Friday, May 20, 2011

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: English 3Power Energy arrived in Chile with purchase of two wind projects

Inglesa 3Power Energy llega a Chile con compra de dos proyectos eólicos

El grupo inglés 3Power Energy anunció ayer su llegada oficial al país a través de la firma de un acuerdo para adquirir dos nuevos proyectos eólicos, que en conjunto totalizarán 58 MW.

De acuerdo a la firma, que no detalló con quien se encuentra negociando la venta wind farms nor their location, the current owner of the projects would be finalizing the necessary regulations and permits for the development of these plans. Energy 3Power reported, once the purchase is realized, the company transferred to the subsidiary both local initiatives that will manage the new operation in Chile, the newly formed Energy SA
However, he had other plans in Chile: according to its website, also aim to build two projects 9MW and 4.5 MW, both located in the south of the country (the second one in the Bío Bío Region), the beginning of operation is scheduled for late this year.

Source: DF

SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
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