Saturday, May 14, 2011

Invent Digital Projector

Concientizar + Limpiar + Fumigar

Por Profa. Rosa Martínez
La idea es prevenir y por ello se trata de fomentar brigadas con nuestros  niños, niñas, y jóvenes desde las aulas para evitar los criaderos de zancudos, rastreros, y roedores. Claro ellos no son los únicos, la comunidad en pleno debe abocarse a la tarea. 

Manteniendo libre de aguas estancadas los espacios.
Eliminando los cauchos y objetos que puedan ser deposito de aguas.
Evitando la acumulación de desperdicios orgánicos en decomposition. Sorting trash
organic waste, paper, cardboard, plastic.
Encouraging residents to use the container properly.

Since last April 8 in the parish of St. Joseph Community Center and Student Development CCPDE Protection San Jose started in conjunction with the Parish Government, the Cabinet of Health, and the Brigade Soldier St. Joseph the fumigation operation of the schools due to recurrent cases with symptoms of virus in children children and staff. Also at reports of rodents was activated for the Day Derat, and Desmalizar those areas where necessary. Note that you have included the Parish Library and the park Zuvillaga. To this is added to the task team Fundafauna.

On Monday 16 taking advantage of the clean-up day shall be clearing the area in EBNB Jesús María Páez expect the cooperation of the community in the maintenance of spaces.

A PANORAMA neighbors consciousness: we remind you that the goatee for a long, long time not covered by the trash in the areas of secondary schools, so they should raise their bags to the container located on the corner of San Gabriel. As shown in the graph is the parking space in high schools where every passing day are leaving their bags. This is another major pollution source.

still have a strong farm means the space intended for the Polideportivo de San Rafael to San Gabriel. The call is to the wider community to organize the day for weeding, spraying, and keep clear space.

CERN Eva Francesqui of Villasmil
CEIP Colegio Jesús María Páez
Zuvillaga Park


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