Thursday, May 19, 2011

Male Genital Tattoo On Sacks

Central Bank first quarter results gave

Central Bank first quarter results gave

Chile's GDP grows 9.8% driven by double-digit rise in six productive sectors


that there is a strong influence of the low basis of comparison, industry showed a growth of 11.1% between January and March.

By Marta Sánchez Leiva

The Chilean economy confirmed yesterday his hot streak. And no wonder, considering that nine productive sectors, six were in the January-March period, a double-digit growth, where the industry stands shown by the strong recovery after a sharp drop due to the effects of earthquake . This dynamic behavior is mainly explained for post earthquake recovery, brought as a direct result, according to the Central Bank, gross domestic product (GDP) reached 9.8%, a trend that would strengthen the possibility that in 2011 evidences a dynamic activity of more than 6%.

when it reached a One way to size increase is pointing out that 9.8% is the highest result obtained from the fourth quarter of 1995 11.8% and the best growth when compared with the first three months '92 year, as evidenced an expansion of 11.9%. Moreover, domestic demand in this period grew 14.6%, the same level exhibited in the last quarter of 2010, and strongly driven by household consumption with 12.6% and investment also scored a record rate of 19.3%.

While the gap between GDP growth and demand in the first quarter stands to pose a possible overheating of the economy, no consensus yet on the market, since the experts are inclined because they anticipated a close gaps in capacity and growth should moderate in the rest of the year. The bad news in any case, is given by the side of inflation. Although expectations have moderated, as we said yesterday Finance Minister, Felipe Larraín: "When compared the rates of bonds in pesos and dollars from the Central Bank two years, we have a very strong fall in inflation expectations and with a moderation of food prices. "However, most estimates economists are still placed on top of the target range set by Central from 2% to 4%. So bet is that the monetary authority will continue raising interest rates to achieve the so-called neutral level: around 6%.



Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
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