Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cute Simplepiknik Quotes

The Manabi and Los Caras

The Manabi and The Faces are as true and incontrovertible as the bridge opened on 3 November, President Rafael Correa and 30,000 Manabi who were present. Just

to go to the most authoritative sources and consulted for centuries: Bartolomé Ruiz de Estrada, Diego de Trujillo Paez, Miguel de Estete, Cieza de Leon, Miguel Cabello Balboa, Tomas de Berlanga, Agustin de Zarate.

Don Alberto Molina Garcia said: "... among the nine major tribes who lived these regions consisted MANABI tribe, which suppresses the plural, would clearly like MANABÍ, THAT WOULD probably testifying to the Commission to propose the erection of the province with this name. " Aptly, the venerable chronicler Lifetime Portoviejo Manabi Antiquities took Prof. MH Saville, the following conclusion: "In all early relationships, concerning the discovery and colonization of Manabi, the name does not appear, but it's called Portoviejo Province, also had other titles such as: GOVERNMENT OF FACE, Portoviejo Tenure, Government of Guayaquil and Manta Province."

In the twentieth century, archaeologists renonbre as Max Uhle, GHS Bushnell, Udo Oberem, Allyson Paulsen, Rex Gonzalez, made important contributions to American relationships of the Maya and various American peoples, among them, Manabi.

In May 2009, visited Bay Caraquez a scientific mission of the National Geographic, led by expert Johan Reinhard, who praised the work of Patricio Tamariz, a pioneer in underwater exploration to rescue the heritage Cara.

Cara, according to the Royal Academy of Language (The place name Cara, bay where this ethnic group founded a city). adj. The individual is said of a Native American people, first resident of the Coast and the northern Sierra of Ecuador. U. tcs of tradition, that being the form and presentation of the face was the most significant individuals Caras, the English conquistadors ignorant, contemptuously, scorning the remains and indigenous peoples, and dubbed them.

However, much more credible than the origin of the name of The Faces, we would find in the Maya area and could be related to the current jungle of Honduras who was the great nest of a bird that characterized the region.

The Faces were part of Manabi and its legendary status could also be because its members were the Shyris, a professional warrior elite specialized in exploring new territories. They were the first totally abandon Faces in Manabi, which despite being a haven for fishing, hunting and agriculture, did not stop his search, centennially slowly but surely, cosmic energy, mineral wealth and mysterious religious offerings.

After Shyris, joined other groups Faces and left their mark his contribution to a new civilization in territories where it will consolidate the immortal, free and untamed Ecuadorian nationality.

This background is a key issue for Manabi, but we have not been able so far to acquire and share our history. So now instead of a systemic work provincial institutions calls, we had to settle for the oral tradition and the work of Molina, Hidrovo, Santos, Dueñas, Estrada, Buenaventura Moreira, Sanchez, Arteaga Parry, Vaca Vera, Intriago Macias, who despite being heroic valuable, have been insufficient.

Now is the time, thanks to a large public works, two mayors rescued the origins of their region, province and Ecuador: THE FACES. And Alfaro City time, so in terms of their academic, economic and administrative, reissued their valuable contribution JABONCILLO-LEAVES, in this regard.

With strong support from the GAD of Sucre and San Vicente, Ciudad Alfaro, universities, media and other social entities will be encouraged to recognize and overcome THE FACES unnecessary disputes as legitimate but that the name of the newly opened bridge. Decidedly

WITH BRIDGE THE FACES were Carlos Mendoza, Humberto Garcia, Ma Angeles Duarte, Verónica Rodríguez, Fernando Zambrano, Alfonso Delgado González, Cristina Ruperti, Eduardo Rodríguez Coll, Eder, Cevallos, Arthur Pita, Joselio Sanchez, among others.

Other prominent names proposed: National Unity, Bahia San Vicente, Rafael Correa Delgado, Eloy Alfaro. And there were many others, the timely initiative Eq Ricardo Zambrano, MTOP Project manager and e-mail:; opinion poll overwhelmingly supported idea of \u200b\u200bTHE FACES.

A strange idea was that of Fernando Mantilla, who proposed the Great Bridge, which if approved could be handled politically, and that despite being an impressive piece of 1,980 meters, the largest bridge in Ecuador and the second longest the Andean Community, there are over 250 bridges in the world much larger than ours.

The history will prove the greatness of the Caras and public service use, duration, the splendor of BRIDGE. It is the duty of all care Manabi both estates. Journalists in the province and we have tried to make a small contribution. Manabi deserves much more!


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