Tuesday, May 17, 2011

School Diferment Letter

energies renovbles-General Motors in 2013 opened an engine plant electric car group General Motors will start in 2013 the production activity of its new plant in Baltimore, Maryland (USA), which is devoted to the manufacture

General Motors opened in 2013 an electric engine plant

The carmaker General Motors will start in 2013 the production activity of its new plant in Baltimore, in the State of Maryland (United States), which is dedicated to the manufacture of electric motors, the company that will invest $ 268.5 million (191.1 million euros at current exchange rates) in this project.
Posted by: ECOticias.com / Red / Agencies, 17/05/2011, 17:45 h
General Motors manufacturing center stressed that this is the first of a major auto manufacturer United States dedicated to the production of critical components for the electrification of vehicles. The company said that the design and manufacture of electric motor represents a "key" business in the development and manufacture of plug-in electric cars and hybrids.
"We believe the future of sustainable transport must pass by vehicles and the factory will help us maintain the leading position within this category, "the vice president for Energy, Environment and Security Policy of the group, Mike Robinson.
The company said that this center production will have an energy supply which shall, in part, of a photovoltaic plant that will have a capacity of 1.23 megawatts, which will require 9% of total energy demand of the plant and will save $ 330,000 (234,042 euros) Throughout the duration of the project.
In this sense, Robinson said that by harnessing the energy generated by the photovoltaic plant, the company fail to deliver 1.1 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to the emissions of 216 automobiles.
Source: ECOticias.com - ep

SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings
Rodrigo González Fernández Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN

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