Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Difference Between Mino Hd And Fliphd

: Generating Association

Generating Association

flow into the Sofofa

general manager of the newly formed Association of Generating Chile, in which are grouped Endesa, Colbún, Gener, Pacific Hydro and SN Power-Rene Muga, said they are in a stage of organization of the entity and knowledge with other union organizations.

Muga said they are evaluating their accession to the Confederation of Production and Trade through the Sofofa, which resolved "very soon."

The executive said that the Association's goal is to become the industry benchmark, "a major player in the discussion of public policy in this country. We want to be a constructive, to contribute to the discussion. "



Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma "Corporate Social Responsibility" UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management "UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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