Thursday, May 5, 2011

How To Hack A Prepaid Sidekick

The Faces and its vicissitudes

Uno de los ecos de la inauguración del puente Los Caras, es el renovado interés de Los manabitas por conocer las vicisitudes del litoral norte de nuestra provincia (desde Charapotó hasta Pedernales) y la posibilidad de integrar mejor la experiencia y potencial de ese extenso territorio con Manta y otras ciudades manabitas.

El Gobierno de Caráquez fue una importante provincia del Imperio español entre 1562-1590. Su capital era Bahía de Caráquez, con una superficie 13,000 km2. Los territorios, poblados y comarcas actuales que fueron en su momento incorporados a la jurisdicción del Gobierno de Caras son los siguientes: Sucre, San Vicente, Jama, Pedernales, Flavio Alfaro, Chone, Bolívar, Pichincha, El Carmen, Manga del Cura, Junín, Tosagua, part of the territory of the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, territorial segments splicing and Balzar cantons in the province of Guayas, territorial gangs Valencia counties and Good Faith of the province of Los Ríos and southern territories of the province of Esmeraldas.

Caráquez Civil Government, Province or Government Caráquez Caran, cited in other historical accounts as government or government Cara Caras was a territorial entity overseas fragmentary and member of the English Empire in what was then known as the Indies.

In the modern history of the Kingdom of Quito and the province chronic Company, published in 1789, Father Juan de Velasco, gave a general description of the former Governor of Caráquez: the Viceroy of Peru, Diego López de Zúñiga y Velasco, founded in 1562, with few people with some English and Indian, Face the small town on the same traces of old who were regularly carved stone. Neither

this city or the small towns of Indiana, who settled in the region, could persist without interruption. Yes there were some unruly tribes in the interior of the forests that were never conquests.

The founding of the city or face Caráquez settled on signs of the old Indian city of Carano. Velasco referred to the city that was destroyed and looted the evil Pedro de Alvarado decades earlier. Just saved the tilled soil and sculpted, and the sculptures that surround today beauty and mystery.

In the seventeenth century, the president of the Royal Audience of Quito, Antonio de Morga, consolidate them again as Villa de San Antonio de Caráquez, to return to die again uninhabitable for decades, to be populated in the late eighteenth century. In conclusion, the present city of Caráquez had to rely often because of natural disasters and pests.

But that was not all, another element of a political nature, which Caráquez justified not develop was the fear that plagued the English authorities of the Royal Audience of Quito to the pirates arrived through Caráquez Bay towards the central axis of Quito. Decisions will be centralized between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries are preventing build "the bridge" that this region with the development that would have allowed boost its economy and achieve their own autonomy.


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