health of our workers, quality of labor relations, peaceful coexistence with communities, and the employability and capacity building of local provision at the base. In addition there are now new opportunities and challenges, such as gender mainstreaming or the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide.

The second key area in corporate management is aimed the development of the societies in which we perform. This means, for example, to look beyond our own personal needs, preparing local capacities that can produce different development alternatives to mining, especially addressing the modernization of traditional activities in those areas.

In this field there are excellent examples throughout our industry, but today we may go beyond individual efforts and work on a common vision especially in areas where coexist different mines.

All of the Above our industry requires in-depth understanding its context and move on indicators of effective management, plant and control challenging goals that respond to society. All this must be part of the culture of our organizations, enabling economic, environmental and social are considered in decision-making from the design of any project until its closure.

This is the final call I want to do in this post, and that there is another to summon the leaders of our industry to ensure comprehensive management to do that mining is no longer synonymous with location, but integration and Working with the company for their economic and spiritual.

President Marcelo Awad

President Seminar 2011 SRMINING Antofagasta Minerals Group Executive


An integrated mining challenges society

our business for many years was synonymous enclave, is an oasis of alien technology and labor standards to their environment. Modern and independent camps in the desert or the mountains, with their own supply systems or even their own TV channels. That is, autarkic system that avoided real look at nearby communities.

Today, the company that just keep looking at the hill in time to see 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees, or do not integrate the vision of the neighbors on itself, has no future in the industry. Without social legitimacy will not be possible to ensure continuity of operations or development of new projects.

Moreover, the nature of our business, from non-renewable natural resources, we should always be made looking to the future, recognizing and placing value on mining resources, and therefore entering companies do not always have a mining tradition.

In this context, we must not only ask ourselves how we will protect our environment for the impacts and risks associated with our industry. The great challenge before us is to see the sense in which our activity in the world of the future. And that future, that progress is not possible without the metals, and so no large scale mining.

The look that we have in our company about the social issue has led us to identify two major fields of management to address the various concerns and expectations of society.

The first concerns a Responsible, thus ensuring the respect and consideration for people. Safety and health of our workers, quality of labor relations, peaceful coexistence with communities, and the employability and capacity building of local provision at the base. In addition there are now new opportunities and challenges, such as gender mainstreaming or the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide.

The second key area management social is aimed at developing the societies in which we perform. This means, for example, to look beyond our own personal needs, preparing local capacities that can produce different development alternatives to mining, especially addressing the modernization of traditional activities in those areas.

In this area there are excellent examples throughout our industry, but today we may go beyond individual efforts and work on a common vision especially in areas where coexist different mines.

All of the Above our industry requires in-depth knowledge its context and move on indicators of effective management, plant and control challenging goals that respond to society. All this must be part of the culture of our organizations, enabling economic, environmental and social are considered in decision-making from the design of any project until its closure.

This is the final call I want to do in this post, and that there is another to summon the leaders of our industry to ensure comprehensive management to do that mining is no longer synonymous with location, but that integration and joint work with the company for their economic and spiritual.

Marcelo Awad
President Seminar 2011
SRMINING Antofagasta Minerals Group CEO


SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
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