Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ewa Sonnet With Baby Oil


would be the second most expensive natural disaster for insurers after Katrina, which cost $ 16 billion

Flood upward pressure on U.S. prices of agricultural commodities and fuels

wheat values \u200b\u200bhave risen 28 cents a bushel, corn has risen by 23 cents a bushel and soybeans by 15 cents a bushel.

By Isabel Ramos Jeldres

A tough situation is the farmers living in the United States. The Mississippi River flood, the largest river system in the country, has grown because of heavy rains and melting snow, which has affected not only agricultural land in the area, but has also disrupted transport half of all U.S. grain exports, putting upward pressure on the price of wheat, corn and soybeans.

Boats load began to move slowly down the Mississippi River Friday after the Coast Guard traffic paralyzed for a day, to prevent flood waters hundreds of hectares of agricultural land. So far, 100 thousand acres of land have been affected.

As a result, wheat prices have risen 28 cents a bushel, corn has risen by 23 cents a bushel and soybeans has increased by 15 cents a bushel. Analysts expect that these price increases begin to also transferred to international markets since United States is the biggest grain exporter in the world.

addition to raising the prices of agricultural commodities, the flood of the river has stopped normal operation of oil and gas wells in the area.

In the area there are 2,264 oil wells, responsible for 19 000 barrels of oil a day, according to the Oil and Gas Association of Louisiana. In addition, there are 252.6 million cubic feet of gas per day, according to spokeswoman Department of Natural Resources Louisiana, Anna DeArmon. In addition there is the interruption of ten refineries of the state, contributing 14% of the operational capacity of the country.

insurance losses

Floods could
also cause insurance companies to major losses from natural disasters in the United States since Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005.

costs of floods in states like Tennessee and Missouri could overcome the losses from Hurricane Ike, which hit Texas in 2008, and the increase in the Cedar River flood that hit Iowa, told Bloomberg analyst insurance industry Wunderlich Securities, Elizabeth Malone.

Katrina caused more than $ 16 billion in losses to the National Flood Insurance, which covers homes and businesses. Ike, meanwhile, demanded U.S. $ 2,600 million.

These expenses add to the losses suffered by insurance companies last month, the highest for the month of April in the U.S. since at least 2006. Tornadoes in Alabama and forest fires in Texas contributed more than $ 5 billion in losses for the industry, according to Aon, the largest insurance broker in the country.

But the crisis also will increase the burden of the National Flood Insurance Program, which already owes U.S. $ 18 billion, and could not recover from Katrina and the recent events. Fifteen of the largest flood-related expenditures have been made in the last fifteen years
Source :

SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
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